Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3787: Dare to attack and kill my sister?

As soon as this Taoist body entered, it attracted endless tribulations, boiling down, and even more terrifying tribulations came straight down.

   However, the Dakong King’s Dao body ignored Ye Jing with that forbidden weapon.

   Ye Jing's color changed, and he couldn't collide head-on with it at all. It was purely an act of seeking death.

   In the final analysis, she is far from the true opponent of the Primordial King. Even when her father set foot in the Quasi-Prince Realm in the early days, she could not be the opponent of the Primordial King. What's more, she hasn't really become a Quasi-Prince, even more so.

   Ye Jing can only retreat, otherwise she can only use her hole cards.

   This is something she doesn't want to see at present.


   The Dakong King’s Dao body did nothing to cause the tribulation to come, and drowned the Dao body. Both the Dao body and the King’s Forbidden Soldier showed signs of tatters. The power was overwhelming and killed Ye Jing.

   "It's a pity, King Xi is stunning, comparable to the emperor's sons and daughters, and enough to compare with the young mistresses of Chaos Tianfu, but unfortunately, King Dakong attacked at all costs, and she was in danger."

   "My Pangu universe, from now on, there will be one less imperial posture Tianjiao with infinite potential, but it is a pity."

   Many people are lamenting that King Xi, as the Dzogchen supreme arrogant born in the golden age, represents one of the hopes for the rise of the Pangu universe, but now, after all, he has no choice but to perish.

   No one came up with King Xi.

   Those competitors on the ancient road of Renhuanggu will not take any action, but will watch and die indifferently.

   Suddenly, the Heavenly Tribulation riots, the Dakong King's Dao Body and the King's Forbidden Soldiers completely exploded, the ashes disappeared, and everything went into nothing.

   This scene drew everyone into a daze, but it's not clear why.

   King Dakong changed color, because his Dao body was in the tribulation, and he suddenly felt an extremely unmatched power spread, and instantly destroyed his strong Dao body completely and completely ceased to exist.

   This scene made him stunned.

   Heavenly Tribulation?

   But it doesn’t feel like that.

   Silently, a terrifying wave suddenly appeared, and only a crystal-like jade palm fell from the sky and slapped it towards the King of the Sky.

   "Looking for death!"

   The king of the sky was furious, and the king's heavenly might erupted on him, and the terrifying power of the king slammed the jade hand, which can kill all the quasi-princes of the Dzogchen, completely wiped out, and no longer exists.

   However, in front of the mysterious jade hand, the vast and boundless king Tianwei collapsed and collapsed, unable to stop a single trace.


   The king of the sky roared, showing the most familiar space road.

It can be seen to the naked eye that the rules of tens of thousands of space kings appear out of thin air, displaying a powerful space magical power, making the big world, and it is not one side, but dozens of hundreds of worlds. The vastness is like smoke, just like a world. The sea condensed into a single point in an instant, containing the power to severely injure or even kill the ordinary primordial king, and hit the jade hand.

   This is almost his strongest blow, the strongest blow of Space Avenue.

   "Die, hide your head and tail, and dare to attack my lord."

   "Hehe, this is the first time I have seen someone daring to play space tricks in front of me? It's ridiculous, even the mere king of the second heaven dared to make an axe in front of me!"

   A faint chuckle, pleasing to the ear, like a natural sound, but with a bit of disdain.

   I saw the jade hand that was crystal clear as snow in the sky gently flipped, and a space fluctuation that was far more terrifying than the space supernatural power of the king of the sky emerged, and the blink of an eye was to destroy the king of the sky.


   The wind is light and the clouds are light!

   King Dakong looked at this scene in horror, and said in horror: "Impossible!"

   "Die, dare to attack and kill my sister."

   The jade hand volleyed on him.


   The king of the sky screamed, and he was directly broken to pieces, and the true sense of form and spirit was wiped out, completely wiped from the world.

   The world is terrifying!

   A primordial king who controls the avenue of space, without the power to resist, is so easily obliterated, unimaginable.

   Who is sacred?

   I am afraid, at least he is also a super king, even stronger.

   Xi Wang has such a powerful sister, is she really an emperor?

   Only Ye Jing was surprised: "It's Sister Yaya."

   This familiar aura and method is not Yaya or who is.

   Although Ye Jing has always concealed her identity, how could the people in Chaos Tianfu sit back and watch Ye Jing, especially Ya Ya, who loves this sister even more, and will not allow trouble.

   Other quasi-princes are fine, even the general Primordial Kings make a move. Ya Ya also keeps one eye open, and will not make a move unless it is a critical moment. This is a trial for the little sister Ye Jing.

   But the King of the Sky has an absolute killing intent and will do whatever it takes to kill Ye Jing, which will endanger Ye Jing's life, and in front of her, the World Tree of the Time and Space Avenue, the squad is playing an axe on the Space Avenue, isn't this purely seeking death?

   Yaya's figure is invisible, hidden in the depths of the starry sky, and said through the voice: "Sister Jing'er, feel relieved, dare someone to deal with you, go through my sister first."

   Ye Chen's family, whether his wife or children, have inherited Ye Chen's strong and short-term character, how can they allow outsiders to harm their relatives.

   In the depths of the starry sky, although Yayana and other methods easily obliterated the King of the Sky shocked many people, there were also super powers in the King Realm who were not afraid.

   At this moment, a supremely powerful Primordial King descended from the void, whose power was far superior to that of the Great Sky King. Stars in the nearby star field exploded directly, unbearable to bear the power of the King.

   Seventh Heaven Realm!

  Super King!

The parties were shocked, and even the super kings couldn’t help but jump out. First, there was the super king who killed the king of the sky, and then there was another super king, but the purpose seemed to be aimed at Ye Jing and the killing of the king of the sky. That super king.

   "It's the Great Sovereign!"

People from all star regions, Huanggulu, Tianjiao, and those who came to watch the catastrophe were shocked. It was the Daxu Monarch, and the father of the Dakong Monarch, a super king who has been the Emperor of the Primordial Kings for many years, extremely powerful, and a rare opponent in the kingdom of kings. The presence.

I saw the great horror starry sky overwhelming the entire body of the Great Void Sovereign, motivating how many star domains, thousands of stars were added, the sky was like a prison, coldly facing Ya Ya who was in the depths of the starry sky, said: "Fellow Daoist, it would be too much to kill my son so harshly."

   Yaya did not show up, vacant and ethereal. Unless it is the Supreme, the emperor would not be able to detect her existence. At this moment, she coldly responded: "Can she kill my sister?"

"younger sister!?"

   Everyone was surprised, Wang Xi actually still has such a powerful sister, who is she?

   But the Primordial King obviously wouldn't let Yaya go so easily, and said coldly: "Isn't this not killed yet?"

   Strong words!

   Ya Ya was also angry. She has seen shameless people, and has never seen such shameless people.

   She said solemnly: "What do you mean?"

The powerful super king Daxu Monarch said: "No one, since you killed my son Dakong Monarch, you should come to apologize, otherwise, even if you can't kill you, the emperor is standing behind him, the emperor. Blame it, don’t say it’s King Xi, even you can’t avoid the punishment."

   After hearing the words, Ya Ya sneered: "Hehe, don't say it is Emperor Panshi, even the supreme behind him, dare not hold it accountable."

   "Huh, you are really courageous."

   The Great Void Sovereign snorted coldly, bursting out the powerful and inexhaustible King Tianwei, smashing the vacuum, and shouting: "The guy who hides his head and shows his tail, quickly get out of the deity."

   At this time, a more unbreakable spatial fluctuation emerged, restoring the smashed vacuum to completeness, and a terrifying fluctuation appeared, far superior to this great imaginary monarch.

   Daxu Monarch was horrified, because he found that the time and space around him was blocked, as powerful as him, the super king of the Seventh Heaven, and even the ranks of half-footed Star Overlords in the Eighth Heaven, he felt that there was no resistance.

   All his powers are blocked, there is no way to struggle.


   With a cold snort, Ya Ya, who has been an emperor for many years, made a move. With a big attack in time and space, the great imaginary monarch directly penetrated into the mysterious time and space of unknown dimensions, and he was not allowed to appear.

   Of course, she didn't want to kill him, she was going to kill him silently.

   dare to offend her, not as simple as just death.

   On the other side, elegant and elegant, dancing in white, facing another direction, saw an emperor coming, and said indifferently: "What's Do you want to avenge him?"

"I can not!"

   It was Emperor Panshi who came, but when he saw Ya Ya's appearance, he suddenly smiled bitterly and quickly denied it.

  What a joke, this is Princess Yaya, the eldest daughter of the Fighting Saint King, although she is not her own, but better than her own.

   Even if he had the courage, he would never dare to make a move. Moreover, as Ya Ya said, even the supreme emperor standing behind him would never provoke the princess Ya Ya.

Who doesn’t know that the fighting sage king is famous for his shortcomings, and more importantly, how powerful the fighting sacred king is today. It is recognized as comparable to the quasi-giant, comparable to the Emperor of War, Emperor Shenkong, Emperor Jinwu, etc. , Supreme can not provoke.

   Suddenly, the rock emperor remembered that since princess Yaya has appeared, isn't it the story of Ye Jing, the little daughter of the legendary fighting king!

   He couldn't help but sucked in a cold breath, his pupils tightened, and he whispered in his heart that King Dakong, the ancestor of King Daxu has been eighteen generations, and he dared to take action against the little daughter who is the most beloved by the fighting king.

  Panshi Emperor said immediately: "Princess Yaya, please rest assured, I will give you a satisfactory explanation on this matter."

   Ya Ya did not say a word, and looked at it coldly.

At this time, the Great Void Sovereign who had been transferred to other dimensions appeared. Once he appeared, he saw Emperor Panshi and quickly said: "The emperor is on top, the Dakong King Daoist fellow was killed by this woman, and he is incompetent. You can take revenge on your friends, and please take your own action to suppress it."

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