Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3736: Alien giant shot

The two giants battled and directly entered the Supreme Realm.

   That is a war territory exclusive to the Supreme, which exists in another dimension of time and space, which is more special and extraordinary.

   Origin of Ancient Road, has long been alarmed.

   One is the Supreme Sage Emperor. For the highest achievers of Chaos Avenue throughout the ages, a one-line difference can truly achieve great perfection.

   One is the Xuanxu Sage, the first-generation giant, who does not know how many epochs of the Dao, who truly overlooks the eternal existence.

   Their battle is more eye-catching than the battle against the Emperor Taishi not long ago.

   In the final analysis, the origin of Emperor Taishi has been exhausted, and he has never returned to the peak. He is also facing the fighting ancestor, who is known as the first person in Chaos Sea's attack power, naturally, there is not much comparison.

   Yandi domain.

   Endless chaotic source fire suddenly rises into the sky, generating rounds of chaotic days, shining on nine heavens and ten earth.

The Emperor Yan, with a splendid Emperor Yanhuang robe, stood with his hands in the 33rd heaven, looking at the prescription position in the distance, and said indifferently: "Sage Venerable Xuanxu, this old man is bullying others, and he dares to oppress the little Chenzi, his indomitable friend. Even if the Emperor Taisheng doesn't make a move, I will see where he has the courage to make a move."

   Dandi domain.

   A huge and boundless pill tripod lay across the entire vast and boundless territory of the giant, ups and downs, swallowing the boundless essence of the ancient road of origin, and breathing out the mighty power of the heavens, as if refining a peerless emperor pill.

Below   , the powerful Dan Emperors who came from the ancient chaotic universe where the Ancient Origin Road is located looked at the scene in shock: "Battle Saint King!"

   "Has he proclaimed the Supreme?"

   Thousands of years ago, he was just an emperor, but after a thousand years he has become a supreme existence?

   Such a promotion rate is too fast, right?

   "No, he is not the real supreme, but the strength, he is already infinitely close to the Dzogchen Supreme. It is not as simple as a challenge. It is indeed the strongest Tianjiao comparable to the emperor and the first generation."

Above, the Emperor Dan, who was submerged in the endless pill mist, shook his head somewhat helplessly: "This little friend of the fighting saint king is really a troublesome spirit. He just came back to the origin of ancient times and caused the two eternal giants to go to war. But he did not expect that he It’s no wonder that the Holy Venerable Xuanxu was moved to grasp the origin sacred object of Tianmen of Origin. This origin sacred object, but an important sacred object that can truly penetrate the origin sacred place, can also enter the origin sacred place from various places. I don’t know how he got it. of……"

   Saint Emperor Domain.

The strongest emperor, the emperor, looked at that scene with a gloomy expression, and also at Ye Chen below, revealing infinite killing intent: "I haven't seen you in just a thousand years, this kid has actually come this far. Well, in the final stage of transformation. , Almost the eternal emperor, but was sealed, I am afraid that it was the means of the newly promoted giant to return the fighting sage to the Pangu universe and then promote, the starry sky He Yao, the imprint of the soul and the great road in the ancient Chaos universe, it will be counted in the future There is also an opportunity for resurrection when it falls, and it really cannot be left."

   He is an eternal magnate, and he knows Ye Chen better than the Xuanxu Sage, and he naturally has enough insights.

  The more so, the more monstrous the killing will be.

   has only come to this point, and it is already infinitely close to the ancient emperor.

   If he proves that Dao becomes emperor by day, even if it is not detached from eternity, he is very likely to go to the step of the emperor of heaven and the beginning.

   That is the strongest sequence in the real sense of the ages. It has the absolute strength to kill other giants of the ages and is above all else.

  The ancient universe of foreign races, absolutely cannot allow the birth of another emperor!

  Similarly, several eternal tycoons on the side of the alien race also had monstrous killing desires, and they almost wanted to attack Ye Chen for the first time.

   "It's terrible killing thought, locked me, it's an eternal giant!"

   Ye Chen's discoloration changed, his perception was no less than that of the real ancient emperor, and he naturally felt the absolute killing intent of the eternal giant level, and he also understood that it was mostly the killing intent of several eternal giants of foreign races.

Silently, the terrifying tycoon's killing intent was derived, and several killing weapons of no more than ten thousand sized were derived. There are swords, heavenly swords, big cauldrons, and grinding discs, but they are no less than the fully recovered Supreme Emperor. Soldiers are like a blow from the ancient emperor.

   across the endless sky, suddenly appeared in front of Ye Chen and shot him.

   "The eternal giants will kill Nian Dao soldiers to kill!"

  Besides, whether it is the sun emperor, kunpeng emperor, mythical supreme, chixue supreme, or Mogu supreme and other hostile four supreme, they are also shocked.

   Ye Chen snorted coldly. He didn't expect that the supreme tycoons of foreign races would be so unscrupulous in order to kill themselves.

   Of course, it's just the killing of giants. The strongest emperor, emperor, and other supreme giants, after all, dare not blatantly kill them, because they worry about giving Yandi, Fighting Saint Ancestor and other Pangu universe supreme giants an excuse to shoot.

   He is not afraid, after all, he is infinitely close to the Great Perfection Supreme, his palms are like an immortal emperor's slamming, with a few clanging sounds, smashing all killing thoughts.

   However, there are obviously more than three or four giant-level killing Nian Dao soldiers, and then more than a dozen of them jumped out of thin air, with a crash, no longer a cover, and directly released the monstrous killing intent to kill everything.

   Even Ye Chen, facing more than a dozen giant-level killing Nian Dao soldiers, was somewhat pale in comparison.

   But there are other supreme shots around, Emperor Kunpeng directly said: "Let me come!"

The space-time mighty force was released, and the space-time black hole was The Emperor Kunpeng directly swallowed the dozens of giant-level killer Taoist soldiers, and the endless supreme dili suppressed, disintegrated, and felt, Said: "Although these giant-level killing thought soldiers are terrible, their attack force is comparable to the fully recovered Supreme Emperor soldiers, but they are only one-time, and they are not as good as the Supreme Emperor soldiers in all aspects, but they can understand the killing thoughts of some eternal giants. Tao will help me enter the field of eternal giants."

   In a sense, this is also a chance.

  Kun Penghuang is not a quasi-giant, but he is a bit stronger than Dzogchen Supreme. It is not a problem to swallow and refine these giant-level killers.

   "You dare to swallow our killing thoughts, you are so courageous. But it is another **** time and space emperor, although not as good as the time and space emperor!"

   Several eternal giants of the foreign race looked gloomy, but could not manipulate the engulfed killer Taoist soldiers, as if they had entered another ancient chaotic universe, completely isolating their perception.

   This is the terrible time and space.

  Kunpeng Emperor’s original imperial realm is the temporal realm constructed by the time-space avenue. It is extremely stable, and it also derives an infinite space-time barrier, which isolates everything in the temporal realm from the remote manipulation of the outside world.

   With the strongest time and space emperor, Kunpeng emperor can almost be invincible by nature.

   "Several adults of foreign races, you want to make a move, I am willing to help!"

   The four Mogu Supremes suddenly took action, exposing the power of Dzogchen Supreme. They attacked the Sun Great, Kunpeng Emperor, Chi Xue Supreme, and Mythical Supreme, making Ye Chen an unstoppable prey.

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