Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3549: victory

It was a monstrous feat that the two great aliens of Dzogchen were killed by Ye Chen one after another.

Moreover, the second Dzogchen alien emperor could not display the ancient bridge black hole at all, because of corresponding restrictions, it was impossible to continue to summon.

Also because Ye Chen didn't give him that opportunity.

After he had taught him the first time, how could he allow the alien race to make the second call of the supreme giant?

The current Pangu universe simply cannot stop the arrival of the supreme giant.

"Who else?"

Under the calmness, he rose up on the ground with a voice of Wushuang domineering, echoing the sky over the entire universe.

Ye Chenruo faintly appeared in the heavenly vision of the alien emperor, like a heavenly emperor stepping on the heavens and paths, high above.

The heavens are silent, and the alien side is silent.

Who can stop?

That is the prestige that came out, the death of the two Great Perfection emperor realm supreme, the early Yuan Dynasty Emperor Ancestor and Emperor Wanyan could not come smoothly, it should explain everything.


Ye Chen looked at the remaining three alien great emperors. Even though he was covered in blood and seriously injured, the aura that overwhelmed the heavens was still invincible, making them tremble.

Although they are very strong, their vitality has been greatly injured after all, and they can only be compared to eternal emperors such as the Emperor of the Beginning, and the presence of the Emperor of the Wuxiang and the Emperor of the Profound God is enough to fall to the ground.

Puff puff--

Ye Chen stood on the sky, covered in blood, and wisps of blood continued to overflow from his pores, turning into a blood man.







Below, everyone exclaimed.


In the end, Ye Chen couldn't bear it anymore, and his blood-covered body exploded in the sky, the heavenly sun broke out, and the power of endless belief was even more powerful, and the blood stained the sky.

"Battle Saint King!"

The whole world weeping together, in order to expel the alien race, the fighting saint king desperately forcibly merged with the heavenly sun, so that the form and spirit finally exploded.

This is not without a price, it is now fully presented!

The King of Wuxiang took it, and used the supreme-level Eucharist origin to cast the Eucharist regeneration technique to reorganize the flesh and blood form for Ye Chen.


The exploded flesh and blood and spirits are all reorganizing back to restore the body.

It's just that the cracks on the body's surface are still densely packed, like a spider web all over, unable to heal, but also closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep, or it should be called a coma.

This time, Ye Chen suffered too much damage. The power of Tiandao Sun was too strong and overbearing. It belonged to the quasi-giant level. It was stronger than the unphased emperor and was not as good as the unphased king. That power contaminated every part of its body and spirit. The corner is destroying his vitality all the time!

Fortunately, the undead emperor medicine of the heaven-defying warlord also flew out and shrunk into Ye Chen's body. The branches and leaves penetrated every inch of his meridians, continuously releasing majestic life energy, nourishing his body and spirit. , Will not deteriorate.

In particular, this undead emperor medicine was cultivated by the Heaven-defying Warlord in the past years. It contained a drop of Heaven-defying Warlord's essence and blood, overflowing with a trace, and submerged into Ye Chen's body along the vital energy.

The Heaven-defying Warlord was originally the first life of the Fighting Saint Ancestor, although they seemed completely opposite to each other, they were actually the origin.

The essence blood of the heaven-defying warlord, even if it is only a trace, is the essence and blood of the supreme giant, but it is the essence that nurtures Ye Chen, so that the injury has been relieved, and it will not go to a more serious stage, but it will not be at present. Great.

It wasn't that he couldn't give more, but the situation didn't allow it. Ye Chen's current situation simply couldn't bear too much blood of the supreme giant.

"From today onwards, the Saint King of Fighting Battle will be the fifth palace lord of our Pangu Palace, who can rule the world."

The king of no phase declared, with the supreme command, bestowed the identity of the palace master of Pangu Palace.

"Battle Saint King!"

"Battle Saint King!"

"Battle Saint King!"


The world shook the heavens, including many primordial kings.

No one opposes all this, because the fighting king possesses this qualification.

On the battlefield, the final battle between the two ancient realms continued, but after the two Great Perfection emperors of the Great Perfection realm were killed one after another, the Heavenly Dao Sun's suppression of the foreign realm, dissolving the boundless devilish energy, and the strong foreigners died and wounded within time. Countless, even the big murderer who had been held in prison for many years was hunted down by the powerful forces of Pangu Palace, causing heavy casualties.

The victorious Libra is completely inclined to the side of Pangu universe.

Solving it completely is just a matter of time.


"Foreign race, you will be killed today!"

The three alien emperors were also shot by the three supreme one by one in the following period, and they were powerfully killed. The blood and light flooded the land of ten thousand domains, and the visions continued to turbulence the heavens.

The successive deaths of the three alien emperors can be said to have completely laid the fruit of victory for the Pangu universe.

If the emperor does not come out, who will fight for the front, let alone the two supreme emperors of the Great Perfection emperor realm, and an eternal emperor.

Under the action of the three palace masters, one emperor and primordial emperor of the alien race fell one after another.

The great emperor's power is far and away, and there is no way to escape.

As soon as the emperor reads out, it manifests the heavens, can cut the king, and shake the emperor.

The foreign powers at the top level were killed one after another, not to mention the foreign powers under the king, even more vulnerable.

Under the leadership of the emperor, the powers of Pangu Palace swept the battlefield, thunder killed many foreign powers, and began to purify the foreign land.

But the process is destined to be slow and long-lasting, because the foreign land has been polluted for too long, even with the heavenly sun, it is impossible to purify it immediately, and it takes a long time to purify it deeply.

Fortunately, many powerful aliens were expelled and killed, and the alien land gradually recovered. Unfortunately, many creatures living in the alien land disappeared forever because of the fall and the war, becoming a vast and boundless barren. zone.

Three days later, Emperor Wuxiang, Emperor Profound God, and Emperor Taichu left one after another because the emperor of the alien race was swept and killed.

Half a month later, the emperors also left one after another.

One month later Swire King also left.

This also means that all the quasi-kings and above powerhouses on the alien side have been swept away, and the highest level left is also the god-king level, facing the Pangu Palace powerhouse with multiple quasi-kings.

Ten years later, all the Pangu Palace powerhouses left one after another, and all the foreign powerhouses in the foreign land were all wiped out.

So far, all the powerful aliens who invaded the Pangu universe have been killed, leaving no one behind.

The alien races occupying almost half of the frontiers of the heavens and tens of thousands of domains are also empty. Only the heaven and the sun lie across them, always using the power of the heavens to induce the purification of the tens of thousands.

It is foreseeable that many years later, after the foreign land is completely purified, the vast territory will once again become a treasure land for countless forces in the heavens and ten thousand domains.

And Ye Chen, who determined the victory of the final battle, was left indelibly injured because of Tiandao Sun’s domineering backlash, and because of the quasi-giant attack of Emperor Wanyan the Great. He is now in a deep coma. I have been asleep and never wake up.

(End of this chapter)

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