Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3719: 18 hells

At this moment, Ye Chen looked cold and shot.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

Between heaven and earth, as his sword pointed out, a series of sharp sword lights were born out of thin air, from the sky, from the earth, from the mountains, from the woods, from the ocean, from the stones... countless sword lights flew out, every They are all so terrible, containing the power of his king's rules, far and wide, and indiscriminate attacks.

The war fortresses, the ancient cities of kings, the battlefields, the super powers..., under the finger of Ye Chen's lingon sword, nothing more than that, they were all affected, in the outside world. The horrified gazes of the starry sky and the horrified people went underground, and disappeared.

In a short time, the terrifying background that could threaten the emperor was directly disintegrated and annihilated.

The headquarters of the big world is empty, only Ye Chen is in the center of the independent world, king over the world, invincible, shocking everything!

"Good... so strong!"

"The fighting saint king shouldn't be so strong even if he is an emperor? Also, what about the first emperor?"

In the headquarters of the Great World, the survivors of the Forbidden Soul Palace are all horrified. Facing such a terrifying opponent, they are panicked, and I am afraid that only the most powerful emperor and first emperor can contend.

However, they still don't know that the first emperor was bombarded by Ye Chen's finger, and now his life is unknown.

"Sacrifice to the eighteen layers of hell, release all the ancient and modern forbidden weapons, and show all the details. You must fight the sacred king!"

A starry sky overlord of the Forbidden Soul Palace roared.

From the core of the headquarters of the Great World, a magnificent ancient tower stood upright in time, with 18 floors, rippling with the mighty power of the world and the power of imperialism.

"Di Tower!?"

Ye Chen looked at the 18-story imperial tower in surprise, but the imperial tower was shining, and the 16 floors below the 18-story tower opened one after another.

Suddenly, a powerful horror aura was released, and a large horror figure emerged from each layer.

Especially the more you go up, the more terrifying the figure that comes out!

These figures looked dull and peaked, as if they had lost their sanity, what was left was only instinct, but they were extremely powerful.

"Forbidden weapons!"

Behind Ye Chen, the four starry sky overlords, including Sovereign Frozen Ice and the ancestor of the Star Devouring Beast, walked out, watching this scene with solemn and ugly expression.

There is no doubt that the Emperor Pagoda, called the Eighteenth Floor, is actually a prison that holds the most powerful type of forbidden weapons similar to the Ice Flame Monarch and the ancestor of the Star Devouring Beast, which in fact proves that the Forbidden Soul Palace is far behind. It was far more terrifying than imagined. Eighteen layers of hell, each layer of **** is a forbidden weapon that holds the starry sky overlord class.

The Frozen Monarch and the ancestor of the Star Swallowing Beast were only taboo weapons captured in this era, and the eighteenth **** was a taboo weapon suppressed in the past several eras.

What is even more amazing is that the strength of each taboo weapon figure is at least the late eighth heavenly king, and nine people belong to the peak king level of the nineth heaven and even the tenth heaven.

For several epochs, being able to imprison the forbidden weapons in the 18th floor of the Hell Emperor Tower can be described as the survival of the fittest. Only those who are strong enough are eligible to be imprisoned. It is imprisonment and also a kind of seal.

The 18-story Hell Emperor Tower can be like the heart of the world, confine the inner space and time, and the taboo weapons will not pass the life, otherwise it is not the supreme, it is impossible to live beyond the life of an era!

Similarly, the 18-story Hell Emperor Tower, each layer can only seal one person, after all, they are too powerful, and the Emperor Tower cannot seal too many powerful people at the same time.

Unsurprisingly, the ancestor of the Star Devouring Beast, which used to be the No. 2 weapon, must be qualified to ban it, while the other three such as Lord Ice Flame did not have this opportunity.

One by one, starry sky overlord-level taboo weapons appeared, controlled by the powerhouse of Forbidden Soul Palace, and rushed towards Ye Chen frantically and jealously.

The appearance of the Sixteen Taboo Weapon is often the starry sky overlord level, there is no lack of the peak emperor level, and the emperor dare not care about it.

However, this time it was Ye Chen who was invincible!

"Fighting Saint King, please also awaken their sanity."

The Frozen Monarch, the ancestor of the Star Devouring Beast and other people who were suppressed and reduced to forbidden weapons in the past were all touched. They did not want anyone to become a forbidden weapon in the Forbidden Soul Palace.

"it is good!"

Ye Chen nodded, and then showed the invincible power of the eternal king.

Nearly the immeasurable power of the ancient emperor, shocking the past, directly confining the entire time and space of the headquarters world, the sixteen hells of the eighteen hells are sealed in the void and cannot be broken away.

Supreme means!

The Forbidden Soul Palace, the Ultimate Ancient Road, and the starry sky and tens of thousands of people all shake their hearts.


At the same time, Ye Chen grabbed it with a big hand, and the sixteen Forbidden Weaponists of the Forbidden Soul Palace, Dou Zhuan Xing Yi, were all suppressed in the chaotic universe within their bodies, and they could not struggle.

Leave it to wake up their minds in the future.

Wind is light!

In the blink of an eye, the terrible crisis was not resolved, on the contrary, it caused heavy losses to the Forbidden Soul Palace.

Sixteen forbidden weapons, but Soul Forbidden Palace has accumulated several eras of the final heritage, enough to sweep the entire infinite starry sky, at this moment, they are all suppressed.

Even the emperor shouldn't be so powerful?

The headquarters of Forbidden Soul Palace panicked, and did not understand what kind of method the Fighting Saint King was, and the sixteen starry sky overlord-class forbidden weapons disappeared with the raising of his hands.

"Immediately wake up weapon No. 1 and weapon No. 0!"

The lord of the high-status temple roared and ordered the unlocking of the prison gates of the 17th and 18th floors of the Emperor Pagoda.

The seventeenth and eighteenth hell's imperial tower portal is far from the previous sixteenth **** portal can be compared, with the imperial formation imprinted on it and blocked.

Especially the eighteenth layer of **** is a complete imperial formation. On top of it, there are ten drops of emperor's essence blood, which outlines this complete imperial formation, which is unprecedented.

The first to be opened was the seventeenth floor of **** portal. After a while, the terrifying aura rippled away, and the entire headquarters world shook.

"Emperor-level existence!"

Ye Chen looked at the figure that rushed out of the seventeenth floor of hell. It was the No. 1 weapon. It was even higher than the No. 2 weapon, the ancestor of the Star Devouring Beast. It was actually an emperor, but this At this moment, the mind is lost and in a state of madness.

"Forbidden Soul Palace, it's even more difficult than I thought."

Ye Chen murmured to himself, the emperor rank No. 1 weapon rushed over. It was terrifying, but for him, it was obviously not a problem.

Directly suppressed, the eternal emperor's peak realm, the ultimate sublimation stage, his strength is far beyond the world's imagination, according to Ye Chen's own judgment, no less than the emperor of the early days.

The ordinary emperor, let alone the emperor who lost his mind, unless he is the eternal emperor, he is not his opponent.

Ye Chen made a strong move, showing the eternal king's pinnacle state of conquering means.


In the face, the No. 1 weapon, which peaked like a monster, was directly knocked off, blasting countless stars.

Ye Chen stepped into the starry sky, tore through the starry sky, and confronted the No. 1 weapon.

The battle above the stars in the headquarters of the Great World was fierce, but it also ended very quickly.

In just a few moments, under the shocked and numb gaze of the tens of thousands of people in the starry sky, the figure of the fighting saint king reappeared, holding the neck of the No. 1 weapon in his hand, returning from the starry sky like a chicken.

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