Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3768: Discussion between eternal emperors

But Ye Chen suppressed that impulse, and where the Xuan Clan was, he still didn't know.

   And in the Pangu universe, he still has many things to do.

  Especially, opening the "Ultimate Supreme" fairy relationship.

   To open the "Ultimate Supreme" fairy relationship, it is necessary to reach the emperor realm, but now he has finally reached it and can be opened.

   Boom boom boom boom boom--

   Infinite vision derives, and the law is earth-shattering.

   But see, a series of prosperous emperors appeared, and it was the arrival of the relatively familiar supreme emperors such as the emperor of war, the emperor of no phase, the emperor of the early, and the sun.

   After that, the princes also descended to Chaos Tianfu, causing a big shock.

   The fighting saint king of the Lord of Chaos Tianfu returned, and the supreme princes from all sides also came to congratulate their promotion to the eternal emperor.

   Naturally, the giant-level Taoist body of Cang Yan Great Heavenly Sovereign also came.

   "Cang Yan, Emperor of War, Emperor of Golden Crow, Emperor Shenkong, Emperor Wuxiang, Emperor Sun, Emperor Kunpeng..."

   I saw that all the Supremes in the Pangu Universe gathered in the Chaos Tianfu at the same time. It can be said that all the Supremes stand side by side, an unprecedented scene, and a scene destined to remember the history.

The powers of the Chaos Tianfu are excited, and even more excited. The emperors coexist, and can only be seen in the heyday of the mythical era. Now in the Chaos Tianfu, because of the Supreme Palace Lord, the supreme all parties are also alarmed to come and congratulate .

   "Sure enough, the Saint King of Fighting is very strong, and I feel almost like the quasi-giants such as the Emperor of War, Emperor Jinwu, Emperor Shenkong, etc. exist. It is unbelievable that an eternal emperor has reached a terrifying place!"

   All the supreme beings all felt Ye Chen's current realm aura at close range. He was clearly an emperor, but he was stronger than many supreme, and his face was shocked.

   The feelings of the unphased emperor and the emperor of the early days were the clearest, and they felt the eternal emperor's invincible aura on Ye Chen who was far stronger than them at close range.

  Because they are both eternal emperors, but I can feel the aura of the eternal road on Ye Chen's body, which is far stronger than them.

   Moreover, in the territory of the eternal emperor, Ye Chen has just begun, and they are all over, the next step is to prove Dao to become emperor.

   There is no jealousy between the two. For Ye Chen, I hope that the stronger the better, and it is even best to prove that Dao becomes emperor and achieve the only eternal realm.

  In this way, Pangu universe can break free from the blood-stained future, and will not be buried in the chaotic sea.

   "Little guy, wait for a fight with me. I want to know the difference and specialness between you and us."

   The unphased king spoke, and the emperor at the beginning also said that he was also the eternal emperor. If they were to fight a battle, they might feel a lot of special features. It is not impossible for them to go further.

   "Okay, please let Brother Wuxiang Shizu and Taichu do it!"

The three are considered supreme levels, especially Ye Chen, who controls Chaos and opens up a great chaos world directly in front of everyone. It is no less than the primitive world of chaos. Of course it is only temporary. Otherwise, he can create a chaos with his power. The primitive world is quite laborious.

   But temporary is enough.

   Ye Chen confronted the Wuxiang Emperor and the Emperor of the Beginning at the same time, and the Supreme Beings also paid close attention, because this was a duel of the three eternal emperors, and it was also a battle of the three eternal emperors.


   Ye Chen never concealed his eternal emperor's methods. One person attacked both, seeming to be one enemy and two, at a disadvantage, but in fact they directly suppressed.

   Even if the King of No Phase and the Emperor of the Beginning join hands, it is impossible for Ye Chen to be Ye Chen's opponent, but this is not a battle of life and death, but the realization of the three parties.

   Later, Ruoxi also joined the battlefield, because she was also the eternal emperor, stronger than the emperor in the early days, because she entered the realm of the emperor, compared with the unphased emperor.

   The three eternal emperors confront Ye Chen.

   Ye Chen also smiled, showing his eternal emperor's methods, showing them one by one.

Ruoxi, Emperor Wuxiang, and Emperor Taichu all fight with all their strength, and if the three supreme lords fight Ye Chen together, this is also Ye Chen's request. His strength is close to the level of quasi-giants, only such a peak fight. In order to make the three feel more.

   An hour later, the battle ended.

The supreme was shocked, because from the beginning to the end, Ye Chen was always calm and indifferent. The three eternal emperors who were comparable to the supreme made their moves, and never had the slightest upper hand in his hands. It is conceivable that how strong the Saint King is now .

For the two predecessors who are also teachers and friends, as well as the younger sister Ruoxi, Ye Chen naturally did not hesitate to understand his understanding of the eternal road. There is no doubt that this is for the eternal emperor and the emperor of the beginning. The feelings are great, which can trigger their enlightenment to a certain extent.

   After a great battle, the three of them all realized a lot, which is thousands of times better than that of studying alone.

   This can only be done in front of the eternal emperor of a higher level, otherwise the eternal emperor of the same level will not have such an understanding.

   Ruoxi speeded up the progress, believing that it won’t be long before she will reach the height of the unphased king, and she can face the ancient emperor at the peak.

In the early days, the emperor had a lot of insights. He entered the eternal road at the level of the emperor. He didn't know much about the eternal road, but he learned a lot during the battle with Ye Chen. Perhaps one day It can break the shackles and reach the height comparable to that of the unphased king.

As for the Wuxiang King, he has more insights, but unfortunately, he has nowhere to enter the eternal emperor's territory, but the accumulation is even more advanced. He glanced at the giant Dao body of Cang Yan Da Tianzun and said: "It's time for me to proclaim the Dao. "

   Ye Chen and others were taken aback, especially Ye Chen was even more discouraged, saying: "The ancestor of no phase, you have only been resurrected for more than a thousand years, and the accumulation is not too advanced, is it too early to prove it rashly."

The unphased king smiled: "Don't worry, I dare to speak the sermon, and I have my own considerations. In fact, in the era of mythology, I have been based in the realm of the eternal emperor for many years. Otherwise, after the resurrection, how can I directly compare with the ancient emperor? Because the road of eternal emperor is inaccessible to me, it has come to an end."

"Moreover, over the years, I have been participating in the war and accumulating, and even killing the foreign emperor. Next, I only need to sacrifice the three foreign emperors, and sacrifice to me with their shape and god, and devour it, enough to complete This corresponding accumulation, a breakthrough in proof, will then become the eternal giant like Brother Cang Yan."

Hearing that, other people also nodded, and the resurrection of the unphased king was directly resurrected in the most peak state. It is conceivable that even after his death in these years, after a series of methods and arrangements by the fighting ancestors, it was silent and silent. Accumulating, waiting for the day of accumulation.

   In his eternal emperor period, he was stronger than Cang Yan Great Heavenly Sovereign and Taichu Emperor. The accumulation requires a deeper level, but once he breaks through, he will undoubtedly become a stronger level directly.

   Even, it will be stronger than when Cang Yan Great Heavenly Sovereign broke through.

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