Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3694: The greedy supreme takes his life

At this time, the Emperor Light Channel had long since disappeared.

The emperor's reincarnation is still sitting cross-legged, high above him, looking down at Zhu Qiang.

His presence has frightened the strong from all sides not to move forward.

Not long ago, there was an older generation of Primordial Kings who thought that the reincarnation of the Great Emperor was just threatening and didn't believe it, so some people rose into the sky.

Naturally, the final price in exchange is the destruction of form and spirit!

At the price of the death of an old primordial emperor, the powerful believers.


At this moment, in the Temple of Heaven, Taiyi, Wudao, God Emperor Zi, and other ancient road overlords, or the old ancient kings, were all stunned.

The Fighting Saint King appeared so soon, could it be said that he has already won the tenth Supreme Divine Crown?

But, this is too fast, right?

It must be known that from his entering to leaving, it only lasted less than two days.

Ignoring the horrified look of the great ancient road overlords, Ye Chen looked at the great sages and sacrificed his life. With his palm raised, ten Supreme Divine Crowns appeared, and said: "You are all ancient emperors. You should know how to arouse the'Ultimate Supreme' Fairy fate will come."

This scene confirmed everyone's speculation. Despite the speculation, it was still shocking.

"Damn, how did he do it?"

"I waited so hard, it took a long time to get the Supreme Divine Crown, and he only got it after a while!"

"Is this the strength of the emperor? It really is unmatched!"

Some Gulu Overlords were amazed, others were sad, and more clenched their fists and stared at Ye Chen deeply, yet they seemed so helpless.

The peers are supposed to be the invincible hegemons who are fighting for the hegemony of the world. In the end, the Fighting Saint King has been above them again and again. Now, it is completely above another level, high above it, and they need their worship.

Their mood is so complicated at this moment!

They were hit by the fighting sage again and again, invisibly, leaving an invisible shackle on their hearts.

That is the shackles of the heart demon belonging to the fighting king.

Unless they can break the shackles of the heart demon one day, if they defeat the fighting king, or re-establish their invincible faith, otherwise the existence of the shackles of the heart demon will enable them to even be promoted to the emperor in the future. It is hard to expect the imperial realm to stop at the front for the whole life.

The same is true for several supreme beings. In the end, they are nothing more than a rising star for this fighting saint king.

With a light sigh, however, these supreme beings lost their lives, suddenly looked at each other, and reached a decision invisibly. Afterwards, the expressions were indifferent and gleaming with greed. One of them said: "Fighting Saint King, you really are the most lucky person in the past, I can't compare it. It's a pity that these supreme **** crowns are not What you should have, I advise you, it’s best to give these supreme divine crowns to the emperor immediately, not only can you save you from a catastrophe, but the emperor can even grant you a great opportunity to become an emperor."

"No, it should be given to this emperor. It is not enough to prove that Dao becomes an emperor, but it will give you the supreme opportunity to become an eternal giant!" Another supreme duo sacrificed his life also spoke, with wisps of emperor light looming on his body.

"It's better to give it to the emperor." The third supreme duo also spoke, with purple-golden hair, looking young and majestic, majestic and majestic, but there are hundreds of thousands of years in his eyes. The meaning of the infinite vicissitudes of ups and downs shows that his true age is far beyond what he looks young.

He then spoke slowly, with a somewhat threatening meaning: "After the myth was destroyed, the Pangu universe directly named the sealed universe and fell into the weakest stage. At this time, it was just the alien ancient universe. Your Pangu universe is too tired to deal with it, or even trapped."

"If you are willing to hand over ten Supreme Divine Crowns, this emperor can guarantee that the entire Chaos Ancient Universe behind this emperor will immediately become the most solid ally of the Pangu Universe, fighting side by side against the alien ancient universe. Of course, if you are not willing to hand over After coming out, the emperor will personally lead the Chaos Ancient Universe to attack your Pangu Universe. Now your Pangu Universe has the eyes of the alien ancient universe, and it is not easy to be enemies of other Chaos Ancient Universes."

At this moment, facing the ten supreme divine crowns, behind the "Ultimate Supreme" fairy fate, it is the supreme emperor, who can hardly give up the temptation of the heaven, and speak one by one.

Even the ancient emperor did not hesitate to send troops to conquer the Pangu universe as a threat.

Undoubtedly, the "Ultimate Supreme" fairy fate behind the Ten Supreme Divine Crowns made these great emperors tear their skin and threaten them.

Ye Chen recalled that when the Sun Emperor, Chi Xue Supreme, and Mythical Supreme were proving Dao to become emperor, it triggered the emperor's calamity, which caused many Supreme Great Emperors of Chaos Sea to come at all costs. The fundamental purpose was to obtain the "Ultimate Supreme" fairy fate.

There is no doubt that the value of this "ultimate supreme" fairy relationship is enough to make the emperor supreme be jealous of it crazy.

He became more and more curious about why this "ultimate supreme" fairy fate would wait for the world-destroying class fairy fate. Does it involve "eternity"?

Everyone was awe-inspiring, these supreme saints suddenly threatened the fighting saint king, but all of them frowned.

There is no doubt that the threat of these supreme self-sacrifice is that other ancient road overlords can't see it, and feel that it is a shame to the majesty and demeanor of the supreme emperor.

When peers fight, the loser has no complaints.

The supreme surrendered his life, and his skills were not as good as humans, but threatened with the deity and the attack on the ancient chaos universe.

There is no doubt that it is too shameful to the emperor's majesty.

It's just that the few supreme succumbs do not care about these.

In their eyes, there is nothing more important than the "Ultimate Supreme" fairy relationship.

"Battle Saint King, how are you thinking about it?" Supreme Duo said again.

Ye Chen smiled, not irritating the threats of a few supreme deprivation, just said: "It seems that you all know how the "Ultimate Supreme" fairy relationship is triggered?"

"Nature!" The third supreme with purple blonde hair sneered and laughed: "Only the supreme really knows how to you should hand it over, otherwise it will be impossible to trigger it in your life—"


In the blink of an eye, Ye Chen came to this supreme duo's body and slammed through his chest with a punch, making his words come to an abrupt end.

The immaculate face was full of indifference: "Dare to threaten me? Do you really think you are someone?"


The fist shook, the emperor-level physical body's mighty strength bloomed, and the moment the supreme seized his body torn apart, and the blood burst.

Ye Chen's strength is fully demonstrated.

Even if the supreme emperor behind the supreme seizing life threatened to lead the Chaos Ancient Universe Army to conquer the Pangu universe, he still ignored it and even made the most direct counterattack.

Blow on the spot!

(End of this chapter)

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