Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3583: Fairy king feather sword

The ten-square absolute formation, which Ye Chen used to exchange from the giant-level treasury of the domain battlefield, is of course not complete, but incomplete, only half, but it is suitable for the current Ye Chen, otherwise the complete supreme killing formation, he will also Unable to construct it, it involves the Supreme Emperor Dao level.

What's more, Ye Chen originally had quite a high level of knowledge in the formation. Now he has rebuilt the incomplete Shi Fang Jue Array. It took a full month to create a simplified version of the Shi Fang Jue Array, which is not as good as the real one. Shi Fang Jue Array, but it can also exert some of its power, which is called Shi Jian Jue Array.

Right now, Ye Chen used countless divine material sacrifices to refining ten swords, so as to cooperate with the ten fairy king feather swords to give the ten king puppets of the Sealed Gate.

The Sealed Gate originally possessed the power of forbidden, and it also had the blessing of emperor-level forbidden supernatural powers such as the Unable to Territory. Now it cooperates with the top ten squares to add a large amount of power to chase the great chaos cauldron.

Even if the Tenth Heavenly King is a little careless, he will inevitably fall into it, and it will be difficult to break free.

But after thinking about it, Ye Chen didn't put these ten Immortal King Feather Swords in the Sealed Gate, but planned to use them for himself during the day.

"The Immortal King Feather Sword, as long as it is used well, it can exert infinite magical effects, especially since it is the Immortal King's feather, which contains the blood of the Immortal King, which can carry the real power of time!"

Ye Chen pondered, and finally decided to take action, practiced it again, and strengthened all aspects.

The process of sacrificing, he can be said to consume infinite divine material, even at the cost of using part of the power of Hunyuan Changhe and the original blood of the ancient beast Hengyu quasi-king.

In the end, after various sacrifices, the fairy king Yu Jianzheng was born.

The appearance is more like an angelic holy wing, but the implied wisps of murderous intent of the fairy king are restrained, glowing with a bright nine-color fairy light, and while waving, there are faint signs of time and space disorder.

The ten great fairy king feather swords floated behind him, like ten wings, surrounded by radiant rays of light, setting off him like a fairy king.

Without hands, everyone would suspect that he is a practitioner of the Immortal Dao, and he still has the strongest and pure blood of the Immortal Dao, or even the heir of the Immortal Dao!

With a move of mind, the fairy king's feather sword trembling like a holy wing, with a scream, Ye Chen's figure galloped, spanning hundreds of millions of miles.

And the most amazing thing is that the fairy king feather sword is blooming with the terrifying power of time, and the journey just now, in fact, the time has passed, it can not be born or passed, it can be described as extremely amazing.

"Yes, after the refining of the Immortal King Yujian, I have the power of time, which makes my speed soar. Even if the current strength that can be exerted is the peak of the King's Eighth Heaven, but with the increase of the Immortal King Yujian, even Facing the real emperor, this speed is not bad at all."

Ye Chen was very satisfied.

Although he possessed the great weapon of the reincarnation body of the great emperor, he was ultimately a foreign object, not the deity, and he wanted to be truly invincible.

"Sure enough, the battlefields of the emperor's relics are real treasures. In the land of the emperor's relics, they have obtained the finger of the eternal giants. Plenty is something of an eternal giant, I am afraid that the Supreme will be jealous of my fortune."

Ye Chen was very happy. The things left by the giants of the ages, combined with him, were enough to greatly increase their strength.

Of course, he still hopes that the remaining power of the Heavenly Dao Sun can be completely resolved. In this way, it is even more invincible, at least it is difficult to find an enemy under the emperor.

"I wonder how far Lord Bingyan has enlightened?"

While speaking, Ye Chen returned to Lord Bingyan, at this time Lord Bingyan had basically completed his comprehension.

At this level, the speed of comprehension is very fast, and the battle traces of the eternal giants are imprinted in the mind, which can be referenced at all times, and it is only slightly worse than the on-site comprehension.

"I learned a lot from the traces left by the eternal giants on the spot. For me, I realized that the higher-level Supreme Avenue will greatly shorten the time to enter the nine heavens. It is a pity that I never came here. Otherwise, since these endless years, I am afraid that I would have been able to become the absolute top of the emperor, even the legendary emperor."

Sovereign Frozen sighed, the traces left by the eternal giants are of great value for anyone, even the supreme.

Immediately looking at Ye Chen, he was taken aback: "Your strength has increased again?"

If you know how long it has been since then, there will be a significant increase in the rules of a million Dao Kings, and even the most terrifying evildoer of ancient and modern times cannot improve so quickly.

Moreover, it can be seen that the ten feathers behind it are like wings. Although the aura is restrained, as a peerless emperor, he faintly senses the traces of the supreme eternal power, fearing that it belongs to the supreme sacred object of the supreme emperor's level.

Not long ago, but I have seen it now, afraid that the Saint King of Fighting Battle won it during his enlightenment.

I have to say that his luck is that Lord Bingyan is also very envious of him.

Ye Chen smiled: "It's not a growth, but a slight recovery of strength."

Regarding the origin of the fairy king Yu, nothing is mentioned.

Lord Frozen smiled bitterly, these words can tell that Ye Chen in the past was mostly a pinnacle that far surpassed him, and he didn't question the related origin of Immortal Wang Yu.

"Friends of Taoism, if you want to stay here for enlightenment, or continue to go on the road with me." Ye Chen said, the battlefield of the Great Emperor here is a rare place of imperial relics, there are relics of eternal giants, immeasurable.

The Frozen Monarch hesitated a little, and immediately raised his head and smiled: "I still follow you on the road. Although this battlefield of the Great Emperor is precious, I think that walking with you will improve your strength faster."

More importantly, during his enlightenment, the Fighting Saint King actually obtained such a sacred object, which made him a little envious, hoping to follow Ye Chen's side and obtain such a supreme sacred object.

"it is good!"

The two left the battlefield of the Great Emperor and then left the Chaos Zone and returned to the starry sky of the universe.

While passing by an ancient star of life, he unexpectedly learned of the battle between the Ultimate Ancient Road and the Forbidden Soul Palace.

"The Ultimate Ancient Road and the Forbidden Soul Palace are at war!"

Ye Chen was also taken aback when he heard the news.

The battle between the two great cosmos overlord-level forces is nothing short of the same, and the impact is extremely huge, much more terrifying than the battle between the two great emperors!

"Hehe, Soul Forbidden Palace, dare to show up, I won't let them go!" Monarch Bingyan snorted coldly, his eyes shot out a ray of angry flames.

The endless years of suppression and enslavement can be described as a **** hatred, and it must not be forgotten!


Immediately, two great kings existed, directly from the wasteland of the universe, to the place where the ultimate ancient road was.

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