Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3782: Assault and kill 5 alien emperors

"The Fighting Saint King immediately released the Brahma, otherwise it's no wonder I'm not welcome!"

   "I'm looking for death, immediately release the Brahma!"

   The five foreign emperors roared, frightened.



   However, Ye Chen, who was in his heyday, didn't make a move. He glanced at the alien border and turned to leave.

   "Fighting Saint King, don't leave if there is a kind!"

   The five ancient emperors of the foreign race were frightened, and the Emperor Borneo was suppressed and taken away under their noses. How could they just watch and ignore them.

   Ye Chen smiled indifferently. If the huge Tianmen at Pangu Pass opens, he will be at the Tianmen, facing the five foreign emperors alone, and said: "Do you still want to chase and kill him?"

   Looking at Panguguan, the supreme one standing proudly in the sky, and the several quasi-giants, and even the great Tianzun Cang Yan, they knew that once they entered, they would undoubtedly find their own way of death.

   In desperation, he had to turn around and leave.

   At this time, suddenly, a boundless sense of crisis enveloped them, instinctively preparing to avoid them.

   boom boom boom boom--

   Suddenly, five chaotic wars pierced through the sky suddenly, appearing behind them in the blink of an eye.

   噗 噗 噗 噗 ——

   Every chaotic battle has penetrated an alien emperor.

   The five foreign emperors were pierced by Chaos Zhan Ge, their bodies flew upside down, blood-stained Chaos Sea.

   Awesome, that was Ye Chen's sudden attack and killing.

Fortunately, the five of them are all ancient emperors. They retreated for the first time, came to the border, coughed up blood, looked angrily at the Fighting Saint King holding a bow at Pangu Guan Tianmen, and roared: "Fighting Saint King, you, as the Supreme, are so shamelessly attacking and killing, which violates the Supreme Majesty."

   Ye Chen said indifferently, "As long as you kill me Pangu Universe, will I not be allowed to kill you? In terms of thick skin, I am really inferior to you, let alone I am not the Supreme."

   I am not the Supreme!

   This sentence immediately silenced all parties.

   Yes, he is not supreme yet, but he is already so strong. Talk about supreme majesty.

   More importantly, it is not a true supreme, but it is helpless to kill a foreign race, and the five great emperors are also hit hard. It is hard to imagine how strong it will be once the Dao becomes an emperor in the future.


   Tianmen closed, Ye Chen disappeared.

   The five ancient emperors of the foreign race were shocked, angry and helpless.

   Now, the Fighting Saint King has gathered invincibility, and I am afraid that the five of them may not be his opponents when they join together.

   He, I'm afraid he was aware of all that, so he didn't chase him out.

   Pan Gu closed, everyone looked at Ye Chen shockedly, and even the supreme dignity was a little awed.

  The strong always need to be in awe, not to mention the existence of the supreme being like a quasi-giant-level existence like the Fighting Saint King, even the supreme must be in awe.

At this time, the Peacock King, who had been promoted to the Primordial King, was surprised: "Qianyue, with your quasi-giant-level strength, the five foreign emperors are not necessarily your opponents. Why don't you continue to shoot, maybe you can kill one or two An ancient emperor."

At this time, Qianxun shook his head and said: "Uncle Peacock King, my father didn't want to make a move, but he couldn't make a move, because the alien race was in an ambush, and after the pass, I was afraid that some eternal giants were alarmed and looked at him. , That alien giant will definitely take the shot himself."

   Peacock King was surprised: "Unfortunately, they are not afraid of the constraints of the giant covenant?"

   "No, the fighting king is too defying, even if it violates the covenant of the giants, the foreign giants will definitely take action at all costs." A supreme said.

   Everyone understands that such a heaven-defying fighting sage king, even if he does everything to overturn the giant covenant, the alien ancient universe will definitely kill him at all costs.

   provokes the alien, hunts and returns an alien emperor, once again shakes the Pangu universe.

   The world is shaking, Wanyu is shaking!

  The invincible fighting sage king, who did not take action for three thousand years, was so strong that he came to the door in person and came to the border of the alien ancient universe, suppressed an alien emperor on the spot, attacked five alien emperors, showing a powerful and invincible posture.

   Naturally, the morale of the Pangu universe was greatly shaken, while the morale of the foreign race was plunged.

   The Great Borneo was taken away by suppression, but the ancient universe of alien race was helpless.

   By this time, there is no doubt that the Fighting Saint King has completely grown up, reaching an unimaginable height, which is no less than a real quasi-giant.

   If you want to fight and fight the Saint King again, unless the eternal giants personally take action, the quasi giants will be sent back without success.

   There is silence in the ancient alien universe.

   In order to prevent the further development of bad influences, everything related to border crossings was blocked.

   Of course, the high-level powerhouses of all the top forces are qualified to know, especially the emperor and the emperor.

   After they heard all the news, they were extremely shocked and could not restore their peace for a long time.

  Like the devil bites the sky, the forerunner among the princes and daughters of the ancient ten-day realm, stood out as the heir of the eternal giants, leading all the way, but now that many years have passed, he has naturally become an emperor.

   At this point, the blood of the eternal giants in the body has only played its due great role, but it has been an emperor for two thousand is extremely powerful.

   Looking at the entire Chaos Sea young generation, he is definitely the leader among the leaders.

   It’s just that, even so, his hope of proving the Supreme is still not great. When he is accumulated to perfection, he will have two or three tenths of hope that he can prove Dao emperor. It does not mean that the sons of the eternal giants can prove Dao emperor.

   For many emperors, emperors, sons of immortals, etc., basically, the emperor is their end.

But the devil is unwilling to eat the sky, he can still be the forerunner in his youth, not to mention that now, he can become an emperor at less than six thousand years old. His ambition is not small, and it is inevitable to prove that Dao becomes an emperor. Even in the future, he must follow the example of his father. Achieve an eternal giant, overlook the eternal, and overwhelm the past and the present.

   But today, I learned about what happened in the Chaos Sea. The former great enemy fighting and the holy king have completely risen, killed the Emperor Borneo, and severely injured the five foreign emperors. They retreated all over, and when they returned without injury, my heart could not be calm for a long time.

   I think back then, when in the Ten Heaven Realm Ancient Realm, at first, the fighting sage king was only weaker than his peers. Although strong, it was not completely put in the eyes, and then gradually catching up.

   In just a few thousand years, the former enemy of the same generation has come to this point unexpectedly, killing the supreme, and damaging many supreme, as if walking in a leisurely garden, the wind is light.

   Even the proud and proud man like Demon Chuantian, his eyes couldn't help being dimmed.

   Thinking back to that year, Zhengrong Wushuang, thousands of years later, the former enemy has surpassed, and how to face it now?

  :. :

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