Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3774: 3000 years in the world (should be back to normal)

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"Is it because you feel the breath of the master of heaven in my body?"

Ye Chen whispered softly, staring at the strange changes happening in the heavenly sun.

When he was promoted to the eternal emperor to cross the calamity, at the end of the calamity, the Qingtian Great Emperor and other incarnations of heaven injected a swell of the power of the heavens into his body, making him the master of the heavens.

It can be said that he can control the heavens of the Pangu universe.

The Sun of Heaven, belonging to the tenth day of the new birth of Pangu Universe, naturally feels something.

"Well, let me see how much you can transform after smelting the power of the master of the heavenly path."

Ye Chen said gently, taking out the Heavenly Dao Qi machine that had fallen into his body by the incarnation of the Tenth Heaven in the Tribulation, and he could really control the Heavenly Dao of the Pangu Universe to a large extent, and it was mysterious and unpredictable.

In the end, he drove this power of the master of the heavens into the sun of the heavens, wanting to understand what changes he would find.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

However, although the Sun of the Heavenly Path has not changed on the surface, it is shining as before, shining on the entire Primordial Realm, but it has undergone an astonishing transformation in the dark, transforming in all directions, becoming more powerful, as if it is going to be promoted to a complete heavenly path.

A stronger Heavenly Dao Qi machine is emerging from within the sun.

I lifted my eyes and saw, in a daze, the other nine heavens also appeared, and they had a special resonance with the heavenly sun.

Even vaguely saw, overlapping each other...

Tiandao Sun is obviously undergoing an astonishing transformation.

Ye Chen stared silently here for a long time, and suddenly revealed a mysterious smile: "Interesting, interesting..."

Turn around and leave, returning to Chaos Tianfu.

Silently, from his body, ten Supreme God Crowns appeared one after another, surrounded by each other, shining brightly.

With a wave, block everything.

No one can perceive everything in this void.

Ye Chen sighed slightly. Now that he has become the eternal emperor, he is finally qualified to open the "Ultimate Supreme" fairy relationship.

For a long time, he wanted to know, "Ultimate Supreme" fairy fate, what kind of heaven-defying fairy fate lay in it, and even make the Supreme jealous and crazy.

Moreover, this is left together by the supreme heavens.

The ten supreme **** crowns were undergoing amazing changes after Ye Chen injected the power of the eternal emperor.

Ye Chen stared in his eyes, watching for a moment, endless changes flashed in his eyes.

After a long time, he showed a sense of wonder: "So, it is worthy of being called the "Ultimate Supreme" fairy fate..."

The years are long, there is no war in the world, and it has been three thousand years in a flash.

Say fast or slow, say slow or slow!

For ascetics, it's just a snap!

Since Ye Chen led all the Supremes to return from the ancient road of origin, and expelled the two armies of the ancient chaotic universe, the alien race and the chaotic burial ground, the Pangu universe has ushered in peace for three thousand years.

Outside Pangu Pass, there is also a peaceful faction. In the old days, there were still foreign troops stationed here, eyeing them.

But now, he has retreated long ago.

Not to mention that there are as many as forty supreme seats in the Pangu universe today, and the number of supreme levels is much higher than the number of supremes accumulated since the eternal era of the ordinary chaotic ancient universe.

What's more, there is also the newly promoted giant Cang Yan Da Tianzun. Although he can't make a move because of the giant covenant, he is qualified to make a move in the Pangu universe.

The giant covenant, the giants of the ages are not allowed to take action. Under the giants, even if they enter the Pangu universe, there are so many and deaths.

Moreover, the real body of Cang Yan Datianzun's deity personally sits at Pangu Pass, who can break the unbreakable Pangu Pass.

It is precisely because of this that the two ancient chaotic universes of Alien Race and Chaos Burial Ground have no way but to retreat.

And this has brought three thousand years of rest and rejuvenation to the Pangu universe.

It should be noted that the heavenly path completes and completes, and all the Supremes personally acted to promote the continued prosperity of the universe and the golden age of the Pangu universe.

The Pangu universe, which has been weakened for almost an epoch, will slow down in the eyes of many people after the blowout of the first thousand years, but there is no sign of stopping. On the contrary, the blowout scene has become more shocking.

It's like after the myth has been shattered, endless years of accumulation have been continuously blown out over the years.

No one knows how long this accumulated blowout will take place.

But everyone knows that the longer the blowout, the more it will benefit Pangu universe.

In just three thousand years, great changes have occurred in the Pangu universe. The scars of the past wars with foreign races have been resolved by the supreme. The heavens hang in the 33rd heaven, and everything has gone to complete completion.

It is not difficult to imagine what happened in the Pangu universe during the past three thousand years.

Benefiting from the prosperity of the ten thousand ways, the consummation of the heavens, and the unprecedented luxuriant cultivation environment, all the cultivators who live in this life can practice much faster than in the past.

In the past, he was a veteran powerhouse who became a hero of one party. It is already talented to be able to get to this, but limited by the limitations of the world and the environment, he has no choice but to stop and go further.

Nowadays, the prosperous age continues to come, and all of them are accumulating, and naturally they have broken the shackles of the past, and their strength is breaking through quickly.

Powerhouses of all levels are being born in a blowout, unprecedented!

In this prosperous age, which is close to the era of mythical mythology, there are countless saints, heavenly kings are very relaxed and powerful, there are no shortage of gods, and quasi-princes are also successively set foot. Naturally, there is no shortage of ancient kings.

The prosperous age has come for thousands of years, and the universe has unprecedented prosperity!

Logically speaking, such a prosperous age is also prone to riots again and again because of too strong power.

The stronger the stronger, the harder it is to be controlled by others.

Moreover, the Human Sovereign of the Lord of Ten Thousand Domains has long since disappeared.

But the heavens and domains have never been in chaos, because there are the existence of the supreme, always sitting high in the nine heavens, overlooking the vast red world.

Their existence guards the stability of Pangu universe.

Especially, Chaos Tianfu, located in Chaos Tianzhou, has guarded the world for three thousand years.

As an emperor inheritance that surpasses above the human palace, the palace lord of Chaos Tianfu, he has only cultivated Taoism in the early five thousand years, but his skills have been deepened and he has been a supreme existence beyond the ancient emperor many years ago.

He has always been sitting in the Chaos Tianfu, guarding the world, and bringing the peace and prosperity of the Pangu universe for thousands of years.

Naturally, with the advent of the prosperous age, countless Tianjiao also vie for the rise. Ten thousand domains are at their peak, and countless Tianjiao fights for hegemony in various domains, deducing the grand occasion of hegemony exclusive to the younger generation.

Especially, in the past 100 years, the ancient road of Renhuang has once again flourished, leading the world.

Whether it is the heavens or the eight realms of the lower realm, there are countless Tianjiao longing for it, hoping to fight for and challenge!

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