Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3556: Back then, Hunyuan Huangzun!

For a long time, Wanyu Mansion and Longhuang Academy have been known as the two highest-level training institutions in the heavens and Wanyu. Throughout the ages, I don't know how many talented leaders have come out of the two universities in this era. Naturally, there are also the reincarnations of the emperor of the past. Nature holds some imperial relics.

There are places left by the mythological emperors, there are also places left by the supreme outside the Pangu universe, and even the battlefields where the myths are destroyed. It is not simple.

Of course, the current Ye Chen has seen too many imperial relics, and even personally witnessed the real supreme, and even the eternal giants. He also holds a stronger power than the ordinary supreme, the general emperor The ground won't make him too tempted.

But one of the places of the emperor's relic was related to that emperor, and Ye Chen had to be shaken by it.

Even the eyes gleamed in an instant--

Emperor Hun Yuan!

An extremely ancient supreme emperor has left countless rumors in the world, standing on the top of the great road, and it is said that he belongs to the ancient existence of the great age of the Supreme Sage Emperor and the Lord Against the Sky.

And what is amazing is that he also masters the inscrutable Chaos Avenue, and he is one of the best in the entire Chaos Sea, second only to the Supreme Emperor.

Regarding the Emperor Hunyuan, he had a vague guess in his heart, and he had always suspected that it was that person back then.

What's more, even if it is not the person of the time, it is related to the place of the emperor of Hunyuan Emperor, and it has to be explored.

This is a great emperor from the ancient era. His cultivation is unparalleled, and he belongs to the supreme giant Zeng Ci.

According to legend, he mastered both the Chaos Avenue and the Yuanshi Avenue, especially Yuanshi Avenue. He further cultivated his skills, comprehended by analogy, comprehended the Time Avenue, and cultivated to the peak.

In the old days, one of the emperor's emperor skills, "Yuanshi", was actually the Yuanshi Dao where he had understood the Emperor of Chaos.

It's a pity, I heard that it was lost in the battle of the myth.

Because of the exhaustion of refining alchemy, Ye Chen recuperated for a month before gradually recovering. However, because of the continuous refining of multiple ninth-order sacred alchemy, he recovered again after exhausting the power of the soul. , The power of the soul has increased, although not much, but it is also a way to increase the power of the soul.

After learning about the emperor's relics related to the Emperor Hunyuan, after recuperating and recovering, he went alone.

With his current cultivation base comparable to that of a peerless emperor, the world is so big that even the place of the emperor can be visited, not to mention the five elements of the emperor star.

The place where the imperial relic is located is not in the heavens and ten thousand domains, but in a special place in time and space. There is a special passage in the Dragon Phoenix Courtyard, which is specially established, and you can go to that imperial relic.

It has to be said that the passage was only discovered by the luck of the Dragon Phoenix Academy. It is extremely dangerous to really go to the place of the imperial relics, because it is in a chaotic time and space, and there is a myth that has never been destroyed. There is no lack of traces of the avenue of the Supreme Being cruising around, causing extremely dangerous.

Not to mention ordinary people, even if the Primordial King is careless, he is very likely to perish.

Of course, this does not include Ye Chen. His cultivation is strong enough, and the Chaos Saint Body has recovered seven or eight eight. Compared with countless emperor immortal soldiers, it is more solid and immortal, enough to go.

"Battle Saint King, are you going to the Hunyuan Emperor Relics?"

The palace masters of the two major training institutions opened their mouths and made a request. If he leaves, once the exploration is completed, he hopes that he can establish a relatively safe void passage in each of the two major training institutions.

Every place of imperial relics is related to the ancient emperor. Even after being explored, it is still a treasure of cultivation that is hard to find in the world. It is possible to feel the remnants of the supreme power more directly and closer. Cultivators have great benefits.

Especially the remaining sky traces of the emperor supreme makes the Primordial Kings crazy.

What's more, it is impossible for Ye Chen to collect all the treasures. The level is so high that many treasures are not worth mentioning in his eyes, while these so-called ordinary treasures are invaluable in the eyes of others. .

It is precisely because of this that such a place of imperial relics can allow the two major training institutions to cultivate more talented talents faster and more.

Hearing this, Ye Chen agreed.

This is also what he wants to see. The more prosperous the Pangu universe, the more it can fight against the ancient alien universe, the chaotic burial ground, and even the blood-stained future.

Of course, he will also establish a channel for Chaos Tianfu to allow Tianjiao absorbed by Chaos Tianfu to experience in the land of the emperor.

"Thank you Saint King!"

The people from the two major training schools immediately thanked them. If there were no fighting holy kings, even if there were Primordial Kings in their respective houses, they would be extremely dangerous.

Standing in the passage of the Dragon Phoenix Academy, Ye Chen stepped directly into the chaotic time and space in front of the powers of the two major training institutions. Before everyone was exclaimed and persuaded, his body shone with chaos and brilliance, resolving all difficulties, and then directly Coming from the sky.

Along the way, even if the terrifying power of the myth is shattered, or the remaining power of the supreme, it is not very strong, it can threaten the general primordial king, but it can't threaten Ye Chen, and it will be resolved directly.

This kind of method made all the powers of the two major cultivation schools amazed.

Worthy of being the first pride of Chaos Sea!

This kind of vertical and horizontal chaotic time and space, not a long time, came to a deserted land of the world continent, desolate, and vitality died.

However, you can see that this place of the world has many bright red blood stains, which are still as bright as a rainbow after hundreds of millions of years. It is the supreme blood of the past. It is immortal and contains immortal characteristics.

Some blood contains Chaos Qi, some Dark Demon Dao, and even some Immortal Qi, which is no less than ten Supremes in terms of perception.

Of course, the most powerful is the supreme blood that contains threads of chaos and ancient energy, and there is another kind of supreme blood, which reveals the power of darkness.

These two supreme bloods overwhelm the other supreme bloods, immortal forever, and will last forever!

Ye Chen's heart trembled slightly, because the supreme blood gave him a familiar aura, which was the mysterious aura of chaos in the past.

Sure enough, he is Hunyuan Huangzun!

Guess come true!

You know, the Emperor Hunyuan had been kind to Ye Chen in the past.

Many years ago, when the Alien Supreme Emperor crossed the river of time and wanted to kill Ye Chen, the key person in the Pangu universe, a mysterious supreme being concealed with chaos took action and resolved this catastrophe.

Then several times showed kindness to Ye Chen and saved him from disaster.

Only afterwards, the convenience was lost.

For a long time, Ye Chen thought he was the Supreme Emperor, but later discovered that he was not, but someone else.

It wasn't until the cultivation base became stronger and more secrets that he gradually learned that the mysterious person who was surrounded by Chaos Qi was the Emperor Hunyuan.

Although there have been rumors that the Emperor Hunyuan has fallen, but in this era, he has helped him several times. Obviously, the Emperor Hunyuan has not been completely perished and is still alive.

With such kindness, Ye Chen had always wanted to see Emperor Hunyuan himself and thank him in person.

Now that I can see the place where the benefactor's imperial relics were back then, maybe some news about the other party is very excited.

PS: Many people think that I have forgotten the mysterious person who is surrounded by Chaos Qi. I have not forgotten, but I don't know how to arrange his identity to be revealed. Although this chapter feels a bit abrupt, I finally wrote it.

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