Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3637: Alarm the overlord

The huge dragon can be thousands of feet long in the sky, but the aura of the hair is at the peak of the **** king. As a cart beast, it is extremely noble and has attracted the attention of everyone in the Bahuang Supreme Palace.

Focusing on the past, only a young man was seen stepping out of the chariot. He was extraordinary, dressed in a jade jade suit, with long dazzling golden hair, blue eyes, and a special charm that was different from ordinary people.

He is extremely noble, divinely shining, with a noble temperament, and is accompanied by the pressure that the other young **** kings can not breathe.

There is no doubt that this is a Gedai Tianjiao, extremely powerful, like an ancient monarch, with a charm that makes people kneel and surrender. The moment it appeared, it immediately aroused the exclamation of countless people present: "Lord Odin, extremely Huang, the young overlord, he actually came to the Eight Desolation Ancient Territory in person, which is rare to see."

At the same time, a few strong auras descended here, all at the level of quasi-monarchs, and the young overlord of the contemporary Eight Desolate Ancient Realms.

Over the years, they have almost replaced the former Huangdi, Heaven-defying Fighters, Tianjizi and others, and have become the new young overlord of the Eight Desolate Ancient Regions, very powerful.

Of course, they also have such qualifications, because as quasi-kings, they are the strongest existence in the invincible world if they do not come out.

Someone has crossed the path of trial stars, and the young overlords of the Great Eight Desolate Ancient Regions want to know what is sacred.

To cross the trial star road, you don't need to go directly to the ultimate ancient road in the first time, but to obtain such qualifications, you can enter the ultimate ancient realm for a while later.

Lord Odin condensed his sword eyebrows, still outstanding, looked at the trial star road, and said: "A hundred years have passed, the mighty divine lord has reached such a realm and successfully passed the trial star road, afraid that he is already a quasi-king. "

Without being a quasi-king, no one in the world can cross the trial star road.

The thirty-third trial star is the biggest blocker. Only the quasi-monarch-level combat power can break through, otherwise everything will be ignored.

Tian Chen, another young overlord of the Eight Desolate Ancient Territories, he was so full of glamour, no less than Lord Odin, and said indifferently: "He was indeed good. He challenged me back then. Although I could suppress it with one hand, he still spends time. He has gained some strength. After a hundred years, he has not been able to replenish himself, and he has also stepped into the quasi-monarch level. He has made great progress and may have obtained a great opportunity."

In a hundred years, it is impossible to supplement one's own body and set foot on the level of quasi-monarch.

The only thing that can be believed is that most of the mighty **** masters have mastered some kind of shocking fairy fate, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve this step within a hundred years.

The other young overlords also nod slightly. Obviously, they all agreed that the one who passed the trial star path was the mighty divine lord, because he had learned earlier that he would run the trial star path. Apart from a limited number of people such as the mighty divine master, who else is qualified to cross the trial star road?

Others smiled bitterly, these young overlords had all misunderstood, and the trespasser was not a mighty **** at all.

Outside the trial star road, brilliance flashed, and the mighty divine master appeared.

He was a little bit regretful, because the trial star road had reached the thirty-second trial star and was blocked in front.

Hundred years have passed, and he has indeed gone a step further from the original Nine Tribulations God King, becoming the Ten Tribulations God King. For his senior young supreme, he has indeed complemented the Dao of Heaven, but he has not completely reached the peak. Some, let alone become quasi-kings.

To reach the thirty-second trial star is already a very good result.

When he raised his head, he found that the big powers from all sides came one after another, among them were the young overlords of the Eight Desolate Ancient Realms such as Lord Odin and Tianchen.

The Dawei Divine Master was surprised and awe-inspiring. I didn't expect that even several young overlords would appear in person. Was this deliberately paying attention to the situation of his own trial of the stars?

Lord Odin glanced at the mighty divine lord, as did the other young overlords, but frowned.

From their perception, wouldn't they know that the mighty **** master never reached the quasi-king level at all, but was only at the ten-kilosis **** king stage, and never even reached the peak level?

But such a mighty divine master, actually broke through the trial star road?

Could it be that the difficulty of the current trial star road has dropped, and it has dropped a lot, otherwise, how can the mere pinnacle **** king pass the trial star road?

The Dawei Divine Lord frowned. At this time, the other young God Kings who came with him before leaving said in a voice transmission: "The Dawei Divine Lord, someone has successfully passed 33 trial stars!

A young **** king replied softly, but it sounded like a thunder in the ears of the mighty **** master, making him stay directly, and it was unbelievable to grow his mouth for a long time.

Going through 33 trial stars and traversing the trial star road, this requires quasi-king-level combat power to achieve.

Stronger than yourself, a **** king at the peak level. It was considered very powerful, but it was still defeated on the 32nd trial star.

Could it be that the other young overlords of the Eight Desolate Ancient Territories took action and chose to try the star road?


With the sound of footsteps, everyone is paying close attention to the past again, even if it is the mighty god.

Only saw that before the trial star road, a slender and tall young figure appeared slowly, and the chaotic mist was looming, blocking thousands of ways, still making it impossible to see the true face.

He didn't have any strong pressure on him, but it was just that, his eyes looked flat, but when he swept toward everyone, countless people felt an indescribable terrible pressure, like a pressure on their hearts. Like a big rock.

It was just a few young overlords, even quasi-princes, but facing this person at this moment, they actually had the illusion of facing the Supreme Emperor, as if they were just a mere ant, unable to move the person in front of them.

Needless to say, when they saw him, everyone understood that he was the mysterious strong man who had crossed the trial star road.

God King?

Absolutely not!

Suddenly, Lord Odin looked directly at this person and said, "Friends, dare to ask Gao's name?"

Those who can surpass the 33 trial stars on the path of trial stars are definitely not unknown!

Are they other young overlords who have never appeared before?

It's just that they are concealed by the haze of chaos, and it is not easy for them to ask, let alone explore the divine consciousness directly.

Of course, they didn’t think of Ye Chen, because they all knew something about the ultimate ancient road. Those legendary characters would not be bored enough to explore the trial star road. Just come here, Bahuang Supreme The temple will inevitably open the road to the ultimate ancient realm for the first time, so why bother to try the star road.

Ye Chen smiled faintly and said, "It's just ordinary people."

Hearing this, Lord Odin and others frowned, somewhat displeased.

It is true that this person can pass 33 trial stars and must be a quasi-king-level existence, but they are the same, really want to be willing, and be able to pass.

They can be regarded as giving face to this person, but the other side does not give face.

"Friends, you—"

Just about to ask, at this moment, the Eight Desolate Supreme Hall suddenly shook, and the majestic King Tianwei suddenly rose up, shocking everyone present.

"Has the Primordial King of the Bahuang Supreme Palace also be alarmed?"

When everyone watched, the gate of the Eight Desolation Supreme Palace was opened, and an ancient king appeared as a peaceful middle-aged man. It was not so majestic, but the king's heavenly might was quite strong, showing his identity.

(End of this chapter)

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