Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3538: Chariot

"Battle Saint King, I really didn't expect that you would dare to face me alone, I have to say, but you are brave."

The alien emperor spoke, and there was a hint of appreciation in his words. Being hostile, he had to admit that the sacred king of fighting was amazing. Not only was his potential amazing, he was also brave enough to win everything. It only took more than a thousand years to cultivate Dao. When he was old, he dared to face the emperor.

Such courage, even if it was placed on other emperors and heirs of the same age, it was impossible to do it.

Of course, they are also inferior to the amazing talent of the Fighting Saint King.

But more is unparalleled killing intent.

Aside from anything else, he stepped forward to show the power of the emperor rank, showing his great supernatural powers, exploding the world, and overwhelming him.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

If the emperor doesn’t make a move, there are tens of millions of rules of the ruler, at least more than 80 million. The number is too large and dense, and some of the rules of the rule are extremely different, because there are strands of supreme Emperor Wei.

That's right, that is no longer a rule of kings, but a rule of the supreme emperor at a higher level.

When it comes to the emperor, there is the word emperor. Naturally, it can be said that when you touch the domain of the emperor, you can feel the supreme emperor and you can also cultivate a more powerful supreme emperor.

However, the number of supreme emperors is not much. Compared to the rules of the emperor, it is completely a drop in the bucket, but it can increase the strength of the emperor, and it is also the foundation of why the emperor can overwhelm the ancient king.

Numerous rules of kings, fused with the Supreme Emperor, directly turned into an imprint of the Supreme Emperor, shining with silk threads of the Supreme Emperor's might, and then crashed down, as if the Emperor Yue descended from the sky, and the power is infinite.

"Heh, let me see how the so-called emperor is going."

Ye Chen sneered, now he has infinite combat power that surpasses the past, and he is not afraid of it. He stepped forward and slammed against the emperor.


The heavens collapsed, and the foreign land trembles constantly, but it never sank down, because the heavenly path of the Pangu universe was fixed, preventing the heavens and ten thousand domains from being destroyed as well.

The blood splashed, it was Ye Chen, who was wounded during the collision, bloody, and eventually he was invincible.

The emperor is more powerful than he imagined.

In theory, this should not be, but in fact it is.

When the emperor touched the realm of the emperor dao, he was able to attract the power of the emperor to a certain extent, and he also began to master the supreme emperor. It was incredibly strong. Even if the limit was improved in all aspects, Ye Chen was ultimately inferior.

In fact, there are still some gaps between the two.

"Do you want me to help?" Hun Yue Emperor asked, swept the formation from the side, if Ye Chen spoke, he would directly attack and suppress.

"It's okay, it's so good, I better feel the power of the emperor in the life and death battle, and prepare for the future to become the eternal emperor."

Ye Chen said, his eyes were firm, and he attacked again without fear.

All kinds of magical powers are shown, but the real hole cards have never been used.

Even during the battle with foreign emperors, part of his mind was placed on a foreign land, remotely sensing the last foreign emperor.

The strongest combat power is still dormant in the body, in order to kill the alien race by surprise, so that the alien race can be exterminated to the greatest extent!

Boom boom boom boom boom--

During the duel, the sky collapsed and everything was going to be destroyed. The alien emperor kept on attacking, and also killed Ye Chen's body continuously stained with blood, looking a little embarrassed.

The power of the emperor is fully demonstrated.

There is no doubt that Ye Chen has been suppressed.

However, Ye Chen's strength was also secretly shocked by the alien emperor.

Because although it seems that he has the upper hand, this kind of upper hand is not much, it can be said to be very small, and it can not create the slightest fundamental injury to Ye Chen at all. All are just body injuries. For this level For the strong above, it can be easily repaired.

"It is worthy of being a man who can compare with the first generation and the young emperor of heaven. This fighting saint king is really not easy. No wonder the supreme tycoon in the land of the ancestral temple ordered him to be killed anyway."

The alien emperor sighed lightly, deeply feeling the devilishness of the fighting sage king, but exclaimed and exclaimed, not only did he not diminish the intention to kill the latter, but also added countless more.

After all, the supreme giants have given extremely generous rewards for the rewards and killing orders of the fighting holy kings, which are enough to make the emperors of the heavens go crazy, because it is enough to make the emperors have a great success rate and promote to the supreme. Few emperors would refuse.

"Battle Saint King, perish!"

The emperor's power on the alien emperor once again increased, the sky spirit cover has a majestic beam of light soaring into the sky, and more rules of the emperor rushed out. At this step, it can be said that it has exceeded hundreds of millions.

Billions of rules of emperors, with some supreme emperor rules, turned into a long river of rules, standing around the emperor, and behind him, a majestic shadow of a great world of emperors emerged. It can be said to be a monstrous sea, who can Fight with it?

At the same time, his own emperor warrior appeared in front of him. It was a chariot, distinctive, silver and shiny, with countless rules and road patterns engraved on it, and it was fully recovered.

The alien emperor didn't enter the emperor's chariot, and they were completely connected, and it was astonishingly terrible. They swept across the world and rushed in angrily. Numerous stars from outside the region were swept down, accompanied by blasting Ye Chen.

"Emperor's chariot? The unique emperor's warriors, capable of offensive and defensive, are indeed extraordinary."

Ye Chen frowned. Facing these emperor chariots, he felt a little powerless, because the chariot covered all aspects of foreign monarchs, and it could be defensive. It could also have all kinds of weapons, and it could also attack and defensively. Fighting soldiers is not simple.


With a loud shout, the great chaos cauldron came across from the sky, billions of ancient chaos, each of which seemed to evolve into a big world, full of worlds and worlds surrounding him.

At the same time, the door of ten seals also appeared, sealing the six and eight wastes.

Ye Chen stepped into the battlefield and took the initiative to face the chariot of the emperor. The advantage of the chaotic corpus was even more obvious, and he fought against the chariot of the emperor.

In the blink of an eye, half an hour passed, still not able to divide the victory or defeat.

Ye Chen retreated again and again, with chaotic blood splashing on his body, but he was undefeated.

This made the alien emperor extremely angry, he had already shot with all his strength, but he was unable to kill the opponent for a long time, which was a shame.

Not far away, Emperor Hunyue saw all this in his eyes, nodded secretly, and had to admit that fighting against the heavens of the Saint King, fighting against the Emperor as a king, he could actually fight to this point~www.wuxiaspot. com~ and grow up rapidly, let the advantages of foreign emperors occupy less and less.

However, it was obvious that Ye Chen started to work hard in this extreme state. After all, he could not set foot in this field forever, and there was a corresponding time limit.

Looking at such a situation, it won't take long before it will inevitably fall back to the real state.

Obviously, the alien emperor also discovered this, and only then suppressed his anger and continued to fight.

He wanted to strike at the moment Ye Chen fell to the realm, and behead him.


This time, Ye Chen's Qi machine fell sharply in an instant. At the same time, the Great Chaos Cauldron and the Sealed Gate were all dimmed, and when they reached the corresponding time limit, they fell to the realm.


The alien emperor attacked angrily, and the strongest blow was shown. The emperor’s chariot was in the air, and the front of the car was like a spear. It was blessed by the long river of rules. It rushed past and tore the world of thousands of times. .

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