Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3763: Wanfa is back to 1, 3 Dao Dao (2 in 1)

"He Yao, starry sky!"

   In the heavens and tens of thousands of domains, hundreds of millions of creatures raised their heads, and in the depths of their eyes, some were only deeply shocked.

   That kind of starry sky He Yao is undoubtedly the supreme preaching.

   In the final analysis, who is it to prove that Dao became emperor?

   However, when I really see the figure standing high above the top of the universe, the figure in the center of Ten Thousand Ways bowing their heads.

  Everyone is shocked!

   Fighting Saint King!

  He, entering the eternal emperor today, aroused the starry sky to congratulate him, no less than the supreme preaching.

  She knows the existence of many secret Primordial Kings or above. Others do not know at all, what does the eternal emperor represent?

  Why, the eternal emperor of the eternal emperor by the fighting sage king can trigger the eternal vision of the starry sky He Yao, which is no less than the supreme preaching.

   There are thousands of miracles, all over the heavens and all realms, affecting the eight realms of all realms.

   It’s hard to tell, a kind of illusory visions of heaven and earth that belong only to legends are constantly emerging.

  Every vision is so magnificent and solemn, which makes people worship.

   Besides, there are more than thousands...

   "Sure enough, the fighting saint king became the eternal emperor, no less than the supreme proving the Dao, no, it is even more amazing than the supreme proving the Dao."

   There is a supreme shock. The vastness and vastness of the starry sky He Yao is far beyond imagination, and surpasses the one-tenth of the universe of the general supreme enlightenment.

   Generally speaking, the starry sky He Yao triggered by the Supreme Enlightenment can indirectly understand the strength of this person after the Enlightenment.

  Like Cang Yan, when proving the Tao, he jumped and became the eternal giant level directly. The starry sky He Yao's scene was triggered, reaching ten percent of the universe's endless territory, covering every inch of the corner.

   This is the starry sky congratulation given by the birth of the eternal giant.

   Nowadays, the Saint King of Fighting Battle is promoted to the eternal emperor, although it is far inferior to the time when Cang Yan is proving the Tao, but it should be understood that the former is only being promoted to the emperor, which can trigger the birth of the starry sky He Yao's supreme vision, and even surpass it.

  It’s hard to imagine, what kind of earthquake the starry sky will be caused when the Dao is proved in the future...

   Another supreme said in a deep voice: "I have a feeling that after the Fighting Saint King is promoted to the eternal emperor, he may be stronger than me, and more than a star."

   All parties are silent.

   Obviously, they also have a feeling.

   This is derived from the supreme intuition, extremely accurate, almost without omission, perceiving everything, and even insight into the ancient, modern and future.

   A newly promoted eternal emperor, who stepped into the realm of the emperor for the first time, is actually stronger than the existence of all the great emperors who have perfected in the all-round supreme realm?

   is a rebellion against the past, the present and the future...

   The emperor of the early days gave a wry smile: "I am also an eternal emperor, I am afraid it is not as good as a tenth of the younger brother."

  The King of No Phase saw that the juniors of the line of fighting saints rose up later, even surpassing themselves, there was no gloom, some just slowly joy.

   In the final analysis, this is the glory of the line of fighting saints.

   is also the glory of the Pangu universe.

   The stronger Ye Chen is, the better it is for the Pangu universe.

   At this time, what is even more moving is that, while such a scene is shocking, it can be felt that the origin of the Pangu universe emits a wave of joy called joy, and it is happy that Ye Chen has been promoted to the eternal emperor.

   It seems that Ye Chen is the biological son of the origin of the universe. His promotion and the origin of the universe are more excited and joyful than anyone else.

   Finally, he became the eternal emperor.

   The heavens and stars are shining, and countless stars are surging, drowning him.

   Ye Chen's body and mind are madly absorbing the power of a huge amount of stars.

   Transformation is beginning.

   At the same time, his divine consciousness left the body and expanded infinitely.

In the underworld, an endless and warm force stroking his soul and soul, enabling his soul and consciousness to expand infinitely, surpassing the starry sky, spreading the endless starry sky, and causing stars to shine, one after another. Domain He Yao.

   Ye Chen knew subconsciously that that power was probably the power of the origin of the universe.

   is like a mother's power, which is the care of the universe for Ye Chen.

   All the heavens and stars gather together.

   Similarly, in turn, let Ye Chen expand his divine consciousness, and imprint the imprints of his divine soul on the infinite stars.

   His mark of Chaos Avenue was also branded.

   This is another meaning of the starry sky He Yao, imprinting the imprint of the soul, imprinting the mark of the avenue, and letting the ancient Chaos universe record all this.

   One day, if it is unfortunately lost, perhaps after endless years, by chance, it will be possible to pull away these imprints of the soul and the road, reorganize the body and mind, and recover.

  Although, it is almost impossible, very unlikely.

   Throughout the ages, only a handful of supreme beings have succeeded. Other supreme beings or above all have truly vanished into dust in the years.

  Because the imprints of the soul and the avenue cannot last forever, and there is a corresponding time limit. Once the time limit has passed, it will become an unowned thing and return to the origin of the universe.

   Of course, all of this is still quite far away for Ye Chen.

   As soon as he entered the territory of the eternal emperor, Ye Chen only felt that all aspects of body and mind were being sublimated.

   Crazy improvement in all aspects.

   Not bad.

   Originally, he was no less than Dzogchen Supreme, no less than Dzogchen, in every respect, capable of peak duels without fear of life and death.

   Now that he enters the eternal emperor, he is no longer as simple as the ancient emperor, but beyond.

   Unparalleled, stalwart power beyond imagination, mighty, filling every inch of his body.

   Every cell is filled with majestic and eternal power.

It is not just a supplement to the stars of the heavens, it is still not enough for the Supreme, let alone Ye Chen, the starry sky He Yao vision he triggered has reached one-third of the universe starry sky region, far exceeding the ordinary Supreme Proving Dao .

   shows that his strength is far superior to the ordinary supreme.

   More importantly, the generosity of the origin of the universe.

   is like a mother's gift to her child.

   The Supreme Master succeeded in proving the Dao, and the origin of the universe gave him some origin of the universe, which helped him quickly stabilize the supreme realm.

   Ye Chen became the eternal emperor, which was much more powerful than the supreme demonstrating the Dao. The origin of the universe was delighted and endowed with more power of the origin of the universe, making him surpass the ordinary supreme in all aspects.

   At the same time, the small chaotic universe in his body has expanded like never before.

  100 million li, 110 million li, 120 million li, 150 million li, 200 million li...

  According to the past, even if he was promoted to the eternal emperor, Ye Chen would not be able to expand the chaotic universe so much in a short period of time.

However, the selfless dedication of the origin of the Pangu universe enabled Ye Chen’s small chaotic universe to expand wildly in a short period of time, and even more majestic power continued to flow into his body along with it, superimposing with the eternal emperor’s power, so that Ye Chen is getting stronger and stronger.

   As if, without end.

In his body, the goddess, Yi Wu and other relatives and friends all have a ray of spiritual consciousness. They naturally do not have the comprehensive experience of Ye Chen, but they also get an intuitive feeling, a feeling beyond imagination, more amazing than the supreme preaching. Feelings make their perception of Dadao soar.

  Unconsciously, the strand of spiritual consciousness that existed in Ye Chen's body collapsed.

   Everyone ignored them, enlightened and digested it for the first time.

   It was an extremely rare experience. Once the enlightenment is over, no matter how bad the aptitude is, it will inevitably be greatly improved.


   Soon after, the cosmos is at the highest point, and under the sky outside, boundless calamity is gathering in the clouds.

   Everyone knows that it is the eternal emperor's calamity belonging to the fighting holy king, no less than the supreme emperor's calamity.

   Ye Chen rises up, the transformation of his body has not completely ended yet, and is continuing, but he has no fear of the emperor's catastrophe.

  Since the cultivation of Taoism, there are many similar experiences in transcending the tribulation, even if the heavenly tribulation has the supreme, the supreme emperor, the tenth heaven and other rare legendary tribulations that are constantly falling, what chaos true dragon, world tree, chaos Kunpeng is born, etc.

   The terrifying eternal emperor's calamity, compared to the supreme emperor's calamity, surpasses a lot.

   But to Ye Chen, it's nothing.

  His strength is beyond the ordinary supreme, and he has a full range of extreme transformations, resists, and bears this immeasurable calamity light, thus swallowing it into divine power.

   The immeasurable calamity has become his strength to temper himself.

   This point does not even need to be controlled by Chaos Thunder Ball.

   Ye Chen, is constantly growing stronger.

  The tribulations are endless, turbulent on the highest point of the universe, and a random drop may cause a large area to collapse hundreds of thousands of miles, let alone so many.

  Naturally, in order to avoid affecting sentient beings, the Supreme Beings take action to protect all of this and prevent the catastrophe from falling.

Although it has long been known that the eternal emperor's calamity of the fighting sage king will be unprecedentedly terrifying, and even surpass the ancient history records, perhaps only the two great chaos sea invincibles, the first generation and the emperor, can be compared to the eternal emperor period. .

   But both are extremely ancient existences, and there are few related records, and no one knows them.

   Nowadays, only one can see how terrifying the eternal emperor’s calamity is, and it is far beyond imagination, and the eternal emperor’s calamity is much different.

   can also understand that the first generation, the emperor of the past one or two.

   The infinite catastrophe has flooded the vast starry sky with more than a thousand large areas, and it is boundless.

   The strongest and most powerful tribulation light flickered, and when it collapsed, I don’t know how many stars turned into dust.

   Ye Chen was the emperor period of the great emperor of the Middle Ages, and even the emperor period of the eternal giants.

There is no doubt that the emperor period of the eternal giants must belong to the eternal emperor, comparable to the emperor in the early days, and even some such as the fighting ancestors, the emperor, etc., have directly reached the level of the unphased king, and can be directly confronted The ancient emperor is very powerful.

   More infinite Supreme Emperor soldiers evolve and descend.

   This is the most terrifying catastrophe that makes Dzogchen supreme have to hate when they encounter it.

  Billions and billions of sentient beings are trembling, they don't know that the eternal emperor's calamity of the fighting holy king is even higher than the ordinary supreme emperor's calamity, but they know that once the immeasurable calamity falls, it will inevitably shatter the boundless domain.

   The heavens and the realms are trembling, unable to take shape.

   can be imagined.

  They can only continue to raise their heads, looking up at the most enchanting person in the Pangu universe, transcending the catastrophe.

   So, one day and one night later, Ye Chen killed to the end.

   This time, even though he was covered in blood, he had never been broken to pieces.

His body is blooming with the eternal and immortal chaotic glow, the chaotic body is constantly reorganizing and strengthening among the blood stained, the flesh and blood is shining, the chaotic sacred bone is shining and transparent, and the endless road runes emerge, that is Chaos King Rule Dao Pattern.

  Even, the rules of 300 million dao kings imprinted in his body have also been evolved. After endless thunder and tribulation, they have been refined and sublimated, and they have become the three supreme emperors.

   This represents the Dao of the three foreign emperors in the past, and they have all become emperor Dao levels.

  Naturally, there are no more than 300 million Taoist rulers. All the rulers are condensed into three Emperor Taoguang groups, all the size of a human head, exuding the strongest fluctuations of the ancient emperor level.

   After reaching the supreme realm, the rule of the emperor is sublimated to the supreme emperor, which can also be called the supreme emperor's way. There are no longer many ways, but all are "one".

   Ten Thousand Ways to One!

   The emperor is one!

   At this point, all the rules of the Dao Kings that have been mastered in the past are smelted into one, and this is even the Emperor Dao, which is the head-sized Emperor Dao light group!

   Generally speaking, every supreme has only one kind of emperor way.

   Once the Supreme Dao is proclaimed, the main road is the main and the other avenues are supplemented, and it will be melted into its own unique Supreme Emperor.

  Supreme, it is based on the Supreme Emperor Dao, and it can be an imperial path.

   means that with the help of the Emperor Daoguang Group, it can impose the heavens and all the paths for their own use.

   In front of him, Ye Chen had three Supreme Emperor Daoguang regiments, indicating that his strength was at least as high as three ancient emperors.

And mastering the three Supreme Dao at the same time, its strength is not only three times as powerful as other ancient emperors, as long as the three types of Supreme Dao are smelted and connected with each other, the power will be doubled. Perform superposition and exert an extremely terrifying combat power against the sky.

   There are three kinds of supreme imperial way, first chaos avenue to prove the imperial way.

   But Ye Chen is still not the supreme.

  Because he is dominated by the Chaos Avenue. Although the three supreme imperial roads are very strong, they are still suppressed by the Chaos Avenue and become the next-level main road.

   Only the Supreme Dao can prove the Emperor Dao, and the other side is the real Supreme Dao!

This is him, majoring in Chaos Dao, and the most powerful eternal emperor in ancient and modern times, can suppress the three imperial paths, otherwise, once the emperor path takes shape, even the true major path will be suppressed by the imperial path. , Become the second-level main road.


   Ye Chen smashed through the tenth heaven, defeating a peerless enemy who was transformed from the heavenly tribulation, and finally landed on the tenth heaven.

  He, his gaze crossed the sea of ​​infinite calamity light and thunder, falling in front is the incarnation of the tenth heaven.

   The incarnation of this day is the emperor Shaotian of Qingtian!

   The strongest ten heaven, the existence of eternal giants!

   Of course, it is impossible for the incarnation of the Great Emperor Qingtian in front of him to have the invincibility of his deity, nor the level of an eternal giant, otherwise Ye Chen would not be the opponent of such an infinite giant.

   And his goal is the thunder light gate behind the Qingtian Emperor.

   Legend, inside the Thunder Light Gate, contains all the great secrets of the ages.

   If you want to go to the Thunder Light Gate, you can only succeed if you fight with the incarnation of Emperor Qingtian.

   PS: Still two in one, no more tonight. The story of Crossing Tribulation won't be very long, and the next chapter will fill in the sect master.

  :. :

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