Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3564: Greedy Chaos Rough

Because here, Ye Chen had seen a few rough chaotic stones back then, and he was always thinking about it, wondering if he had cut them out now.

Although the Dan Emperor clan had had grievances with him, the grace of Dan Emperor cannot be forgotten after all. He also assisted him in the ancient road of origin, and even more to take care of Dan Emperor.

"Whoever comes, this is the Dan Emperor Clan, and other people should not come near!"

The ancient starry sky city stands on the passage from the Dan Emperor Realm to the outside world, becoming a male gate, guarding it, and there is a strong voice from the Dan Emperor clan.

Naturally, Ye Chen would not say that he was the first guest of the Dan Emperor family, and his attitude was relatively indifferent, saying: "I am the Human Race Fighting Saint King, and I want to enter the Dan Emperor Realm!"

"Battle Saint King? The first guest of my Dan clan? Open the door quickly, please enter!"

"What nonsense, it wasn't many years ago."

"Back then, my Dan emperor and the fighting sage king broke up and broke up. Now the fighting sage king is very likely to come to seek revenge, and we must not open the door!"

The Dan Emperor clan powerhouse guarding the Dan Emperor Clan’s Xiongguan stop, worrying that the fighting sage king will take action against the Dan Emperor clan. After all, the fighting sage king of the past years left the ultimate ancient road and plunged into the supreme ancient road, and killed to the end, invincible The ancient road is unparalleled in reputation, and its combat power is amazing. As a Dandi clan, he naturally knows all kinds of information.

Now that the Saint King of Fighting appeared, he naturally suspected that he was here for revenge.

Especially among them was Dan Wutian. When Ye Chen wanted to blackmail the guards of the emperor body when he was hunted down by all forces in the universe, he was even more frightened. He would never let the latter in, for fear of entering. We must shoot him.

"Okay, very good, if I hadn't met the senior Dandi on the ancient road of origin, I had to accept the kindness and want to repay a bit of favor, do you really think I am willing to enter the Dandi realm? Haha!"

Ye Chen said coldly and turned to leave.

Since the Dandi clan is like this, he naturally wouldn't put his hot face on his cold ass.

"Sheng Wang, wait a minute!"

Suddenly, an old voice came out, and an old figure appeared on Xiongguan, trembling, as if it was about to die, but his appearance made all the powerful Dan Emperors including Dan Wutian respect. Plus, I dare not go beyond.

It was the king of the Dandi family back then.

He appeared in person.


Seeing those who came, all the Dan Emperor clan powerhouses were shocked, especially Dan Wutian, even more shocked, the clan king and ancestor actually appeared in person.

Ye Chen stopped and nodded slightly towards the Dan Emperor Clan king.

"Bold, I see that the king and ancestor of my clan don't hurry to bow!" Dan Wutian hurriedly shouted and asked Ye Chen to bow.

"Wu Tian, ​​shut up for me!" The Emperor Dan's expression changed, and he hurriedly said to Ye Chen: "You don't want to be offended!"

Dan Wutian was horrified, and the ancient kings in the clan had such respect for the fighting king.


Ye Chen glanced at Dan Wutian and drank it lightly. Without warning, Dan Wutian's body was broken to pieces, and even the soul was exploded. It was lost, and there was no chance of surviving.

At Xiongguan, the Dan Emperor clan powers were frightened, Dan Wutian is the pinnacle of power, but in front of the Fighting Saint King, it was so lightly and completely destroyed, what kind of method was that?

Could it be that the Fighting Saint King has become the Primordial King?

It's just that they are also furious. This is the place of the Dan Emperor Clan. The Fighting Saint King dares to kill the strong Dan Emperor Clan. Isn't this just hitting them in the face?

You must know that the Dan Emperor Clan is an emperor. There is the Dan Emperor, the supreme emperor, and has the background of the emperor. Even the ancient kings are not afraid, and it is not that there are no ancient kings.

But what shocked them was that the old king of the Dan emperor clan only frowned slightly and sighed. He looked at Ye Chen and said, "Dan Wutian is dead, can the fighting saint king get rid of his hatred?"


The old emperor didn't pursue it at all?

Their scalp was numb, and even the old king tolerated the fighting sage king. In the final analysis, what level of super power this fighting sage king is, the clan is so polite, let Dan Wutian be like this. The power within the clan has fallen without any investigation. It is by no means simple.

Ye Chen nodded slightly, but still looked very indifferent, and said, "It's better that this Dan Wutian wanted to blackmail me back then. He drinks me today, and confronts me again and again, never dying. Fellow Taoists acted like this today. , It's okay, otherwise, even if I inherit the kindness of senior Dandi, I will never set foot in the world of Dandi."

"Yes, it's good for the little friends to dispel their hatred." The old king breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately shouted at the people around him: "Come on, quickly open the door and welcome the fighting king to enter with the highest standards."

In the midst of the powerhouses of the Zhongdan emperor clan, the gate of the city gate was already open.

The old emperor personally led a group of high-level Dan emperors to greet them. There are no lack of emperor clan chiefs, as well as several quasi-kings and **** kings. Choosing to break the seal was born.

This can be said to be a very high standard, even if other primordial emperors come here, they will not be so high.

"Fighting Saint King, welcome to my pill world."

The old king opened his mouth, very happy, and invited in.

The other Dan emperors did not understand why the old kings in the clan welcomed the fighting holy king with such high standards, even if he was the Primordial Emperor, he should not be the emperor of the Dan Emperor clan, so why be afraid of the Primordial Emperor.

It's just that they dare not ask in person.

Ye Chen nodded his head and was always polite to this old king. What happened back then was nothing but the work of Dan Wutian and others. He heard that the old king was not present when the incident happened, and later learned that the incident was furious. Punish Dan Wutian before guarding the portal of the Dan world.

"I'm here this time, I'm here for those chaotic rough stones."

He is straight to the point. In the past, he had cut several chaotic rough stones, all of which were extraordinary things there was the chaotic holy spirit, and there was also the chaotic universe.

There are a few left, never cut, but this time I came here for these chaotic rough stones.

Hearing that, the Dan Emperor clan all powerful are angry. These chaotic rough stones are all extremely valuable. They have been cut open as the most precious treasure. The Dan Emperor clan has always focused on preserving, never cut, and now the Fighting Saint King specially comes , It was actually going to be cut.

However, before they could speak, the old king breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's so good. Please also ask fellow Taoists to cut it."

In fact, only he waited for the Primordial King to know that those few chaotic rough stones were a kind of disaster at all, making him this old king feel threatened.

It should be noted that the power of the Primordial King is known as the overlord of the universe, and the universe is so large that it can be removed, unless it is the dangerous place left by the Supreme, or the several dangerous situations left by the opening of the universe may contain the danger of the death of the Primordial King. In other places, the Primordial King could not be retained.

The origins of these chaotic rough stones were extraordinary, which made him feel a sense of crisis. ()

.. m.

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