Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3639: Cang’s disciple, Emperor Taiwuji

King Xue Ye led the way, but he was slightly inferior to Ye Chen's half-length position along the way. This was a respect for the latter.

The strong is respected, even if Ye Chen is still young, the position of the emperor cannot be ignored, insurmountable!

The Bahuang Supreme Hall is very large, and it is also very empty. There are not many people here, but everyone is a real strong person. Anyone who walks out is a king of gods, and there are no shortage of quasi-princes. The king, fully demonstrated the power of the Eight Desolation Supreme Palace.

Even if he has not completely dominated the Eight Desolate Ancient Territories, and allowed the forces of the world to compete for the vast territory and dominate the king, there is no doubt that he has the strength of an absolutely uncrowned king.

When they saw Ye Chen's appearance, they were startled, and then everyone immediately bowed their salute, earnestly and in awe.

Ye Chen looked natural.

Finally, I came to the deepest hall, which was much more magnificent than other halls. It was filled with supreme emperor's prestige, and it was a real imperial hall.

Above the emperor hall, a powerful man sat on the emperor's throne, like the supreme emperor, with boundless auras surging, King Xueye, the ancient emperor, did not dare to step into the emperor hall.


At this time, Ye Chen's expression also became serious. He didn't expect that there would be an emperor in the Bahuang Supreme Hall.

However, if you think about it carefully, there are also emperors in the Ten Heavens Palace, and even the ancient emperor level. It is only natural that the Bahuang Supreme Palace has the emperor.

"Fighting Saint King, you and I finally met, hahahaha—"

On the emperor's seat, the master of the Eight Desolation Supreme Hall laughed, very refreshed, and stood up.

The moment I stood up, an infinite vision suddenly appeared, Rui Cai appeared, the avenue was condensed and refined, the light rain poured down the ten directions, the majestic Qi machine fluctuated, the entire imperial palace was shaking, and even King Xueye Their bodies were about to split, unbearable, as if they were about to be exploded.

In a trance, it seems that the ancient emperor has awakened, and his energy is surging, overwhelming, and drowning himself.

Ye Chen smiled slightly, he felt that the other party was not malicious, it was more of a kind of temptation, mostly with curiosity, afraid that he also knew that he had become an emperor-level physical body.


The chaotic sacred body shook, and the infinite blood exploded, like billions of stars exploding, that blood turned into surging flames, burning everything, and resisting the oppression of the palace master's air machine.

If it weren't for the emperor hall, engraved with the great emperor rank array pattern, otherwise the ordinary ancient hall would not be able to bear it and would explode in the first place.

"Haha----, as expected of what the teacher said, the fighting sage made the emperor-level flesh, and the power of the flesh can conquer the emperor, as expected."

The lord of the palace laughed, the emperor's vitality suddenly retreated and restrained.

Ye Chen also restrained the emperor's blood.

After the emperor-level Dao dispersed, the Bahuang Supreme Palace revealed its true colors, making Ye Chen startled slightly.

This was because this palace master was not an imaginary old man at dusk, but a young man, very young, with black hair like a waterfall, and a bright blood-like vertical line between his eyebrows, like an unopened sky eye.

And this is not an appearance deliberately maintained, but the Lord is really so young, looking like his twenties.

very young!

There is no doubt that the palace lord in front of him is really young, but Ye Chen thought about it and smiled.

The emperor can live for an epoch, and an epoch can last for hundreds of millions of years. Even if the emperor has only broken through the life limit of the ancient king, he still has only half his life.

Of course, the master of the Eight Desolation Supreme Palace, the age is definitely not more than a quarter of an era, or even younger, perhaps less than a million years of life.

Ye Chen's thoughts were endless, and he also lamented the terrible ultimate ancient road.

At this time, he could thoroughly feel the powerful background of the ultimate ancient road.

The ultimate ancient road has eternal emperors like Cang Yan, and there is also an emperor in the Eight Desolate Ancient Territory, who is in the ascension period of the human body, just like the first emperor. No one knows the existence of this emperor on the ancient road.

"Fighting Saint King, hello, I am the master of the Bahuang Supreme Palace, you can also call me Taiwuji."

The emperor of the Supreme Hall of the Eight Desolations opened his mouth, very kind, of medium build, but swallowing the Eight Desolations with anger, like a god, supernatural power.

"Thai Wu Ji!? It turned out to be Senior."

Ye Chen looks right. He has naturally heard of the name of Taiwu Ji. It was the strongest person on the ultimate ancient road last time. He swept invincibly and overwhelmed the heroes of the ancient chaotic universe. He came to the end of the ancient road. Became the master of the Bahuang Supreme Palace.

"Hello, senior, I am Ye Chen." He said quickly.

Tai Wuji waved his hand and smiled heartily: "You don't need to call me senior, you and I are both emperors, and you can be equal to each other, let alone I am still young."

The lord of the palace is a very easy-going person. Let Ye Chen call him by his name. Even if Ye Chen’s age is a fraction of his age, he is not counted. However, the cultivator world emphasizes that the master is the teacher. Both are emperors. It's peers.

From this, it can also be seen that the other party attaches great importance to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen smiled bitterly, but he should come down and call him Big Brother.

"Brother Ye, brother, I asked myself that he was amazing and stunning, otherwise he would not be accepted by the teacher as the only direct disciple, but you are even more amazing than me. How old are you? The emperor is now in position, making my brother feel embarrassed." Tai Wuji put his shoulders on his back, and sat down together without the prestige and majesty of being an emperor.

In fact, no one wants to compare Ye Chen with Ye Chen. It is one of the most enchanting evildoers who have been ranked top throughout the ages. It is comparable to the Emperor of Heaven and Shidai's youth.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Brother Wu Jiji said and laughed, I'm just lucky."

"Don't be modest, brother, surprise is amazing, the facts are in front of you, don't worry, brother will not be jealous, after all, you are also the person that the teacher thinks."

"Big brother, dare you to ask who your teacher is?" Ye Chen was also a little curious when he heard Tai Wuji mention his teacher over and over again. After all, the world could teach a direct disciple who is an emperor.

I'm afraid it is at least the ancient emperor, right?

Tai Wuji smiled: "Speaking of which, you know your eldest brother's teacher, have you met, and even fought side by side?"

Ye Chen was startled, who was it?

"My teacher is Cang Yan!" Tai Wu Jidao.

Ye Chen was taken aback and immediately relieved.

No wonder, it turned out to be a direct disciple of Cang Yan's elders, and he was also the only direct disciple. With Cang Yan as the eternal emperor, it was not impossible to teach a direct disciple of the emperor.

In spite of this, Ye Chen still admired Taiwuji again and again, as long as the generation who can become an emperor has the posture of proving Dao to become an emperor.

It can be said that the emperor's way has basically reached the most critical time, and only one step is required to take the most critical step, becoming the emperor and the emperor, the supreme supreme!

In the Bahuang Supreme Palace Wu Ji Tai Wu Ji invited Ye Chen to come, and he was deeply amazed by this young fighting sage.

He knew that Ye Chen had only been in his path for thousands of years, and he was much younger than him, but he had become an emperor physically, which was unprecedented.

If it were not for the long years of hard work, Tai Wu was extremely calm, and when he was young, he really wanted to fight Ye Chen directly to see how extraordinary it is in the legend to achieve emperor in flesh.

Nevertheless, there is still a taste of eagerness.

Ye Chen smiled bitterly, Tai Wuji seemed to be a fighting madman.

Finally, Tai Wuji couldn't help but said: "Brother Ye has become the emperor in the flesh, and the eldest brother really wants to see it. How about learning a few tricks?"

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Chapter 3639 Cang Yan's disciples, Emperor Tai Wuji (page 1/1)

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