Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3690: good news

In the upper realm, the overall strength is comparable to that of an eternal giant, and it also has the endless potential to far outweigh the Primordial Chaos World, and it can give birth to countless princes.

Even, generally speaking, the chaotic ancient universe with the upper realm is often the most sacred person in the universe born from the upper realm.

Of course, the upper realm is not conceived and born by the individual of the Chaos Sea. Under normal circumstances, it often belongs to the companion body of the ancient Chaos universe.

There is a special saying that the Upper Realm is actually the ancient Chaos Universe. It is just like a born disabled fetus. It was born before being completely conceived to Consummation, and finally retreated, becoming the largest in the Upper Realm after the ancient Chaos Universe. Celestial world.

Compared with the primitive world of chaos, it is also countless times different.

However, the ancient chaotic universe that can accompany the upper realm is one of the few in the sea of ​​chaos.

Such as the Pangu universe, such as the prehistoric immortal world, such as the ancient alien universe, such as the chaotic burial ground.

However, all the ancient chaotic universes that are associated with the upper realm belong to the most powerful ancient chaotic universe, and the four chaotic ancient universes mentioned above are all in this column.

Especially the primordial immortal realm, which is associated with the land of the upper realm, is the joint efforts of the celestial immortals of the primordial fairy realm and the giants of the immortal kings, so that it is completely integrated with the entire chaotic ancient universe and evolved into an unprecedented fairyland universe.

Therefore, faintly, the Primordial Realm has the title of the first universe of the Chaos Sea.

However, what makes people suspicious is that such a prototype of the upper realm is enough to teach the eternal giants to be jealous. Why is it turned into a giant secret realm and placed on the battlefield of the two ancient realms?

I have to say that this is surprising and feels very strange.

"It's a bit weird. Even if the upper realm is just a prototype, but it contains infinite growth potential, the eternal giant should not easily let a prototype of the upper realm here, let alone turn into a giant secret realm. What kind of purpose does it have?" Emperor Huang frowned, always feeling that the matter was not simple, "Even if this is about the fight for the'Ultimate Supreme' fairy fate, it should not be so big."

At this time, Huang Yao also said: "If I didn't guess wrong, maybe it was helpless."


"Yes!" Huang Yao continued, "Upper Realm, the supreme realm of the companion body of the Ancient Chaos Universe. Similarly, only the Ancient Chaos Universe can truly be bred. If I am not mistaken, this The embryonic form of the upper realm, I am afraid that the chaotic ancient universe of the community has been shattered, and it has lost the root of growing into a complete upper realm."

Chaos ancient universe, associated with the upper bound.

But the vastness of the upper realm is boundless, and only the chaotic ancient universe can nurture and grow successfully.

Losing the ancient universe of chaos, the embryonic form of the upper realm seems to have lost the most fundamental soil, unable to continue to breed and grow.

At this point, even the eternal giants won't work, and they can't promote the continuation of the embryonic form of the upper realm.

Emperor Huang was surprised: "If it is placed in another ancient chaotic universe, wouldn't it work?"

The anti-sky warrior shook his head: "It's difficult, because the upper realm and the ancient chaotic universe are common companions, and the root attributes generally need to be consistent in order to be better nurtured. The original attributes of each ancient chaotic universe are actually somewhat different. And, generally speaking, the Supreme Emperor or the Eternal Giants are not allowed, because the prototype of the upper realm wants to evolve into a complete upper realm, and the origin of the universe needs to be lost. I don’t know how much it is, and it is directly placed in this way, often to a large extent. The above will cause the origin of the universe to fall into a state of exhaustion, so that the entire chaotic ancient universe will not be able to recover for several epochs."

"In these several epochs, there will also be a state of interruption of the practitioners. If you fall into the doomsday period, and there are still several epochs, it will be too long."

"You must know that in the Sea of ​​Chaos, the ancient Chaos Universes are not absolutely safe. For example, the Pangu Universe and the Alien Ancient Universe are examples. Once the entire Chaos Ancient Universe falls into a long-term fault for several epochs, it will cause unsustainable power. If the strong do not exist, it is very likely that they will be invaded and occupied by other chaotic ancient universes. At that time, the upper realm that has worked so hard to nurture and grow will also become the thing of others in vain."

The three understand that even if they know that the prototype of the upper realm has fully grown, it will inevitably give birth to countless powerful people, and even cultivate the supreme emperor and even the eternal giants, but no ancient Chaos universe is willing to take the long risk of several epochs. this matter.

The risk is too great.

Ye Chen frowned: "In this case, if an eternal tycoon refining, integrates the original emperor realm with the upper realm to provide growth power, isn't it possible?"

The heaven-defying warrior sighed: "It is difficult. The embryonic form of the upper realm is gestated and grows. It requires too much energy. The origin of the ancient chaotic universe needs to be exhausted for several epochs. Not to mention the eternal giants. It really needs to be completely refined. The possibility of Nine will have to be swallowed by too much power of the original source, and fall into a long-lasting deep sleep. Perhaps several epochs may not necessarily be awakened. It is conceivable that an eternal giant sleeping for several epochs is difficult to recover. , If an enemy strikes, what should I do?"

Ye Chen sighed: "Is there no other way?"

It is a pity that such a prototype of the upper realm is left here.

Huang Yao said: "Of course it is not completely impossible. As long as you find a chaotic universe that is gestating and place this upper realm prototype into it, that's all."

"After all, the chaotic universe in the period of gestation and growth, the original attributes are still in the gestation period, and it is the easiest to merge with the embryonic upper bound.

Hearing this, Ye Chen's eyes flickered: "Really? But the Chaos Universe is in the gestation period, can it promote the embryonic growth of the Upper Realm? Will it take longer?"

It's not that the chaotic ancient universe that has fully grown without this idea also needs several epochs to promote the prototype of the upper realm to become a complete upper realm, not to mention just the prototype of the chaotic universe.

"Battle Sage King, your point of view is wrong." The heaven-defying warrior said: "Chaotic ancient universe, to promote the growth of the embryonic upper realm, what needs to be lost is the origin of chaos. However, the embryonic chaotic universe itself needs the support of Chaos Sea. To grow, there is the entire Chaos Sea as a backing. In a sense, the prototype of the Upper Realm is straight into the prototype of the Chaos Universe. Even if the prototype of the Upper Realm needs a lot of original growth, the prototype of the Chaos Universe can also quickly recover with the help of the endless Chaos Sea. ."

"To put it simply, the Chaos Universe fully grows and succeeds, that is, when the upper realm is completely complete."

How can Ye Chen not be surprised because he already has the prototype of a chaotic universe, which is the original small universe, which is in the stage of gestation and growth.

As long as you put this prototype of the upper realm into your original universe, doesn't it mean that in the future your chaotic small universe will have a great chance to grow to a stage comparable to the most powerful universes such as the Pangu universe, the alien ancient universe, and the prehistoric immortal world?

Originally, he also planned to make Chaos Saint Realm or Primordial Heaven Realm the upper realm of his original universe.

But right now, this rudimentary upper realm is the most perfect future upper realm of the universe.

It can be described as the greatest gift God has given to yourself!

Naturally, even at this point, the secret of his own small universe has not been completely disclosed to the world.

The matter is important, the three in front of them cannot be completely trusted like the emperor and daughter of Pangu Universe.

(End of this chapter)

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