Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3579: 9 mysterious

The identity behind an emperor's son is enough to explain a lot.

"The emperor?" Ye Chen raised his eyebrows, but did not explain. Yan Wushuang behind him was laughing. Master is not an emperor, but he has a more terrifying identity than an emperor.

Several emperor clan old antiques looked at each other and said, "Although the emperor's son is coming, he will be greeted, but if I interfere with the election of the patriarch of the Jiuyan emperor, it would be a part of it. Please leave immediately. You can forget about it. , Otherwise it will seriously affect the peace between you and me."

Ye Chen chuckled and waved his hand: "You have misunderstood, I am not some emperor, but one thing you guessed right, I am indeed the king of the ancients."

Moreover, it is still the eternal king, far stronger than the ordinary kings of the ancient times.

Of course, he didn't say it.

In front of him, only the identity of the Primordial God King was enough to shock the Jiuyan Emperor.

Ye Chen said again: "Well, as long as my disciple Yan Wushuang becomes the next generation patriarch, if something happens to the Jiuyan emperor, I can't say I will make one or two shots."

Hearing, all of the senior emperor clan members present here have a lot of glowing eyes.

An ancient king made one or two shots, and the opponent is so young, the potential is bound to be huge, and it is not impossible to become a higher level in the future, and there may even be hope to prove Dao becoming emperor.

Such a promise made by such a potent Primordial King, I have to say, is enough to make many high-ranking imperial clans aroused, including several quasi-kings Lao Gu.

You know, even for the emperor, the role of the Primordial King is extremely huge.

Yan Gushen panicked a bit, and hurriedly said: "Several ancestors, don't, the other party is always an outsider, and how do you know if he has any other ulterior motives for supporting Yan Wushuang as the patriarch."

The senior officials of the emperors also felt that Yan Gushen’s words were quite reasonable, and several old antiques did the same. After a little hesitation, they said: "Dare to ask the Lord, what is your purpose? If you don't give a suitable reason, I'm afraid Yan Wushuang can not only run for the position of patriarch, but may even lose the corresponding qualifications. I never allow outsiders to participate in the affairs of the Jiuyan emperor, even if you are an ancient king."

The master is a teacher, even if Ye Chen is young, as the king of the ancient times, several old antiques must respect him.

But even so, the Jiuyan Emperor Clan would not listen to outsiders' opinions.

Ye Chen smiled faintly: "You should be clear about the road that my disciple will take in the future, right?"

"Believe in Emperor Road?"

Several old antiques frowned.

"That's right." Ye Chen said, "If you want to build more gods and spread more beliefs, you must have enough power. One of them is the clan chief of the emperor, the chief of the clan, with great power. Enough to spread the faith more easily and gather the power of faith."

"To put it ugly, in fact, the position of the patriarch of the emperor is nothing more than that. If it is not necessary to rely on the deterrence of the emperor and the energies of the emperor, it can be more convenient to act. The position of the patriarch, whether it is necessary or not, is actually not It doesn't matter."

"My disciple has a very good talent in the way of faith. I hope that he can continue to walk, maybe one day, he can use this to prove Dao and become emperor."

"So, can you understand?"

Everyone smiled bitterly. It turned out that Yan Wushuang was running for the position of patriarch of the imperial clan for this reason, and they blamed him.

"What's more, my disciple has good skills and can better lead the Jiuyan Emperor. His own advantage is the proud son of the Jiuyan Emperor. To tell the truth, as the head of the emperor, he can use the power of the emperor to broadcast his beliefs. But to lead the emperor in a better direction, this can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone." Ye Chen added.

Generally speaking, he would not talk such nonsense at all, if it weren't for the disciple Yan Wushuang, he would really not waste his tongue with these.

Yan Gushen coldly snorted, "Your Majesty, what kind of evidence is there to prove these words?"

Even now, he is still reluctant to give up his eligibility to run for patriarch.

After so many years of hard preparation, how can I lose it all at once!

"Hmph, the trivial **** king, how dare to talk to this lord!"

Ye Chen snorted coldly, like a sky thunder. Yan Gushen flew upside down. He opened his mouth and sprayed three mouthfuls of blood in a row, his breath languishing, but he dared not speak.

Offending the ancient king is a heinous crime, not killing him is already a great fortune!

Immediately, he looked outside the heavenly palace and said: "Since the emperor and dao friend of the Jiuyan emperor is here, come in too. Maybe you come to talk about some things in person, and it is more appropriate."

"Ancient ancestor Jiuxuan came in person?"

The senior emperors were shocked, but when they saw a peaceful figure suddenly appeared, with a crane of youthful appearance, and the natural avenue, it was the ancient ancestor of the Nine Profounds.

The Nine Profound Monarch nodded slightly and flicked his fingers. A ray of light plunged into Yan Gushen's body and resolved his injuries. He immediately looked at Ye Chen like a spring breeze. He smiled and said, "The little friend is very born, there is not much on him. The supreme bloodline fluctuates, it is indeed not the emperor, dare to ask who the little friend is?"

"My identity, I'm afraid that you Jiuyan Emperors don't really want to know." Ye Chen smiled suddenly, raising a slightly sarcasm arc.

Everyone was surprised. The Nine Profound King was also quite surprised, and said with a faint smile: "My little friend is joking, you are so face-to-face, and this is my Jiuyan Emperor Clan's imperial realm. It shouldn't be an enemy. Please let me know. ."

"Ye Chen." Ye Chen said, and immediately showed a smirk, "Of course, more people like to call me."

"Battle Saint King!"

The voice fell, and after a brief silence, it was replaced by a loud uproar.

In the entire palace of heaven, all the senior members of the Jiuyan Emperor Clan, from Da Neng, to Jiuxuan King, Jiuxuan King, the Primordial King, were all dumbfounded, staring at Ye Chen in a daze.

Immediately, everyone's eyes were filled with a thick color of horror.

"Battle Saint King?"

Someone couldn't help shouting in exclamation.

Was that person who entered the Jiuyan Emperor Star alone, and assassinated the previous patriarch and many high-ranking emperors, and even stolen the fighting saint of the five emperor gods?

There is no doubt that the person with this title is undoubtedly a nightmare existence for the Jiuyan Emperor Clan, or more accurately, a **** feud.

Back then It was precisely because of the fighting of the Saint King that caused the Jiuyan Emperors to suffer heavy losses and was ridiculed by the entire universe.

Even after so many years, it is still listed on the list of key kills of the emperor.

Unexpectedly, this enemy who stood on the opposite side of the emperor clan, now came to the emperor realm of the Jiuyan emperor clan, and so upright, demanding that the position of the patriarch be handed over to the disciple Yan Wushuang.

"You are the fighting king?"

Suddenly, the spring breeze of the Nine Profound Kings slowly disappeared, replaced by an autumn breeze.

His eyes squinted, vaguely gushing out strands of essence, containing a terrifying killing intent.

Behind him, the quasi-monarchs, Old Antique, did the same. In secret, they had quietly communicated with the Supreme Imperial Soldier and the origin of the emperor realm. They wanted to seal the emperor realm for the first time, and could not let the culprit of that year leave.

Silently, the entire heavenly palace seemed to have become an asura field.

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