Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3688: You are looking for death, I can't help it

The great sage fairy prince coldly snorted: "Battle Saint King, can you still disintegrate the secret pattern of the emperor light channel, and kill us?"

The Son of God also sneered: "Battle Saint King, even if you go against the sky, you are nothing more than an ancient emperor. This is the emperor light channel left by my father, the emperor himself, which contains the true imperial power, even if not a lot. , But it's not what you can break open."

Obviously, several people are confident.

"Oh, isn't it?"

"Don't forget, the body of the emperor soul of the emperor in the early Yuan Dynasty is here, and there is only a dead end, let alone you." Ye Chen said indifferently, making everyone's heart beat. At this time, he just remembered, fighting. The King of War Sage was able to explode the body of the emperor's soul of the ancestor of the early Yuan Dynasty, which was probably much more extraordinary than imagined.

It's just that I have ignored it before, and I can't remember it.

Thinking about it now, he looked ugly.

They felt that even if it was the strength of the Fighting Saint King they had seen before, they still had reservations.

Star Overlord?

I am afraid that it is even more terrifying than the Star Overlord!


They exclaimed one by one, and none of them wanted to admit this fact.

However, Ye Chen smiled coldly, as if he could see through all of his souls: "Yes, you are all right. I have been hiding my strength for a long time. Except for fighting against the emperor soul of the ancestor of the early Yuan Dynasty. Dealing with you is just the tip of my iceberg and the power of the last minute."

"You guys, really think that I want to make a move. Will you still have a chance to enter this last supreme secret realm?"

The usual tone, like the most terrifying taboo sky thunder exploded!

tip of the iceberg?

Power of the last minute?

Everyone felt terrified!

"I didn't want to do this, since you guys want to die, I have no choice but to do it."


In the emperor light channel, Ye Chensheng paused and stopped going up. Even if the emperor light channel wanted to lead him into the secret territory of the giant, the traction force was that the ancient road overlord could not resist, either continue to move up or leave. .

But it doesn't mean he can't do it.

The power of horror escapes, tearing everything apart, breaking the traction.

Ye Chen, standing in shape, instantly transformed into a majestic and boundless Taikoo Emperor Yue, straddling the wide Emperor Light Channel, living in front of the portal of the giant secret realm, no longer going up.

"How can I stop me?"

He smiled, full of indifference.

The power of Ye Chen's physical emperor exploded, not inferior to the supreme dili contained in the emperor light tunnel. The figure swung around and landed abruptly, and came to an ancient road overlord in an instant.

It was the overlord of original sin, quite powerful, and one of the absolute overlords of the younger generation of the world, no less than the heirs of eternal giants such as the Great Sage Immortal Prince, Chu Shenjun, Yu Wudi, and the Son of God Emperor.

Who will compete with the younger generation?

It is the best in an era, looking at the past and present, many eras, and it is definitely one of the most qualified to prove the Dao Cheng Emperor!

However, Ye Chen's arrival made him feel the pressure of unparalleled aura and he couldn't move at all.

The indifferent and ruthless eyes fell on him, and the moment was like the Emperor Dao Shen Yue adding himself, the whole person was stiff, and he could not move.

Among his peers, Fighting Saint King was the first person to make him feel so helpless, powerless, and frightened.

"you are the first!"

Ye Chen blinked and shot, and the amount of violent violence surged out. Thousands of them resembled each other, overlapping and overlapping, and in an instant, all of them fell on the original sin overlord.

In the emperor light passage, emperor light emerged, and countless secret patterns flew out, intertwined with each other, trying to dissolve the blow.

At this time, the power of the physical emperor emerged, and it was unmatched, and it was actually to forcibly offset the resolution of the emperor light channel.

Ye Chen's attack continued to fall.

At this time, the original sin overlord felt a complete death crisis!

The last time I felt it was when I was facing the Fighting Saint King, but this time it was countless times stronger.

Don't say it is him, even if it is other ancient road overlords, supreme survivors, and the older generation of ancient kings, it is not so.

The crisis is really real!

With a roar, he suddenly shot, and at all costs, the power of the King's Fourth Heaven broke out, facing Ye Chen.

However, the emperor light channel secret pattern appeared, instantly dissolving all the offensives of the original sin overlord, disappearing and invisible.

After all, Ye Chen was able to stop it, but it didn't mean that the four-layer king of the original sin overlord was qualified to resist it.


I haven't said a word yet, the overlord of original sin, one of the nine overlords of the ultimate ancient road, is extinct in form and spirit, and is extinct!

With just one blow, one of the ancient road overlords disappeared forever.

This is much more shocking than killing the emperor of the early Yuan Dynasty, the Chaos Overlord, and the Silver Moon King not long ago.

Therefore, it is impossible to kill the first three in the first place, and multiple attacks are required.

However, the Overlord of Original Sin, the ancient overlord who was comparable to the Five Heavenly Kings, was so vulnerable.

All of this demonstrates the strength of the Fighting Saint King, as he said, from the tip of the iceberg and the power of the slightest to the full state.


The overlord of Original Sin was crushed to pieces, and immediately dropped countless treasures, colorful, very colorful, all treasures that ordinary cultivators were crazy about, and even some of the most treasures that even the ancient kings would be jealous.

With a big hand, Ye Chen came into his body one after another.


Ye Chen stepped out, and the power of the emperor-level physical body exploded, and the emperor's majesty that touched the corner of the emperor realm emerged, and was crushed in this emperor light passage.





Under the terrifying power, the emperor light channel seemed to be unable to bear it, and under the horrified eyes of everyone, a series of subtle cracks appeared.



However, after feeling the incomparable power of Ye Chen's body, everyone suffocated for a while, as if feeling the ancient emperor high above them, the cover pressed on them.

In an instant, all time and space, avenues, and rules of the king, could it not be that under this infinite power, all solidified and unable to recover!


"The current emperor!"

At this moment, they finally understood why the Fighting Saint King waited for existence.

Everyone was terrified, fighting against the holy king, invincible as this, was actually an invincible **** of prestige!

No wonder, sweeping invincible!

At this time, Ye Chen's eyes swept across the ancient road overlord, the supreme seizing his life, the older generation of ancient kings, and no one dared to look at him.

Those gazes seemed to be able to swallow everything, including the rules of the king in them. Once they looked at each other, the rules of the king in the body were about to move, as if they were going to rise to the sky and be deprived.

(End of this chapter)

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