Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3580: 1 person oppresses the emperor

After Yan Gushen was horrified, he was replaced by a gloomy face. He looked at Yan Wushuang and said coldly: "Yan Wushuang, what a bold courage, he actually recognized the thief as the father and worshiped the fighting king as the master, and now he wants to obtain the emperor. The position of the patriarch. You traitor, you are not qualified to be the patriarch of my Jiuyan Emperor clan, and colluding with outsiders is even more bold."

"Ancient ancestor Jiuxuan, several ancestors, I request to take action to suppress the fighting king, capture Yan Wushuang, and imprisoned in the sky prison, suppressed for a million years, will never be born!"

At the same time, other senior emperors on the main line spoke one after another, which was in line with Yan Gushen.

Even the other senior emperors in the side veins flickered and hesitated.

Fighting the Saint King, but the absolute enemy of the Jiuyan Emperor Clan, Yan Wushuang colluded with foreign enemies like this, it was definitely a traitor.

And they didn't think the fighting king could leave.

The Jiuyan emperor clan, but there is no **** clan, dominates the starry sky, even if the starry sky overlord such as the ice-flaming monarch in the past is extremely powerful, it can suppress the emperor clan for a time, but it will never be destroyed.

Now that the Fighting Saint King comes, the Jiuyan Emperor Clan will definitely use absolute force to suppress it.

Although the fighting sage king has become a generation of primordial kings over the years, most of them have not just set foot in them.

With the background of the Jiuyan Emperor Clan, it is enough to suppress!

"Master!" Yan Wushuang was a little nervous. With such a lineup, I'm afraid that the Primordial King might not be able to leave safely.

"Relax, everything has me."

Ye Chen didn’t change his face, and indifferently faced the clamor of many high-level Jiuyan Emperors. He also looked at the Jiuxuan Emperor, standing with his hands holding his hands, and said: "Jiuyan Emperor, do you want to suppress me? ?"

Facing the smirk of the fighting sage king, King Jiuxuan's heart sank, he always felt that things were not easy.


Silently, the supreme emperor soldiers of the Jiuyan emperor clan appeared, traversing the emperor realm, connected with the origin of the emperor realm, unleashing the unparalleled power of the emperor, and blocking the entire vast emperor realm.

The Nine Profound King shook his head to cast away the sense of uneasiness in his mind. He was guarded by the supreme emperor, enough to suppress the ten thousand realms, and said: "Battle Saint King, you used to kill many high-level members of the Jiuyan Emperor Clan and also captured Five emperor gods are an absolute sin. The old man advises you to hand it over immediately, and then make a vow of heaven to guard my Jiuyan emperor for a million years. How about you promise your freedom?"

In the words, there was a bit of relaxation.

Several emperor old antiques also nodded slightly. As the Primordial King, the fighting saint was so young and full of vigor. If he could guard the Jiuyan emperor for a million years, he could keep the enemies of the heavens from coming.

Ye Chen raised his eyebrows and looked at King Jiu Xuan, but he was not annoyed. He smiled and said: "It seems that King Jiu Xuan has a good calculation, and he actually made me guard the Emperor Jiuyan for millions of years. What if I don't want it? "

The Nine Profound King smiled lightly: "You are a wise man in the fight against the saint king, but in the same way, cleverness is mistaken. This is the land of my Jiuyan imperial clan, and is guarded by the supreme imperial soldiers. What about the Emperor of the Great Ancients, it is absolutely not the opponent of my Jiuyan Emperor, and the final result is that it is very likely to be suppressed for endless years. It is better to serve my Jiuyan Emperor for millions of years, and even be able to become a guest, even It is the respect of my imperial family and the overwhelming power. Even your disciple Yan Wushuang is not impossible to become the next patriarch."

The senior emperors exclaimed.

"Ancient Nine Profound Ancestor, the Saint King of Fighting is--" Yan Gushen said hurriedly. It is better to kill the Saint King of Fighting, but he was stopped by the eyes of King Nine Profound. He was as horrible as death. Sweat coldly.

Yan Wushuang said nothing, standing silently behind the master.

"Oh, do you still promise my disciple Wushuang to become the head of the patriarch?" Ye Chen chuckled lightly, but said with sarcasm, "But how do you know I can't do it?"

"In that case, do you still want to use a strong one?"

The voice of the Nine Profound King also slowly became gloomy. His body was as elegant as jade disappeared, but instead was a stream of heavenly prestige that made the heavens and the earth changed, rising slowly, completely showing that he was an emperor. The immeasurable power of the Primordial King: "Battle Saint King, you are afraid that you don't want to see this happening."

Is it bullying?

The method of folding is ridiculous!

"Since this is the case, let me ask Haosheng, the method of Emperor Jiuxuan."

As the words fell, Ye Chen's power suddenly exploded, as if the ancient emperor was resurrecting, it instantly resisted the oppression of the Nine Profound Kings, and it even rose steadily in an instant, suppressing it in the opposite direction.

It was just a short moment, and the power of the Nine Profound Kings was completely suppressed. At the same time, Ye Chen was ascending like a shining sky, and the power of the sky shook the entire emperor realm, and all the ways retreated, and all beings were like ants. The king is nothing but this.

He was condescending, looking down at all the senior emperors, and sneered: "You old king may be as invincible as heaven in the eyes of outsiders, but in my eyes, it's just one general."

"get out!"


Flicking his sleeves at will, the simple but most violent blow appeared, the chaos light surpassed the sky, containing infinite mystery, incredibly fast, the Nine Profound King immediately changed his expression and wanted to stop it.

The emperor world shook, and the palace fell apart!

The figure of the Nine Profound Kings flew horizontally and fell directly to the wasteland on the edge of the emperor realm, causing a terrible shock in the vast emperor realm. I don't know how many mountains fell, and the ancient continent also fought and moved.

One blow, Jiu Xuan defeated!

The whole world was shocked, the Jiuyan emperor clan was shocked, and up and down panic!

The supreme ancient king-Jiuxuan Ancient Ancestor was actually defeated!

And it was still defeated so fast that it was bounced off in one face, it was not a one-in-one general at all!

Is this still a human?

Yan Wushuangrao had long known that Master was unfathomable, but he was still deeply shocked by all this.

Such means can be described as infinitely superfluous!

He defeated the Nine Profound King in seconds, Ye Chen didn't change his face, if he defeated the ordinary junior, it was not worth mentioning.

He raised his eyes slightly and looked at the supreme imperial soldiers floating on top of his head. If a few strands of the supreme imperial might appeared looming, he was still so strong and indifferent: "I advise you not to make a move. Once you fight, I may not be able to You can suppress and even break through the entire Jiuyan Emperor Realm. If you don't believe it, you can try it, and I will accompany you to the end."


Naked threat!

This fighting king is too strong!

The supreme imperial soldier was ups and downs, but in the end he never made a move, because the emperor **** divinely felt that there was also a corresponding supreme imperial soldier in Ye Chen, and sensed another terrible threat, worried that once the fight started, the consequences would really be like fighting. The holy king said.

The Supreme Imperial Soldier, without the continuous blessing of external forces, will not be able to recover for a long time after all. Once they fall asleep, they will only be suppressed.

The Jiuyan Emperor Clan changed completely!

PS: I don’t know how the current subscription is, the subscription is good, today’s four or five changes, the subscription is poor, three changes.

See it tomorrow morning!

(End of this chapter)

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