Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3681: Ye Chen VS Early Emperor Yuan Zu


At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the emperor’s weak emperor’s heavenly soul worshiped and spoke in awe, even if he was as strong as him, at this point, he was still full of absolute worship for his father’s ancestor.

The giants of the ages, overwhelming the past and the present, who will compete?

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the emperor had overwhelmed the Chaos Sea for many epochs. His prestige was unparalleled, and the legends of all the ancient Chaos universes were passed on. The supreme, seeing this, must compile and salute.

That is his goal, and he hopes that one day he can become an eternal tycoon like the father God and ancestor.

The ancestors of the early Yuan Dynasty glanced lightly at the sons of the early Yuan Dynasty. They looked indifferent and did not show much emotion when they suffered heavy losses: "I have given you such a good resource, but failed again and again. You really make the deity very It's disappointment."

Hearing, the emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty looked pale and did not dare to refute the slightest.

Compared with being cut into a man by the fighting sage king, the disappointment of his father's ancestor in the early Yuan Dynasty was the most shocking.

Everything he has done today is nothing but hope for even a trace of appreciation from his father.

Unfortunately, in the end, there is still only disappointment.

In the early Yuan Dynasty, the emperor was very unwilling, very helpless, but also very helpless.

Everyone has to admit that in the same era, encountering the fighting sage king, that is the desperate fact of any Tianjiao.

On the stage of the ancient emperor’s path, Ye Chen faced the imprint of the emperor in the early Yuan dynasty, without any pressure, and his body was as straight as the peak of the nine layers of heaven. He said indifferently: "Emperor in the early Yuan ancestor, you and I meet again. ."

Hearing this, the emperor in the early Yuan dynasty hadn't spoken yet, and his son, the emperor and son in the early Yuan dynasty, was furious: "Fighting with the saint king, I didn't rush to pray when I met my father."

Ye Chen glanced at him coldly: "Your father is your father, and a person of a different race. As a person of the Pangu universe, why should I pay respect to those who are hostile to the ancient universe? It's ridiculous."


Many ancient road overlords secretly nodded their heads, and the two chaotic ancient universes facing life and death, naturally, it is impossible for the younger generation to pay great salutes to the ancestors, even if the ancestors are eternal giants.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the emperor looked at Ye Chen, revealing a different color: "I didn't expect to see you in this ultimate ancient realm. It turns out that you have left Pangu universe and came here."

Everyone was surprised, and the Saint King of Fighting seemed to be familiar with the ancestors of the early Yuan Dynasty.

Ye Chen smiled: "The ultimate ancient road and the supreme ancient road, the two ancient roads are connected at the end, aiming to compete for the'ultimate supreme' fairy fate. Since I am a younger generation, I naturally came back to fight for it."

Suddenly, the emperor at the beginning of the Yuan dynasty screamed: "You have a good fate. When facing my son, you could also withstand the backlash of the new tenth day. The body is so strong that it is a bit unexpected for the deity. But a pity. , If you are in the ancient universe of our world, you are destined to become another giant of the eternal, not weaker than the deity, and even go straight to the original generation, but unfortunately, you were born in the wrong chaotic ancient universe and landed in the Pangu universe. Inside the chaotic ancient universe that is destined to be shattered is your sorrow."

Everyone in the Emperor Tian Hall was shocked. The emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty had such a high evaluation of the fighting sage king, saying that he was qualified to become a stalwart and immortal great deity of eternal giants.

This is the admiration of the eternal giants, even in the hostile chaotic ancient universe, the ancestors of the early Yuan Dynasty are still the same.

Ye Chen smiled and said, "Emperor ancestor of the early Yuan Dynasty laughed. My Pangu universe will be immortal, and it will last forever in the future. What should be worried about is the alien ancient universe. It will be destroyed sooner or later."

The emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty looked indifferent: "If you want to talk nonsense, the deity will not stop it. On the contrary, you are destined to be a dead person. Here, no one can save you."


While talking, the ancestors of the early Yuan Dynasty made a sudden move, which was clearly just a ray of the imprint of the emperor's soul, but the moment of the shot, the heaven and the earth, the origin of the great world, trembled for it, as if the ancient emperor was really in the dust, a blow from the air, Annihilate the sky and shoot Ye Chen.

Under this blow, the ancient road overlord, the super king, and the star overlord will all die, unstoppable.

The Supreme Great Emperor's attack with a ray of the Emperor Dao brand was able to kill the Primordial King, not to mention the eternal giants, and it was terrifying.

"Be careful!"

Below, Huang Emperor, Heaven-defying Fighter, and Huang Yao exclaimed and rose into the sky.

Fighting Saint King belongs to the Pangu universe, how could they just watch him be killed?

"The mayfly shakes the tree, and the praying man's arm acts as a car." The emperor of the early Yuan Dynasty was very indifferent and dismissive. These words seemed to be satirizing the words that Ye Chen said to the emperor of the early Yuan Dynasty not long ago, and responded with the same words.

However, Ye Chen didn't change her face, just raised his hand to shake it hard.


As if the universe was destroyed, the most terrifying collision erupted on the stage of the ancient Emperor Dao, shaking the earth.

At this moment, the Emperor Dao array patterns in the Emperor Heaven Hall are intertwined, resisting all the power of collision and destruction.

Under the shocking eyes of everyone, Ye Chen was safe, and the body of the emperor soul of the emperor's ancestor in the early Yuan Dynasty was also there.

Everyone looked at Ye Chen in astonishment. The blow of the emperor soul's body from the emperor's ancestor in the early Yuan Dynasty just now was unstoppable. No one could stop it, even if it was the son of the emperor, the **** of Chu, or the emperor. The sons of the eternal giants such as Prince Shengxian and Yu Wudi, once confronted, they can only disappear through death, no surprises.

However, Ye Chen resisted, even the figure remained the same, never backing away.

There is no doubt that at this moment, he has shown his own unique cultivation.

"So strong!"

There were endless waves in the hearts of everyone, and such a fighting saint king was much stronger than they thought.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, a thread of the emperor soul also seemed to show a bit of It fell on Ye Chen, and after a while, he said: "So, I didn't expect you to come this far. He is a disciple of the line of the fighting ancestors, and he is also a chaos cultivator, so Body Refining has actually come this far."

However, Ye Chen's expression was solemn.

Because in front of me, it was only a strand of the emperor soul body of the ancestor of the early Yuan Dynasty, and the power displayed was just the tip of the iceberg of true body power.

He became the emperor in the flesh, but compared with the eternal giants, there is still an insurmountable gap.

Fortunately, this time only a wisp of the body of the emperor's soul descended, otherwise the true body descended, and how many of them would come together would only be wiped out.

"Sure enough, you really can't let you grow. It's a pity, it's just a wisp of the emperor soul of the deity, otherwise I will kill you at all costs." Yuanchu Emperor sighed and glanced at Yuan who was also in shock. The first emperor secretly sighed that he was also a younger generation. The emperor of the early Yuan Dynasty was far better than the sage kings in all aspects, such as birth, blood, resources, but compared with such an unimaginable huge gap. .

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