Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3554: possibility

This is a silent star field with shining stars.


"Little friend, let me see the injury for you."

At this time, Emperor Golden Crow began to take action, trying to resolve Ye Chen's injuries.

The shot was ordinary and simple, simple and unpretentious, only a ray of golden light submerged into Ye Chen's body, supplemented by a quasi-giant-level aura to explore.

After a while, Emperor Golden Crow couldn't help but frown, and said, "My little friend, your injury is very special. If you say that the power of the Great Emperor Wanyan from a different race, I can resolve it. The power of the Yang cannot be resolved. Those powers belong to the heavens of your Pangu universe and are blessed by the origin of the universe. After all, I come from outside the Pangu universe. Once it is resolved, it will be suppressed by the origin of the Pangu universe."

Ye Chen sighed slightly, was the result still like this?

It seems that it is not easy for him to completely recover.

Emperor Golden Crow smiled immediately: "You don’t need to worry so much, little friend. Although I can’t help it, the human emperor of your ancient universe may be able to do it. I also learned some relevant information. The human emperor is the reincarnation of the reincarnation. His methods should be able to resolve your wounds."

Ye Chen smiled slightly, he can only do so now.


The Great Emperor Jin Crow didn't say a word, and directly squeezed his sleeves to release the Chaos Saint Realm, and immediately squeezed the extremely vast starry sky, and said: "Little friend, this is your Chaos Saint Realm."

Ye Chen was startled when he saw the appearance of the Chaos Saint Realm, and felt more and more extraordinary.

If nothing happens, Emperor Golden Crow would not be able to take the Chaos Sacred World away from the ancient road of old origin. He immediately changed his mind and had a premonition. He changed his color and said, "Senior, could it be—"

Emperor Jin Crow nodded silently.

Ye Chenru was struck by lightning, and Chaos Burial Site was unblocked and born!

I can't believe it.

"As early as hundreds of years ago, there was—"

The Great Emperor Jin Crow spoke slowly and slowly brought everything that had happened on the Old Origin Ancient Road. After hearing all this, Ye Chen couldn't help clenching his fist.

There are still people in the Chaos Sea, and even the eternal giants, secretly shot to unlock the Chaos Burial Ground.

He can completely imagine how much the impact on the Chaos Sea, especially the Pangu universe, will be when the Chaos Burial Ground is completely restored.

After all, Chaos Burial Ground was a terrifying universe that buried an era.

The Great Emperor Jinwu patted Ye Chen on the shoulder and sighed softly, "Little friend, you should be prepared. I am afraid that in less than a thousand years, the Chaos Burial Ground will be born."


Ye Chen was silent. Thousands of years were not short, but not long, which made him feel very worried.

Even if the evildoer Wushuang is like him, he can't guarantee that he will be promoted to the highest level within a thousand years, not to mention that there is no shortage of emperors at the level of eternal giants in Chaos Burial Ground.

For him now, time is already very tight, and he has no choice but to upgrade to a more powerful level before Chaos Burial Ground is fully born.

But the most worrying thing is that for now, he is almost abolished. Both the deity and the reincarnation of the emperor are so injured, how to face the chaos burial ground?

What if the emperor is really helpless?

He was afraid that he would have to go to the Old Origin Ancient Road as soon as possible and find a few eternal giants in the Pangu universe to solve these problems.

Ye Chen opened the door straight to the point and asked if Emperor Jinwu could have other roads to quickly climb to the Supreme Realm.

Now that there is a corresponding method to resolve the internal injuries, the difficulty is how to be promoted to the supreme within a thousand years.

The Great Emperor Jin Crow pondered. He knew Ye Chen's thoughts. After a while, he said, "For the Supreme Realm, don’t think too much about it for the time being. For you, the first is to recover first, and the second is to cultivate to the Eternal King Realm. The pinnacle, and then become the eternal emperor, only consider the supreme in the end."

"You have to understand how extraordinary the powerhouse of the Eternal Path is, especially you, comparable to the emperor of heaven and the young age of the first generation, how amazing and stunning, starting from the realm of the gods, surpassing others, and thus quasi-king , Kings are far more numerous than other cultivators of the same level."

"I have a hunch, once you reach the extreme on the path of eternal kings, you will be no weaker or even stronger than ordinary emperors."

"And you will one day become the eternal emperor, both eternal emperor, and you are also destined to be stronger than the emperor in the early days, and even the unphased emperor."

When he spoke like this, his evaluation of Ye Chen was very high, very high, unprecedented.

But indeed, in a sense, Ye Chen's foundations in all aspects are more terrifying than the unphased king.

Let me ask, Ye Chen has set foot on the road of eternity since the quasi-king, and the king of no phase has really set foot since the king of the ancient times. From the beginning, he walked earlier. When in the same realm, he naturally walked on the road of eternity.

Ye Chen said: "Senior, the younger generation understands this, but at present I can only find out how to take this road. One thing that makes me a little helpless is that in the future, I want to prove that I will become an emperor. The road I walked is the Avenue of Chaos. This is the proof that I have set foot on the eternal road, and it is also the proof of invincibility. But for Chaos Dao to become the emperor, this road, even now I dare not ask myself that it will succeed."

He sighed softly, feeling deeply helpless.

It is important to know that the Chaos Road proves that Dao Cheng Emperor is so easy to talk about. The difficulty here has been so many people have been stumped throughout the ages, and there are no shortage of peerless Tianjiao who have been stunning in an era. The existence of is still only one line away from achieving Dzogchen.

But it is the difference in this line that has made Taishenghuang unable to cross for countless years.

It can even be said that the difference in the front line is like a world of difference.

One can imagine how difficult it is

Although Ye Chen was lucky enough to get all the chaotic insights left by the Supreme Sage Emperor, and now he has learned a lot, but the chaotic road he has realized is only five or six ten thousandths.

Chaos is the origin of ten thousand ways, how unpredictable, the way it contains far exceeds countless other ten thousand ways.

It is not easy to talk about it thoroughly, especially the Avenue of Chaos is the only eternal Avenue.

The Supreme Sage Emperor at that time had a complete understanding of nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine, but the remaining one ten thousandth could not.

It is conceivable that he has only realized five or six out of ten thousandths. For him, the Great Avenue of Chaos is still unfathomable. If you want to understand thoroughly, you don’t know how long, month, and day it will take before you can truly succeed .

The Great Emperor Jin Crow smiled suddenly: "Little friend, if it's someone else, I can't know it, but if it's you, I see a real possibility."

PS: Tomorrow is the seventh day of the Lunar New Year. I also said that there will be red envelopes. Pay attention to details and resume two updates the day after tomorrow!

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