Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3566: Chaos Kong God

Ye Chen sighed softly, but didn't insist.

He naturally knew the value of the Immortal Emperor Medicine seedlings, and it was undoubtedly impossible to seize them from the Dan Emperor Clan.

If it was another emperor, Ye Chen would also consider grabbing one or two, but this was the Dan emperor, and Dan emperor was kind to him several times, and it was impossible to take action.

The old king was surprised: "Fighting Saint King, don't you plan to **** one or two?"

Ye Chen smiled slightly: "I’ll tell you, if it’s another imperial clan, I don’t mind if someone from the imperial clan rob me by force, and I’m not afraid to tell you. Don’t stop me, even if there is a supreme emperor’s soldier, even emperors are not afraid."

"I dare to say that even if the Supreme shot himself, I am confident that I will retreat."

As he spoke, his body revealed the majestic power of a peerless emperor, and his power rose like a dragon, and the entire imperial palace suddenly rumbling, and a heavy imperial formation emerged on its own, manifesting the void, revealing the supremacy. Emperor Wei.

The old king who was close at hand was like a big enemy, and even trembled all over, looking at Ye Chen in shock.

Because even if the power did not fully erupt, it was still far above him.

He was able to perceive that the Fighting Saint King must be the existence of the Primordial King, but he never expected that his strength was far above himself.

It is even vaguely perceptible that in the body of the fighting sage king, there are also strands of the Supreme Emperor's prestige emerging, and it is also the master of the Supreme Emperor's soldiers.

It is conceivable that the Fighting Saint King is not aimless, but really has such a certainty.

The more I think about it, the more shocking it is. How old is this fighting saint king, and he has such an unfathomable cultivation base.

Fortunately, it was courtesy at the beginning, otherwise it would be hostile and the consequences would be really unimaginable.

Slowly introverted, Ye Chen smiled at the old king, did not really make a move, and did not need to.

As he said, the descendants of the Dan Emperor clan, he could not really make a move.

"Come on, let's cut other chaotic rough stones."

After saying that, Ye Chen continued to cut the third chaotic rough stone.


This time, the original chaotic stone was not simple, as if it had opened a big dark world, in which immeasurable magic light rushed out, and I saw a terrifying peacock flying out of it, like a hill, covered with colorful light.

But the fierce eyes opened, the light of rules loomed, and the colorful tail wing spread out, and the colorful divine light burst out, which can brush everything and rush to both.

"The Chaos Kong God, the legendary Chaos Holy Spirit, but this one is too powerful, I am afraid it has a terrifying combat power equal to that of the Primordial King."

The old king was surprised and recognized his identity. He also luckily asked the Fighting Saint King to cut the chaotic rough stone at this time. Otherwise, I would not know how many people would suffer.

Ye Chen's expression remained unchanged. Faced with the colorful divine light that claimed to be able to wipe out all things in the world, he raised his hand and patted it, which contained incredible power, and immediately collapsed. Then he stepped forward and displayed the peerless king's surpassing means, raising his hand. Suppress it.

Chaos Kong God screamed angrily, his body was majestic and surging with colorful light, capable of overthrowing a big world, but it was so vulnerable under this seemingly ordinary palm, and it was broken.

In the end, he was suppressed, unable to resist!

The old king marveled at Ye Chen's supreme means. This is the invincible fighting king!

Ye Chen raised his hand and suppressed it. Speaking of this, the Chaos Confucian God of Confucius was indeed quite powerful, comparable to the Primordial King. You must know that even if the general Chaos Holy Spirit was born, it was impossible to reach this level directly.

It can only be said that this Chaos Confucian God was not born naturally, but was cultivated to the level of the emperor that year, and then sealed in the original Chaos Stone, and spent endless years.

Under Ye Chen's powerful divine consciousness, he could feel that the sea of ​​consciousness of the Chaos Kong God was chaotic, and the king's heavenly soul suffered terrible and severe damage, and he should have participated in a terrible battle that year.

I didn't pay any attention to it at the moment, directly suppressed it, sealed it down, and threw it into the supreme world in the body of the emperor's reincarnation, and then slowly paid attention to it in the future.

In this regard, the old emperor did not ask for it. If there is no fighting holy king, it will be with the help of the emperor hall. If you want to subdue the Chaos Kong God, you will need to pay some price. Moreover, the Dan Emperor Clan has not yet been able to withstand the king-level Chaos Kong God. Conquer, for your own use.

In addition, the undead emperor medicine seedlings were also owned by the Dandi clan, and the fighting sage king never robbed them, which was considered a reward.

The chaotic rough stone preserved by the Dandi clan, plus the ones that have not been exhibited in the past, total five pieces, and there are only three pieces cut in front of them.

There are two pieces left.

Ye Chen looked at the old emperor and said, "Friends, do you want to continue cutting?"

The old king nodded: "There are only two pieces left, please continue cutting."

"it is good!"

The fourth chaotic rough stone is different. It is like an ancient pagoda. It can be ten stories high, corresponding to the tenth heaven. Each layer is branded with a different heaven and earth rhyme, which is very special.

There are a few blood stains on it, and it has dried up. It has survived for quite a long time, I am afraid it will be more than one era.

Facing the fourth rough chaotic stone, Ye Chen did not do anything for the first time. He is the saint of chaos, he is also the eternal emperor and the master of the original universe. He is extremely sensitive and has a foreboding. This fourth rough chaotic stone will It is beyond common sense.

He said to the old monarch: "Be prepared for the pill emperor cauldron and the emperor formation. Don't half open it, it's better to be comprehensive!"

Succinctly and concisely, the old emperor's expression changed, naturally he would not question Ye Chen, and immediately ordered.


The Dan Emperor Ding appeared in the Emperor Hall horizontally, and a heavy Emperor Array was intertwined with each other, and two passages appeared in it, allowing the two to leave at any time.

Ye Chen wanted to let the old king leave, but after all he didn't say anything. The other party could communicate with Dan Diding at any time without major problems.

"Come on, let me see, what is hidden in your chaotic rough stone that looks like a tenth heaven."

Drinking softly from the bottom of my heart, Ye Chen directly blasted a swell of supernatural boom boom boom boom boom——

The whole body of the chaotic rough stone of the tenth heaven shows the charm of all the great avenues, if it imprints the heavens and all the paths, it turns into a heavy curtain of light, even if Ye Chen is just a random blow, but he also waits for the extraordinary blow of the ordinary king , The bombardment was actually blocked, turned into a storm of destruction, rippling in the emperor hall.

The old king's expression changed slightly and he hurriedly stopped.

Fortunately, this is the palace of the emperor.

The other Dan Emperor clan powerhouses are separated from the Emperor Array, looking at all this, all of them are discolored.

This piece of chaotic rough stone was so strong and immortal that the Primordial King was also blocked.

"It's extraordinary to be able to withstand my blow, and it deserves to be so important to me." Ye Chen said softly, and the divine energy that emerged from his palms was a thousand times more flaming, like a round The sun is hidden in it, bursting out. ()

.. m.

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