Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3679: Second defeat to the first emperor of Yuan Dynasty

"not good!"

The three ancient road overlords changed their colors one after another, and the arrogant offensive was unprecedented, and they had a feeling of being unable to compete!

Almost instinctively, all kinds of defenses appeared on the surface of the body for the first time, even with the addition of the world projection and the rules of the king, densely packed, one layer after another!




All kinds of defenses are shattered instantly.

Right now, the three ancient road overlords, like three little ants, were raised their hands and swept away.


Wind is light!

In the Emperor Heaven Hall, Zhu Qiang was shocked again.

Even if I had guessed in my heart, but seeing it personally, I still can't calm the waves in my heart.

How can there be such an invincible generation in the world.

Super king?

Peerless king?

The pinnacle king?

No one can imagine, and some people are wondering whether the two great ancient realms were born in the past.

But there is no doubt that the perfect man in front of him is so powerful that it is far beyond imagination. That kind of power, I am afraid that no one is his opponent.

At the very least, the major ancient road overlords, no one asks themselves to be their opponents.

The ancient emperor Dao platform is very high, it looks like a crossed emperor Yue, with threads of evolution without God's power, deriving the heavens and paths.

Ye Chen stood tall on it, condescending, overlooking the overlord of all sides, the indescribable stalwart of Yuan Yu and Yue Zhi.

Below, Zhu Qiang was shocked, whether it was the younger generation or the older generation.

This person in front of him defeated all the ancient road overlords one after another, the wind was light and the clouds were light, and the matchups between shots were often the result of one move, even when facing the three ancient road overlords at the same time. Two moves.

His invincibility is undoubtedly obvious.

But there are people who are fearless, such as Huang Yao, the overlord of Chaos, the overlord of ancient roads such as Taiyi, and the supremacy of the silver moon **** king.

Especially the latter, the supreme surrendered his life, it was the ancient emperor or the supreme immortal who robbed the younger generation, and a ray of emperor soul descended, waiting for the reappearance of the young period, never feared any young enemy.

They are wise, looking at Ye Chen in front of them, their eyes flickering, and they always feel that this person seems to have known each other before, as if they had seen it before.

"who are you?"

This question was asked again, and everyone wanted to know.

Seems familiar, but everyone knows it?

Who the **** is it?

In the past, the only person who could defeat the same generation in the younger generation and kill the overlord of the ancient road was the only one who lost his voice.

Of course, the perfect man in front of him is very different from the fighting saint king in all aspects, and it is difficult to connect with him.

"Are you also a supreme emperor who came here?" Someone said, with some doubts.

This is very possible, maybe even this time it is the eternal giant's seizure, taking away the flesh of the younger generation, and descending on this world with invincible combat power that overwhelms everything?

This is not impossible. The Eternal Giants are undoubtedly invincible at the same level as the Supreme in their youth, but in the later period, it is heard that at the emperor level, even the Supreme is in the emperor period, and is not the opponent of the Eternal Giant Emperor.

"No, it shouldn't."

The Silver Moon God King spoke, and perhaps he should be called the Silver Moon King. He is a veritable supreme surrendering his body. A true ancient emperor’s surrendering his body came, and he could sense the auras of other supreme survivors, but in Ye Chen In his body, he couldn't feel that special supreme aspiration to seize his life.

Ye Chen didn't answer, but seemed to look at the emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty, standing with his hand, condescending, looking down at him, and said: "Speaking of which, your brother Wanyan the Great, I used to fight once or two, although I am not his. Opponent, but I have to admit that he is really strong, and he almost made me dead."

Hearing this, everyone is horrified.

The perfect man in front of him, has actually fought against the Great Emperor Wanyan?

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the emperor coldly hummed: "Impossible, my emperor brother was proving Dao to become the emperor three epochs ago. Three epochs have passed, he is already a quasi-giant, and he is expected to become an eternal tycoon. It's impossible to be my emperor brother's opponent, he will definitely die."

The Great Emperor Wanyan, known to the outside world as the emperor's ancestor in the early Yuan Dynasty, was actually his emperor's son. He inherited the power of the most powerful eternal tycoon's bloodline, and proved Dao Cheng Emperor three epochs.

After three epochs, I am afraid that even if it is not an eternal giant, it is probably a semi-giant.

That kind of existence is far superior to the ordinary supreme emperor.

He actually fought against Emperor Wanyan and survived?

Naturally, they didn't know that Ye Chen could compete with Emperor Wanyan once or twice with the help of the power of the Heavenly Dao and the sun to rival the quasi-giant-level.

Ye Chen smiled and did not answer this question. Instead, he looked at the emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty and said: "I really almost died at the time. I finally survived, but I am not the Emperor Wanyan. Opponent, he is a quasi-giant, but it’s not a problem to kill the four-tier Primordial King like you. He is also very interested in the other supreme emperor bodies you master."

There was a violent riot, and the Emperor Tian Palace was shaken. Ye Chen took the initiative for the first time and raised his hand to the emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty.

In the early Yuan Dynasty, the emperor wanted to resist, but found that time and space were imprisoned. Not only did the opponent's attainments in the way of the flesh overwhelm him, but even the attainments of Taoism were equally shocking.

At this moment, everyone found that Ye Chen was not moving, and the emperor of the early Yuan Dynasty took the initiative to "fly" in front of the former.

But only the ancient road overlord or the older generation of ancient kings knew that it was not the emperor of the early Yuan Dynasty who flew over, but was captured by Ye Chen in the air.


Unparalleled energy blooms, shaking the emperor's palace.

Seeing one arm of the emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty was grabbed, Ye Chen's face was expressionless, and he tore it off with a click, blood bursting.

Subsequently, the second arm was also torn off.


Two thighs were cut off by a palm knife, and the emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty became a man.

In the end, the emperor's neck in the early Yuan Dynasty was grabbed by Ye Chen and lifted up, as if he was carrying a chicken.

Everyone was shocked!

In the early Yuan Dynasty, the emperor an invincible overlord of the ultimate ancient road, the four heavenly primordial kings, especially the half-emperor body, invincible of the same generation, let the supreme seize his life and the older generation of primordial kings are very helpless The strong body.

The Emperor's Immortal Soldier can hardly shake the body of the half emperor.

Has always been invincible.

But today, it was easily cut off by Ye Chen.

Ye Chen coldly looked at the emperor and son of the early Yuan Dynasty: "Your father, your brother, are indeed very powerful, but you are far from each other. A fight with me is just a mayfly shaking a tree and a man's arm as a car."

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the emperor was frightened, angry, and humiliated. The heirs of the dignified generations of tycoons, the overlords of the ancient roads, how majestic and mighty, but in such a situation today, how to accept it.

He wanted to resist, but helplessly, the opponent's realm cultivation base was far superior to him, and he was invincible.

The emperor roared at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty: "Who are you? Did the eternal tycoons take their lives?"

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