Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3544: The ancient emperor died, the **** bridge is now

During the period, Ye Chen also withstood the backlash of the heavenly sun at all times. Numerous cracks appeared on his body, and the chaotic body overflowed, and the whole person turned into a blood man, looking extremely miserable.

If it hadn't been suppressed by the power of endless faith, he could not bear it at all, it would have exploded long ago.

This is true, but every inch of his body is full of cracks, and I am afraid that it will not be long before it will completely explode.


At this time, Ye Chen penetrated the ancient emperor’s soul for the eighth time. At this point, the ancient emperor who had been bombarded by quasi-giant-level powers could no longer bear it. He was extremely weak and even strong. And fell to the emperor level.

There is no real God-defying Emperor Medicine, I am afraid that it will not recover for a lifetime.

The ancient imperial emperor who was hit hard at this point had fallen into the realm of the imperial realm, and it was not even as good as the three foreign emperors who had been imprisoned and suppressed for an era.

And as long as another blow, the ancient emperor of the prison will undoubtedly die.

"Do not--"

The other great emperors of the alien race changed color and shouted eagerly, trying to stop Ye Chen's actions.

But how could the Emperor Wuxiang, the Great Emperor Xuanshen, and the Emperor of Taichu allow it and stop it completely.

The ancient emperor of the prison was looking at Ye Chen, and an unprecedented madness appeared in his eyes: "Hahaha, the ancient emperor of the prison of my town, straddling the two epochs of the Chaos Sea, for the ancient universe of our world The master once slaughtered you hundreds of millions of creatures in the Pangu universe, and killed countless arrogances in the myth. He was invincible in his life and invincible. Today, he never thought of falling here or falling in the hands of the Primordial King in a district. It's a shame to the great, and it's also an honor to such a junior as you."

"However, if you kill the emperor today, you have to pay the most terrible generation--"


When the words were not over, Ye Chen directly exploded and interrupted, with an extremely indifferent expression: "You have a lot of nonsense."

In an instant, all the heavens and domains, and even the entire universe, are all over the sky.

The ancient emperor fell, and the emperor passed away. Even if it is not the ancient emperor of the ancient universe, there will still be boundless visions, which is a kind of respect for the supreme.

All will mourn.

Shocked the world!

The ancient emperor was beheaded, that was the work of the fighting king.

Although it turned into a new tenth day with the help of the Sun of Heaven and possessed the infinite power comparable to the quasi-giant-level, its true realm was still nothing but the mere primordial emperor. Today, it is incredible to defeat the ancient emperor as a king.

If such a thing is spread out, it will inevitably shake the entire Chaos Sea.

Throughout the ages, it's not that there is no one against the Supreme under the Supreme, but there are only two people who have done such a thing, that is, the Emperor of Heaven and the Shidai.

But who are they, they are all ten kalpa **** kings of the Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao level, and then the eternal quasi-king, the eternal king, the eternal emperor..., along the way, they have swept the heavens, absolutely invincible.

It is rumored that they had also defeated the Supreme in a body that was not the Supreme, too strong, but they were all eternal emperors.

There were no two of them in ancient and modern times.

Today, there has been a rebellious Sword Supreme as a king, which is unprecedented.

The ancient emperor in prison was completely bombarded and killed, shaking the ancient and modern times.

Ye Chen staggered as he sealed an alien Dzogchen great emperor. He also suffered a terrible backlash from the power of the Heavenly Dao Sun, and his body and spirit almost completely disintegrated.

I have to say that in order to kill the ancient emperor of Zhen Prison, he paid an unimaginable huge price.

But he was born and forcibly endured, and suppressed with the power of endless faith, so that the chaotic Eucharist that was on the verge of shattering could maintain its complete body shape.

"Kill one, and a few of you."

Ye Chen's expression was so cold and merciless, his gaze swept towards the other alien emperors, and he moved with absolute killing intent.

Today, all alien races are slaughtered, even the ancient emperor is no exception.

When he was about to leave the Supreme Realm and go to other Great Emperor-level battlefields to take a shot, a sudden change suddenly occurred.


I saw the place where the ancient emperor died in the prison, the supreme blood mist and the fragments of the emperor soul that were exploded and filled the sky. At this moment, they burst into flames and turned into the most flaming and terrifying brilliance.

It was as if hundreds of millions of suns appeared, and the unparalleled brilliance illuminated the entire universe.

This is how the same thing?

Even Ye Chen was a little stunned, because he still planned to leave the smashed flesh and blood and emperor soul fragments of the ancient emperor of the prison, even if it was lost, it was still a peerless treasure with infinite usefulness.

But it ignited spontaneously, which surprised him.

"Isn't the ancient emperor in prison yet completely perished?" Some people wonder, after all, this is the ancient emperor, or the ancient emperor supreme of the Dzogchen Emperor realm, with incredible vitality, and it is not impossible to survive.

"Impossible, I feel that his vitality has completely disappeared, and all his vitality has been completely wiped out by the fighting holy king. The true spirit is annihilated, and it is impossible to be alive." The Emperor Taichu said solemnly.

At the moment when the ancient emperor died in the prison, all the Supremes swept over, and the Supreme Divine Sense shrouded this area, sensing every inch of corners, far and wide, and there would be no fakes.

The ancient emperor in prison was indeed perished.

Although several supreme princes clearly felt that the ancient emperor’s vitality was extinct, and even the true spirit was completely annihilated, it is impossible to be alive, but the emperor’s soul that was burned at this moment made them all very bad. Premonition.

At the level of supreme, there is still such a bad hunch, which is absolutely terrible, and such crises are often unimaginable.

After the alien emperors were stunned, their expressions immediately changed: "Could it be—"

"It must be that even if the ancient emperor of the prison is perished, he will display those ultimate methods before his death, using flesh and blood as a medium to forcefully penetrate through the barriers of the universe, and summon the supreme giants of the ancient universe in our world to come. This world!"

They knew better than anyone what kind of method the ancient emperor of the prison used.

That is a taboo method, which can temporarily penetrate the barrier of the universe and forcibly invite the supreme giant.

However, there is no doubt that the cost of such taboo methods is also staggering. You need to burn a supreme-level form to do this. Otherwise, after all these years, would the foreign race not come to the supreme giant early and be directly strong Step into the Pangu universe.

Taking a supreme as a sacrifice to break through the barriers of the universe, even the ancient universe of alien races can't do it, the price is too high.

But today, the ancient emperor of the town jail knows he will die, and he only launched this taboo before his death.

Ye Chen squinted his eyes, and he could feel a horrible force spreading in the burning remains of the ancient prison emperor that even he would tremble for. That force was turning into a bridge, piercing through the void, as if What's leading in.

It takes an ancient emperor's self-immolation form **** to be attracted, and no need to ask more to know that it must be an unimaginable horror, and it must be beyond the supreme.


The supreme giant?

Ye Chen couldn't imagine that he had to quickly destroy the taboo technique that the ancient emperor of Zhen Prison displayed before his death.

PS: According to the usual practice, red envelopes will be issued on New Year’s Eve, please pay attention to the specific method

(End of this chapter)

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