Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3732: Supreme is also shameless


This ancient battlefield trembles violently, and the supreme array patterns that are intertwined in the four directions of heaven and earth are flickering, which is unbearable.

The powerhouses of the four imperial domains stopped their attacks at the same time, raised their heads one after another, looking up at the ancient heavenly gate.

"this is--"

The emperors of all the great emperor domains were also alarmed, and they grew up, and the wisps of aura from the ancient heavenly gate made them all secretly frightened.

Emperor Gate?


In the end, the battlefield of the domain was penetrated into a large cave, and the Supreme Emperor at the top was also wiped out to ashes.

The ancient Tianmen broke through the domain battlefield and slowly opened.


When the ancient Tianmen opened, a supreme aura spread out in an instant, reaching far and wide, and flooding the entire vast area of ​​the battlefield.

At this moment, countless powerhouses of the Four Great Realms, from the Primordial King to the weakest Saint, all surrendered, and it was unbearable.

Only the four great emperors, with the help of half of their feet in the realm of the emperor, could they be able to bear it, but their faces were shocked: "It is the ancient emperor!"

That's right, it is the ancient emperor, otherwise, who can reach the realm like this!





Suddenly, from the ancient heavenly gate, there are four strands of supreme emperor pouring down, flooding this field battlefield.

The Sifang Emperor directly knelt down.

There is a deep sense of horror in the eyes: "Five Supreme Emperors!"

In the ancient Tianmen, the first person to walk out was a perfectly perfect figure. He glanced at the silent battlefield below, and said helplessly: "It's the battlefield again."

Next to him, a dazzling man who looked like the sun chuckled lightly: "What's wrong, Junior Brother, do you use this Origin Heaven Gate, do you often come to the battlefield?"

The perfect man named Junior Brother said: "The first time I came with the help of Origin Heaven Gate, I also stumbled into a battlefield."

Not long after, three more figures appeared, looking around here.

As the supreme, I feel that this ancient road of origin in this legend is actually gathering so many supreme.

One of them, covered in golden light, seemed to exclaim, "Is this the ancient road of origin that leads to the land of origin in the legend? According to my rough sense, the number of Supremes is unknown, at least over a hundred."

One hundred supreme, what an amazing number that is.

It should be noted that in the Chaos Sea, whether it is the Primordial Immortal Realm, the Ancient Alien Universe, or the Pangu Universe of the Mythical Era, each era has never reached so many supreme sacreds, which can be called an incomparably astonishing number of sacreds.

The supreme, who looked like the sun, chuckled and said: "You don't know anything. It is said that the place of origin has the ‘eternal’ method, gathered on the ancient path of origin, but the supreme heavens of the ancient chaotic universe."

Five people are naturally Ye Chen, Sun Emperor and other five people.

The arrival of the five supreme, the supreme emperor pervades, alarming all parties.

"who is it?"

There was a huge voice echoing in the 33rd Heaven, and the Sifang Supreme was shocked and immediately recovered. The Supreme Emperor's shadow emerged between the heavens and the earth, shaking the entire emperor domain.

One after another, standing in the square, looking around the five supreme ones who walked out of the ancient Tianmen in the middle, there is also a shocked look.

The five supreme beings suddenly walked out and entered this domain battlefield. What happened?

However, soon, Sifang Supreme Great Emperor's eyes fell on the ancient heavenly gate.

Only seeing the ancient heavenly gate, which is as high as the sky, outlines infinite ancient mystery patterns. There are scenes belonging to the heavens and all souls, there are scenes of fairy spirits flying, there is a great emperor who surveys the sky, there are eternal giants standing proud, and there are years and long rivers. , There are also the faintly manifest trajectories of the heavens and all paths, which is very special.

Suddenly, the eyes of the four gathered together in time.


"Origin Tianmen!?"

"One of the legendary holy relics of origin, unexpectedly appeared here?"

As the supreme of the ancient road of origin, how can they not be familiar with the characteristics of the holy artifacts of the origin.

The ancient Tianmen in front of me is also a sacred object of origin, which is no different from the legendary record, even extraordinary.

Suddenly, the Quartet Supreme could not be the blazing light in his eyes.

Rumor has it that as long as you use the holy artifacts of origin, you will have the opportunity to enter the legendary land of origin and win the opportunity to achieve "eternity".

"Dear fellows, I am waiting for this by mistake. Please forgive me and leave immediately."

The Sun Emperor responded politely.


Taking a shot at the Torn Domain Battlefield, Ye Chen raised his hand and put the Origin Heaven Gate away in his fingers.

At this moment, a supreme with brilliant and colorful hair suddenly spoke, showing a special smile, and said, "Do you believe me, this ancient heavenly gate is a bit special, can you let this emperor take a look?"

When the words fell, the supreme directly stepped forward, ignoring the feelings of Ye Chen and others, and reached out to grab it.

Ye Chen squeezed the palm of his palm, and the Origin Gate was submerged in his body, and said coldly: "Sorry, it is inconvenient for outsiders to watch it."

The implication is to refuse.

The dazzling supreme frown frowned and said, "Friends of Taoism, but I just want to take a look, why hide it like this? It seems a bit stingy."

"Hehe, the emperor feels very familiar. I would like to ask fellow daoists to borrow and study No, it seems that the heavenly gate is a treasure of the heavenly gate that the emperor accidentally lost. If you ask fellow daoists to return, you must thank you personally!"

"Heh, Mo Gu, it's shameless to say it's yours directly."

Sifang Supreme, one after another came forward to ask for it, and all of them felt guilty about Origin Tianmen.

Although Ye Chen has five Supremes on Ye Chen's side, however, these four Supremes are not afraid and stand upright.

This scene is a bit strange.

However, the affairs between the supreme princes, the powers of the field battlefield, including the emperor, were not able to know, because the supreme personally took action, and the supreme emperor shielded everything and could not explore.

"Oh, this is my thing, why should I show it to you?" Ye Chen sneered, how could he not see the meaning of these supreme greed, in the final analysis, it is the hope to seize the Origin Gate.

I am afraid that with the supreme identities of these ancient roads of origin, they should have recognized the identity of the Tianmen of Origin.

"My little friend, watch that your realm aura is not the real supreme. I'm afraid that you can have the supreme strength with the help of foreign objects. I advise you not to be arrogant. Come on, you should steal this heavenly gate while the emperor was in retreat. Right?" The supreme named Mo Gu said, and he went forward to directly claim that Ye Chen had stolen the Tianmen, and slowly said: "I advise you to hand it over. The emperor can still remember the villain's fault for adults, otherwise It's no wonder that the emperor personally shot."

Obviously, Emperor Mogu is determined to win this Tianmen of Origin.

Behind Ye Chen, the four emperors, including the Sun Emperor, Kunpeng Emperor, Chi Xue Zhi Zun, and Mythology Supreme, all looked surprised, with a hint of anger.

Unexpectedly, in order to seize the Heaven Gate of Origin, as the supreme, you can be so shameless.


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