Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3586: The complete Hunyuan Emperor Yue!

The eternal giant, to the Ice Flame Monarch, seems to be the supreme. To the great power, bit by bit, there is indescribable priceless enlightenment value.

In particular, the Bingyan Monarch has achieved the Primordial Monarch for countless tens of thousands of years and reached the level of a peerless emperor. At this point, it is extremely difficult to go further.

In fact, even other emperors and daughters, heirs of the immortal Dao, and Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao are the same. Basically reaching the immemorial emperor cannot reproduce the past practice speed against the sky. At this step, the rule of the emperor is cultivated. It takes a lot of time.

Generally speaking, through the ages, basically all the emperor sons and daughters, heirs of immortals, and the supreme Tianjiao of Dzogchen have stopped at the level of the primordial emperor, and some were unable to go further in the early period of the emperor.

When reaching the realm of the Primordial King, the power of the Supreme Bloodline has basically no effect.

Of course, the power of the bloodline of the eternal giants can still show terrible power, allowing the children to practice fast, but there is a corresponding limit, but it is faster than others.

It will take many thousands of years to go from the primary level of the emperor to the peak of the emperor.

Naturally, Ye Chen is an exception. He is too special. As soon as he becomes a king of the ancient times, he has the terrifying power of a peerless king. This is based on the fact that he is the King of Ten Tribulations at the level of Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao, the eternal road, and the original universe. On the basis of, but also because all the way, relying on the various inheritance of the emperor's way and even the anti-natural destiny left by the eternal giants.

The so-called times make heroes, but so!

Lord Frozen is here to comprehend that he hopes to go further without wasting a long time to condense the rules of the king bit by bit.

"Okay, you have to be careful too. If you encounter some crisis that you can't cope with, please notify me." Ye Chen said.

Monarch Frozen startled slightly. If he encounters a crisis that he cannot cope with, the Saint King of Fighting will probably not be able to cope with it. After all, the latter is not much better than him.

But seeing Ye Chen's confident eyes, he couldn't help nodding, feeling that Ye Chen's strength was probably the tip of the iceberg, and he was afraid that he had even more amazing means.

Along the cosmic cave, Ye Chen entered the Chaos Sea.

It is said to be the Chaos Sea, but in fact it belongs to the battlefield of the Great Emperor, because the battlefield is too vast and penetrates the inside and outside of the ancient Chaos Universe, so that another part of the battlefield is in the Chaos Sea.

Ye Chen could feel that the Great Emperor's battlefield had formed a unique time and space, isolated from the outside world, and ordinary people really couldn't break in.

What's more, through the battlefield of the Great Emperor, I saw that the real Chaos Sea is surging. In fact, this ancient Chaos Universe is moving, changing the corresponding coordinates all the time. As a result, the Supreme and the Eternal Giants are unable to lock the real coordinates and cannot Enter this chaotic ancient universe.

"Not easy!"

Ye Chen marveled, because he vaguely felt that there were many supreme powers blooming outside the ancient Chaos Universe, and there were also the power of the eternal giants, pushing the movement of the ancient Chaos Universe, and shielding the perception of other supreme beings.

In the old days, the Supreme Beings of the Heavens left the Supreme Immortal Fate called the "Ultimate Supreme" together, and then exiled the ancient chaos universe and the ten-day realm where the ultimate ancient road was located, wandering into the chaotic sea.

To make the heavenly supreme all display such supreme mighty power, what the "ultimate supreme" left behind made Ye Chen quite curious.


Suddenly, the rules of the chaotic kings in the body trembled, as if they had received some resonance.

The gaze of his eyes suddenly condensed.

He found that in the extreme distance of the battlefield of the Great Chaos Sea, hidden in the depths of time and space fragments in the sky, a half collapsed Emperor Yue was looming, extremely huge, only the upper body.

Even so, it is still unspeakably majestic, even more expansive than the starry sky, extremely amazing.

There was an air machine that Ye Chen felt extremely familiar with!

"How could the missing half of Emperor Hunyuan Emperor's Emperor appear here?" Ye Chen was surprised. He had found the lower part in the site of Emperor Hunyuan's ruins, but never thought that the upper part would be here.

Zheng Zheng Zheng -

Suddenly, Ye Chen couldn't help but rushed out of millions of Chaos King's rules, flying out uncontrollably, turning into a surging river of Chaos King's rules, and rushing towards the upper half of Emperor Yue.

Half of Emperor Yue, who was originally still, trembled slightly at this moment.

The so-called slight tremor, to the surroundings, is an unparalleled earthquake, involving endless time and space fragments, and the impact is extremely far-reaching. The remnants of the world have shaken open, and an extremely vast vacuum zone has appeared.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

Almost at the same time, Di Yue's upper body also flew out many Chaos King rules, but it was not only a million Dao, but hundreds of millions of Dao at every turn, which was amazing and turned into a vast river of rules.

The terrifying long river of chaotic rules surrounds half of the emperor's mountain, constantly shaking, deriving infinite ancient chaos, and also evolving into the world, as if reopening the universe, transforming into the heavens of all realms.


Here, a terrible avenue involving time began to fluctuate, extremely terrifying, and even affected the time.

It is Hunyuan Huangzun's Dzogchen Emperor Dao-Yuanshi Dao!


The vast river of billions of chaotic king rules suddenly resonated with Yuanshi Dao, turning into an unprecedented Hunyuan emperor Dao, violently tearing through the eternal time and space.

Separated by an endless distance, far on the other side of the Chaos Sea, in the Pangu universe, where the Hunyuan Emperor relics, the lower half of Emperor Yue trembles suddenly, breaking through time and space, and then disappears.

Soon, time and space distorted, and the second half of Emperor Yue suddenly appeared on the battlefield of the Great Emperor, which surprised Ye Chen.

It is not the same ancient chaotic universe, and the coordinates of this ancient chaotic universe are unknown, so it came so fast.


The upper and lower parts of Diyue suddenly combined and reunited into one, turning into the former eternal Diyue that suppressed the ages.

Above it, the supreme power belonging to Hunyuan Huangzun surgingly circulates, the infinite chaos and ancient aura is permeating, and more time is coming, condensing into a river of years, surrounding Emperor Yue.

In a trance, it seems that the name of this Emperor Yue-Hun Yuan!


At this time, millions of Chaos King rules returned to Ye Chen's body. At this moment, the aura that belonged to the Emperor Hunyuan completely disappeared. These Chaos King rules did not completely belong to Ye Chen until this moment.

"After sleeping for endless years, is it finally activated?"

A voice with a hint of vicissitudes resounded abruptly through this boundless battlefield, affecting time and space.

At this time, Hunyuan Emperor Yue shook the entire battlefield of the Great Emperor, as if he had become the master, shining an eternal glory.

(End of this chapter)

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