Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3581: Obtain the Thing of the Eternal Giant

Of course, the current Hunyuan Emperor should be still alive, heading to the end of the blood-stained future.

The rules of the Chaos King in Ye Chen slowly calmed down, and within a short period of time, the power of the Chaos King's rules surged by 300,000.

The 2.3 million chaotic king rules turned into a long river, flowing around the chaotic small universe, constantly releasing the regular energy, setting off Ye Chen's more and more powerful.

As the rule of the Chaos King became more powerful and mighty, the remaining power of the Sun of Heaven was suppressed more fiercely, and even resolved some more, making the power that can be used surged by nearly a million of the power of the rule of ordinary kings.

The power of nine million Taoist rules!

This is the ultimate combat power that Ye Chen's deity can currently use.

"The power of the rule of nine million Dao Kings can be called the peak level of the King's Eighth Heaven. Now even if you take a shot against the Super King, you can easily kill it." Ye Chen muttered to himself, the more injuries he recovered, the stronger his strength.

Otherwise, in the heyday, when the injury is healed, the 2.3 million rules of the chaos king in the body are enough to match the power of the 23 million rules of the ordinary king, with the chaos universe and the chaos cauldron, tenfold It is also difficult to find a few opponents at the Heavenly King level.

Of course, what fascinated Ye Chen even more was that when Emperor Hunyuan was fighting against the Holy Demon Emperor and the Supreme Immortal King, he killed two supreme tycoons and suffered damage, and there was once a supreme tycoon's treasure falling here.

If it were not for the recurrence of the battle of the ancient giants, he would not have found it many times without careful searching, because the battlefield was too vast to search thoroughly.

According to the previous battle scene, Ye Chen found the broken emperor realm and discovered the truncated Hunyuan River.

Although it is only a short section, it can be as long as one hundred thousand miles, and the width can reach ten thousand miles, which contains the powerful chaos Taoism and the power of time.

This is the long river of Hunyuan transformed by the emperor's way of Emperor Hunyuan, possessing terrifying power comparable to the long river of years, and also contains the power of Emperor Hunyuan.

He suspected that the reappearance of the fighting scene was also deliberately done by Emperor Hun Yuan.

Sacrifice the Great Chaos Tripod and collect this small section of the Long River of Hunyuan.

At the same time, the chaos attribute, because Ye Chen is a person in the Pangu universe, the process of collecting it went smoothly.

When he touched the long river of chaos, he could feel that the chaotic avenue in his body was also boiling up quietly, accelerating autonomously, and the long river of chaotic rules also speeding up.

This is an invaluable treasure. The long river of Hunyuan can transform all things, and it also has the power of time. It may be useless for the Supreme, but as long as it is used well, even the emperor will suffer a big loss.

Ye Chen spit out a group of chaotic source fire, refining the long river of chaos, the process is very smooth, especially the chaotic source fire carries the rules of chaos king, including some of the rules of chaos king of the past, so chaotic long river Without the slightest resistance, it was successfully refined.

The Long River of Hun Yuan was put away, not in the middle of the eyebrows, slowly flowing under the chaos holy soul villain.

With a move of mind, the flow of time suddenly accelerated by a large amount, increasing by several times.

Ye Chen has a heart, and has always said that space is king and time is respected. As long as this long river of Hunyuan is used well, it can be turned into the treasure of time growth. In a certain space, the flow rate of time is many times that of the outside world. As a result of the greatly increased time for practice, wouldn't the strength increase faster?

As the thoughts turned, he came to another place, where the holy devil emperor's devil horns fell.

The Holy Demon Emperor is a supreme tycoon of a foreign race. His horns of the demon emperor belong to the body, containing the essence of the real supreme magnate, which is even more terrifying than the finger of the eternal magnate obtained in the land of the Hunyuan Emperor.

Sure enough, when he came to the place where the Demon Emperor’s Horn fell, it was also a place where the Emperor Realm was located. Although the great realm was vast and boundless, the Demon Emperor’s Horn was like the boundless magic sun and the sky, continuously releasing the power of infinite darkness.

It can be seen that where the devil emperor's horns are shining, this collapsed emperor world is actually showing signs of gradual recovery, and then transformed into a dark demon world.

Among them, many dark demons have been bred, similar to foreign races, with aura and evil spirits, each with black horns.

"It is said that the supreme is hard to die, and a drop of emperor’s blood can be reborn, not to mention the eternal giant, the devil’s horn is the essence, enough to penetrate the soldiers of the eternal giant, and actually breed so much darkness in this world. Demon."

Under Ye Chen's perception, he discovered that there were hundreds of millions of dark demon races in this dark demon world, and even the existence of the Primordial King level. They were cultivating near the devil emperor's horn, continuously devouring the dark power of the devil's horn.

But even so, the Devil Emperor's Horn still possesses infinite magic power. That is the Devil's Horn where the essence of the eternal giant is located. The power absorbed by the hundreds of millions of dark demons is just the tip of the iceberg.

He didn't make the first move, the majestic and boundless divine consciousness silently sneaked into the minds of many dark demons, and even the four great ancient kings who practiced around the devil emperor's horns did not notice.

Although these were all races bred by Devil Emperor Horn, they were new after all. As long as they were not loyal to foreign races, he would not kill them mercilessly.

After a long time, Ye Chen's eyes suddenly became cold.

"These dark demon races, although they are naturally born races, the horns of the devil emperor are conceived and contain a trace of the will of the holy demon emperor. The invisible heart tends to be a foreign race. If they leave in the future, I am afraid they will fall into a foreign race. , So I'm sorry, I had to go extinct."

Ye Chen spoke softly, but his heart was cold, for the human race, for the Pangu universe, even if he became a butcher, he would not hesitate.


The peerless king-level combat power broke out and directly killed these dark demon races, instantly penetrated the dark demon world, and displayed the chaotic ten thousand world style, deriving the heavens and ten thousand worlds fell violently in the dark demon world on.

The sudden attack was made by the peerless king himself, and the countless members of the Dark Demon Race in the Dark Demon Realm were wiped out before they could react.

After all, the Dark Demon Realm was only built on the foundation of the broken emperor realm. It was not as stable as the real emperor realm, and it was directly penetrated and exploded large caves.

The four most powerful Primordial Kings of the Dark Demon Race who were cultivating around the Devil Emperor's Horn were alarmed, and immediately roared, who dared to attack them.

Ye Chen's expression was indifferent, his eyes swept, and the most powerful was the Triple Heaven King. In his eyes, nothing but Er, really weak.

The bomb pointed out that the rules of the Chaos King turned into a monstrous holy river, sweeping down.

The four ancient kings of the dark demons fell into Changhanei and were suppressed by the power of chaos, and then smelted into a stream of pure dark magic power, which was transformed into divine power through the long river of chaotic rules.

Their king world was naturally swallowed by Ye Chen, accelerating the further growth of the chaotic universe.

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