Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3728: I am Cang??, the Universe!

Originally, Cang Yan was going to wait for the final ancient road to end before leaving.

   After becoming an eternal giant, his mind was shaken.

   But this time, after the robbery, all parties attacked, as powerful as him, and they were also dying when they first entered the eternal giant level.

  At a critical moment, when adversity sees the truth, the unphased king comes to rescue and resolve a crisis with the soldiers of the ancient giants.

   In the end, the invincible fighting ancestor came even more powerfully, blasting the Emperor Taishi with one punch, defeating the four giants, penetrating the eternal time and space, and taking him away.

   How could Cang Yan refuse to repay him, so he decided to go to Pangu Universe and sit down in person to frighten all the enemies.

  He has always had gratitude and revenge.

   now returns to the ancient chaotic universe, but for the sake of it is some ultimate ancient way, otherwise, he would have gone to the Pangu universe together with the Wuxiang King.

   Of course, when the two are separated, he may make a promise and will leave soon.

   Hearing the words, Ye Chen said with surprise, "Seniors, juniors can do it at any time."

   "Well, wait for a while, the old man still needs to prepare for various matters. After leaving, it is not good for no one to sit on the ultimate ancient road, so let Tai Wuji take the place of the teacher for one or two." Cang Yan nodded.

   Ye Chen's sword eyebrows constricted slightly: "But senior, you just finished the tribulation, don't need to rest for a period of time, do you stay stable?"

   "Weakness after the catastrophe will be compensated soon." Cang Yan smiled mysteriously.


   The ultimate ancient road, the starry sky and thousands of people, are always paying attention to the situation in the outside world.

   Heavenly Soul Great Emperor, Cang Yan, Ye Chen, and Kunpeng Emperor have entered for a long time, but they have never been born.

   If it hadn’t been a while ago, there had been the power of the Dao, and I was sure that there were still people, otherwise I would have thought it was lost.

   But the firmament of the universe, that piece of land outside of the sky, belongs to the land close to the origin of the universe, and cannot be entered without the supreme being.

  Emperor Zhiqiang such as Tai Wuji and the First Emperor cannot enter, and can only wait silently.


   Visible to the naked eye, the stars in the universe are lit up, shining with unprecedented brilliance, vast and mighty, as if the sun jumped out of the horizon, breaking the darkness before dawn, and shining through the sky forever.

   Even the darkest starry sky with few wild stars far away in the universe is illuminated by the intense brilliance.

  The black hole is rolling, and the mystery of the universe is ups and downs.

   The gods of the heavens were awakened and born, and the Eight Devil Kings roared up to the sky.

   Hundreds of thousands of brilliant colors and thousands of visions descended from the universe, and light and rain showered all over the starry sky to congratulate.

   The heavens and the universe, the starry sky and the universe, the whole world.

   At this moment, all beings in the universe can see the majestic figure with green and white hair hanging down in their hearts.

  He is above all races, all souls, all ways, all souls, and all realms.

   Supreme, beyond the supreme!

   Only the imprint on the soul can make the emperor surrender.

   Supreme, when proving Dao to become emperor, it is impossible!

   Tai Wu is extremely horrified, because this figure does not match the old body of the master in memory.

   Could it be that Master has...

   He didn't dare to think anymore.

   On the other side, the first emperor did the same.

   Because the Heavenly Soul Great Emperor is also not blue and white hair.

   The two emperors looked at each other, and both saw the horror in each other's eyes, but instead they were confused.

   Are they guessing wrong, who is it?

   The sudden changes in the starry sky of the universe shocked the vast number of beings in the world.


   is just the beginning!

"Proving Dao to become the emperor will inevitably cause the universe to come to Ruicai, illuminate the starry sky and ten thousand realms, and carry out congratulations." The ancient kings of all parties looked up at the endless starry sky, the endless Ruicai, and rained every inch of the starry sky. There was an unprecedented shock in the eyes.

  Especially the ancient kings who have risen from the emperor clan, they are familiar with the scenes of the ancestral emperor’s proving Daocheng emperor, and they confirm each other, but they do not match.

All these things in front of them are so magnificent and countless, making them mutter to themselves in amazement: "He Yao of the universe, that is natural, but why is Cang Yan's proving Dao becoming emperor better than my clan's great emperor in the past when he proving Dao becoming emperor? ten times!?"

   Ten times!

   What kind of concept is that?

   Prove that Dao became emperor, and the universe he Yao, enough to cover a small half of the universe.

   In the final analysis, at best, it does not exceed a tenth of the starry sky of the universe.

   But right now, the mysterious supreme enlightened Dao Cheng Emperor returned, such a scene of He Yao, such a rain of brilliant light raining all over the sky, covering the entire universe.

   From top to bottom, from the inside to the outside, the six and eight wildernesses are all within this range.

   Even the unfathomable mystery of the universe, the emperor world hidden in the turbulent depths of endless space, cannot be avoided.

   He blooms with immeasurable light, the origin of the universe is resonating, helping to spread, diverging every inch of the entire universe.

   Suddenly, Cang Yan did not prove that Dao became emperor, but became the master of the universe!


   Endless mysterious light suddenly appeared in the sky of the universe, turning into a rainbow that spans the entire universe, running through both sides.

   Above the rainbow lights, there are countless smaller rainbow lights intertwined, extending in all directions, forming a pattern of avenues on the sky of the universe.

   seems to outline the heavens and paths of this chaotic ancient universe, showing the world in the form of patterns.

   is like an emperor's path that has evolved to a great and high level, hanging from the highest point of the universe, high above.

   Mysterious, unspeakable!

   The infinite supreme emperor sprang up and turned into storms, spreading the entire universe of stars.

   The world is dead!

   Suddenly, the sky and the earth faded, and the stars were dimmed. Above the magnificent rainbow, the pattern of the avenue slowly materialized, and finally turned into a cosmic light gate, which stood up high.

   This cosmic light gate suddenly opened.

   The supreme supreme and unpredictable aura is rippling, and it is mysterious and unpredictable. It seems that there is a great existence overlooking the ancient and modern future, which is descending on this cosmic starry sky.

  The starry sky and the tens of thousands of races, the universe and the universe, all raised their heads and looked up.

   Slowly, a majestic figure appeared gradually, with silver-white hair scattered on his shoulders and behind his back, with a handsome face, tall and straight, standing above all paths, all races, all souls, all things and all worlds.

  He, the heroic existence that is branding on the hearts of all beings!

   "I am Cang Yan, the universe is heaven!"

   Covering the eternal figure, with one step, the sky is full of stars, and the light suddenly shines thousands of times!

   The supreme is boundless, the emperor is boundless, the boundless light, sway the corners of the universe, far away.

  He is the Great God.

  天, the heavens are like shoulders.

   respect, supreme existence.

   is above the supreme, does not stand shoulder to shoulder with the way of heaven, and is the great heaven!

   Cang Yan Emperor, Da Tian Zun!

   "Cang..." The first emperor was horrified, his handsome face completely lost his blood, pale...

   "It's Master!"

   Taiwu cried with joy, and Master finally took that step.

   Known as the Great Heavenly Sovereign, there is no doubt that it is not a simple proving to become an emperor, but to transcend the ordinary supreme and become the world's supreme giant.

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