Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3676: Ye Chendeng Ancient Emperor Daotai

ps: emmmmmm, I forgot to upload it last night, not because I didn’t write it, but I simply forgot...

The **** of Chu, whose father is the immortal king of the prehistoric realm, dominates the ups and downs of the celestial realm for several epochs. He is incomparably powerful and wise as the sea. He knows a lot.

As the heir of the fairy prince, he knows a lot of secrets.

It is said that the sons of the eternal magnates such as God Emperor Son, Dasheng Immortal Prince, Yu Wudi, etc. have also looked at them, and naturally heard about the name of the emperor's ancestor in the early Yuan Dynasty.

Originally thought that the great emperor of the early Yuan Dynasty and the emperor of the early Yuan Dynasty did not have the same name. In fact, many emperors did not know the names of the other supreme emperors of Chaos Sea when they proved that they became emperors.

But generally speaking, the Supreme Emperor’s name imprints the Chaos Sea Operation Rules. Once the name is given, the Chaos Sea Operation Rules will prevent it and give a warning.

In this regard, other people had never thought of it, thinking that the Great Emperor of the Early Yuan Dynasty did not know the existence of the Emperor of the Early Yuan Dynasty, so they repeated it, and now think about it, everything is traceable.

Unexpectedly, the son of the emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty was actually the son of the emperor's ancestor in the early Yuan Dynasty.

The emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty was not surprised at all, saying: "I am indeed the son of the emperor and ancestor in the early Yuan Dynasty."

No need to deny.

Everyone was awe-inspiring.

Guessing is one thing, knowing is another.

The giants of the ages all have the monstrous ability to overlook the age of the ages and suppress the sea of ​​chaos, and kill the emperor and the supreme immortal.

Inheriting the blood of these eternal giants is destined to be stronger than imagined.

Even in the realm of the Primordial King, the power of the bloodline of the ancient giants will continue to provide potential for them to advance and surpass ordinary people, which cannot be compared with ordinary supreme heirs.

The words fell, and suddenly, three terrifying killing thoughts rose in the Emperor Heaven Hall.

They are Emperor Huang, Huang Yao, and Fighter Against the Sky.

The first two are the heirs of the Pangu Universe, and they naturally hate foreign races.

The latter is a line of anti-sky warriors, inheriting the inheritance of the anti-sky warlord, even if they are not from the Pangu universe, they hate aliens extremely.

The overlords of all parties also looked at the four of them, but they would not stop them.

If one person is missing, there will be one less powerful competitor to compete with them for the tenth supreme crown.

With the emergence of three killing thoughts, the emperor at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty was not afraid, the body of the half emperor was surging, and it was much more terrifying than the eruption of a hundred thousand suns. Faced with the three ancient overlords, he sneered and said: "I really want to fight, even if you When the three of them go together, it may not be possible to kill the emperor, maybe someone will perish."

"Everyone, please stop, hold a feast, not for you to meet each other, but to discuss important matters."

An older primordial king began to persuade, and a total of seven or eight primordial kings took action together to resolve each other's desire to kill and calm down.

In the rear, quasi-kings and god-kings were all silent.

For them, the fighting of the Primordial Kings was undoubtedly a fight of the gods, and the aftermath was enough to cause them heavy damage, and they should not be careless.

At this time, Emperor Huang suddenly sneered: "I heard that the fighting sage king completely expelled all foreign races in the Ten Heaven Realm Ancient Territory, and killed all the emperors and daughters. I am afraid that I did not expect that there will be a legacy of your evil species."

Dare to call the heir of an eternal tycoon a sinner, and there are only such ancient road overlords as Huangdi, and the son of the great emperor of Pangu universe.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the emperor immediately became angry: "You dare to desecrate the heir of an eternal giant as a sin seed. You are afraid that you will never be superborn. This sentence is that your father Dahuang ancient emperor is here, and you never dare to say it. ."

"Hehe, who said that my father dare not say it." Huangdi smiled: "I'll say it for him, evil seed!"

"The emperor is going to kill you!" The emperor of the early Yuan Dynasty broke out in killing. It is okay to insult him, but he must not insult his father, because his father is the invincible emperor of the early Yuan Dynasty.

"Who is afraid of whom."

Huangdi also surged in energy.

By his side, the warriors against the sky were raging and said: "Emperor ancestor of the early Yuan Dynasty? I have heard of it, but will he dare to fight with my master, the warlord against the sky?"

The warlord against the sky, the outstanding one among the giants of the ages, has unparalleled combat power, and has been at the forefront of the attack through the ages, and the horror is boundless.

The emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty scanned: "Don't compare a dead person with my father."

"Are you dead? Are you afraid that you don't know that the fighting ancestor is the reincarnation of the heaven-defying warlord." The heavenly warrior bluntly said, making everyone shocked.

Fighting the ancestors, the power of attack is known as the first in the Chaos Sea, overwhelming the ancient and modern, and the eternal giants must avoid its edge.

How can I think that the Lord of Fighting Against the Heaven is the God of Fighting Ancestor, and the Lord of Fighting Against the Heaven is the Lord of Fighting.

At this time, Tianjizi smiled. He looked like an elegant scholar. He couldn't see the slightest arrogance and made people feel like a spring breeze. He said: "The emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty, don't forget. Your body is indeed very strong, but you won Those who walk in the body of the great emperor have the sacred king of fighting and fighting, and his achievements in refining the body are not comparable to you. Besides, the sacred king of fighting fighting is known as the second king of the intangible. Two great ancient domains are invincible, can you ask yourself if you can crush everyone here?"

At the beginning of Yuan Dynasty, the emperor was silent immediately.

Obviously, he asked himself that he couldn't do that.

Although he deliberately belittled the Fighting Saint King, once the Fighting Saint King appeared, he could not guarantee that he would be defeated.

In the final analysis, the record left by the fighting sage kings was too defying, leaving an indelible impression in everyone’s minds. Even now, all the ancient road overlords have become the primordial kings, and their cultivation is better than the past. , Still can't say that he can truly defeat the Saint King.

In fact, the Fighting Saint King is like a monument standing on the same side, which is difficult to knock down.

"Although the fighting king is strong, it was also the same year. I am also improving and getting stronger. I really want to meet, not necessarily weaker than anyone. I am looking forward to meeting the fighting king, of course, I care more about him. Chaos Tao fruit, no one is allowed to grab this seat." The speaker is the Chaos Overlord. In the first circle, he sits in the first circle, and the four-color soul light of the four quasi-monarch-level sacred beasts appears on his body. Extraordinarily powerful.

"Haha, it is not your turn to defeat the Saint King Douzhan, and you have a share of this emperor." The emperor of God also spoke, he was also extremely strong.

Back then, the fighting king overpowered the ancient road hegemons of the two ancient domains, with unmatched fighting power, making all the ancient road heirs now, the fighting king is really going to return. They will inevitably take action to defeat the former enemy, resolve the shame, break through the defects of the Taoist heart, and move towards the true peak.

"It seems that I have a lot of enemies."

Behind, Ye Chen listened in his ears, just smiled, and immediately looked at the ancient emperor's Taoist platform.

He stood up, and suddenly shocked many people.

Is he leaving now?

A feast is being held in the Emperor Tian Temple, but the ancient road overlord of all parties is still there, and he has never left. He is a quasi-king dare to leave at this time. Although it is not a big problem, there is also a kind of not paying attention to the ancient road overlord of all parties Somewhat meaning.

However, unexpectedly, Ye Chen did not leave, but strode forward, step by step, towards the second circle, towards the first circle, which was surprising.

What is the purpose of this flawless young quasi-monarch?

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