Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3671: Re-enter the ultimate ancient realm

Tai Wu smiled bitterly: "It is far more difficult than imagined to become an emperor in the flesh. It seems that it is difficult for me to do it."

Ye Chen shook his head and comforted: "Brother Wu Ji, you are already an emperor, and your realm is enough. Compared with other people, you have a certain foundation. As long as you spend a certain amount of time, the physical achievement of the emperor is also a good one. Put on the nails. Moreover, the form and the gods will become the emperor. When the time comes, there will be a lot of chances to prove the way to become an emperor.

Tai Wu nodded very much, and he naturally understood the reason, not to mention that with the experience taught by Ye Chen, the possibility of his physical body becoming an emperor was naturally greater than that of other emperors.

As for Ye Chen, there were some gains, but not great, because he had known a lot of relevant experience long ago, and was far less than what Tai Wuji did.

Since then, the two have finished their discussion and left the battlefield.

At this time, Lord Odin and others were still waiting. This was an answer to Ye Chen, and there was no doubt that they all agreed.

When Ye Chen gave the corresponding risks, he still hesitated. After feeling that he was fighting with the peak of Taiwu Jijun level, all the hesitation disappeared.

They also want to master the combat power of that level.

Wanting to do this, there is no other way than to follow the Fighting Saint King.

"Well, since you are all willing to accept such risks, I won't remind you anymore. From now on, you will all join Chaos Tianfu." Ye Chen said, "But now I can't take you away immediately. I will go first. The ultimate ancient realm, get my fairy fate, and then leave."

Hearing that, everyone was shocked.

There is no doubt that the Saint King of Fighting is about to attack the "Ultimate Supreme" Fairy Fate!

Entering the Ultimate Ancient Realm again, Ye Chen suddenly felt a great change.

In the past, several ancient road hegemons such as Tianjizi, Chaos Overlord, Martial Dao, Huangdi, etc. were all supreme beings at the level of quasi-monarchs, but at that time, there was no lack of the existence of ancient kings in the ultimate ancient realm.

The ancient road overlord's battle for hegemony has the auxiliary battle of the ancient kings from all sides.

However, faintly, all parties are afraid of it, and the battle is often just a small touch. Rarely, there will be a peak duel.

Naturally, this is also due to the Primordial Kings of the various parties. They are not willing to fight easily. They know each other's strength very well, and a kind of balance is formed invisibly.

Even the entry of these ancient road overlords cannot easily change the situation that has been maintained for a long time.

It’s just that hundreds of years have passed. The prestige of those ancient road overlords in the past is still alive. No one is perished or everyone is stunned. They have always overwhelmed the vast ultimate ancient realm, and even each of them has become the ancient king, and the power is like prison. .

What's more important is that the ancient kings of all parties, no longer able to influence the decisions of these ancient road overlords, have become real assistants and listen to their orders.

Fortunately, the situation is still in a relative balance, and there have not been many terrible battles.

Today, the Ultimate Ancient Realm is very peaceful, even more peaceful than before.

However, countless people obviously feel that under this calm, there is a terrible undercurrent.

Once it breaks out, I am afraid that it will be involved far beyond imagination.

It can be imagined that the final battle is not far away.

"Those opponents back then have made great progress, which surprised me a bit." Ye Chen smiled, a bit of relief.

Obviously, these ancient road overlords have made great progress.

It's just that hundreds of years have passed, and even being an enemy in the past, able to fight, now stands on a different level.

The height of Ye Chen's station is higher!

Coming to the Ultimate Ancient Realm, Ye Chen didn't waste any time, and silently appeared at the seat of an ancient king who was less than billions of miles near the passage.

Undoubtedly, when Ye Chen appeared, the Primordial King showed a shocking expression.

This is the place where he sits. There are many formations and rules of the Primordial King level. If the outside world wants to enter, at least it must be the Primordial King, and it can't be silent.

He deeply believes that even if Huangdi, Tianjizi and other ancient road overlords come, it will be the same, and they will inevitably alarm him for the first time.

However, the appearance of the mysterious young man before him was too silent.

All formations seem to be imaginary.

The only thing that made him feel ashamed was that the other party was flawless and perfect, and he had never seen such a perfect person.

"I ask you, what's the situation in the Ultimate Ancient Realm today? Has the Supreme Divine Crown all been found? What happened to the ancient road overlords such as Huangdi, Tianjizi, and Heaven-defying Fighter?" Ye Chen opened the door, his body faint. The emperor's prestige is revealed.

The vast sea is like an abyss, and the mighty sky is like prison!

The native primordial king of the ultimate ancient realm trembles, how can he not understand how perfect the person is in front of him, is actually a majestic emperor.

Answer all questions respectfully immediately.

Soon, Ye Chen learned a lot of important information from his mouth.

Now, the two ancient realms of the ultimate ancient realm and the supreme ancient realm run through each other, and the two sides are no longer diametrically opposed to each other as they used to.

Especially the Supreme Divine Crown, there have been nine in total so far, four of which were acquired by Ye Chen in the past.

The remaining five tops, either in the hands of the overlord of the ancient road, or in the hands of the emperor, the emperor, and the son of the fairy dao, are all relatively balanced.

The Supreme Secret Realm accompanying the birth of the Supreme Divine Crown has also benefited the overlords of the two ancient realms a lot and has been greatly improved.

As for the tenth supreme divine crown, it has finally appeared in the past 100 years, attracting the attention of the world.

God Emperor City is the place where the suspected trace of the Tenth Supreme God Crown is located. In fact, it is also a godless city that has recently appeared in the past 100 years.

I heard that this is the imperial city left by the eternal giant **** emperor. It is magnificent and huge, with the last supreme fairy fate, and still has the last supreme **** crown.

In the past hundred years, whether it is the ultimate ancient realm or the supreme ancient realm, all overlord-level existences have basically gathered in or near the God Emperor City and rarely leave.

"it is good."

Ye Chen nodded slightly silently, his figure disappeared.

At this time, the Primordial King just breathed a sigh of relief, shocked, terrified, and suspicious.

When did such an invincible emperor appear? Did it come from the ultimate ancient road, the eight wilderness ancient realms?

Leaving the place where the Primordial King was sitting, Ye Chen walked across the sky, silently, and came to God Emperor City.

The city of God Emperor, standing on the battlefield of two realms, contains godless power, dissolving the terrible rules of the battlefield of the two realms, and evolving into a whole new world, turning the battlefield of the two realms into hundreds of millions of miles. The land of the oasis is full of vitality, as if the heavens and the earth are all good fortune.

In the two ancient domains, countless forces stationed in this oasis land, opened up prosperous towns, and even the rise of ancient countries. It is often the quasi-kings who sit around the city of the gods for development, occupying a superior cultivation environment.

Therefore, this oasis land is also called God Emperor Island.

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