Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3789: From the fairy world

However, even if Cang Yan Da Tianzun was an eternal giant, he could not understand all kinds of alien ancient universes.

  Because the ancient alien universe is so strong and unmatched, it has imprinted the avenue imprints of the supreme giants of the alien races, shielding everything, even the eternal giants who have proved the way to become emperor by the way of heavenly secrets, it is difficult to understand the various in the Pangu universe.

   Over the years, Ye Chen did not continue to take action to hunt down the alien emperor.

   Because of the last time, he showed the power to crush the supreme, powerfully defeated the Emperor Borneo, attacked and killed five foreign emperors, and shocked the world. Not the supreme, but able to defeat the ancient emperor, the world is vast and unimaginable.

   Therefore, in the past few years, at the border of the Alien Ancient Universe, I can vaguely feel the ups and downs of multiple alien emperors. Obviously, I am also worried about Ye Chen's killing again and make full preparations.

   It is a pity that Ye Chen has been sitting in the Chaos Tianfu for these years, and has never left for half a step, let alone going to the frontier, which disappoints the foreign race.


   On this day, the upper realm is no longer quiet, a powerful aura shakes the heavens, and the heavens and all domains are all in touch.

   The strong from all sides were all disturbed.

   But seeing the center of Wanyu, an ancient gate valve that is as high as the sky appeared out of thin air, like the Nantian Gate of the ancient heaven, exuding the supreme immortal machine that suppresses all things.

   Ye Chen in the Chaos Tianfu, raised his eyes and looked over, understanding everything.

   But seeing the ancient gate valve of the sky slowly open, gushing out a blazing light rain, containing a mysterious fairy machine, it is immortal, pouring into the nine heavens, and being competed by countless strong people.

   "The gatekeeper of immortality in the prehistoric world!"

   Ye Chen whispers, as one of the current masters of the Pangu universe, he naturally understands many ancient secrets.

When the Pangu universe was invaded by a foreign race, although it was expelled, in order to be invaded again by the foreign race, the Pangu universe once again fell into the crisis of existence and death of the universe such as the destruction of the myth. The prehistoric immortal world left a fairy road in the Pangu universe composed of the supreme immortal. The gate valve runs through the two chaotic ancient universes, and the Primordial Immortal Realm can use this fairy road gate valve to descend into the Pangu universe at any time.

   But, now the Pangu universe is very stable, foreign races and chaotic burial grounds are afraid to invade easily, and the immortal gates appear, why?

   In Chaos Tianfu, Ye Chen opened his eyes and cast his gaze.

I saw inside the towering gate of the immortal gate, accompanied by the celestial light and rain, a large number of people appeared, there were as many as tens of thousands of people, wearing a mighty armor, very majestic and inviolable, exuding power All of the Qi machines are truly strong.

Especially at the front, there are a group of more than a dozen people, all of them are young, heroic and powerful, with strong temperament and strength. They are riding in a car, with a huge layout and a terrifying beast that is comparable to the stars. The car, the ups and downs of the fairyland palaces behind.

   On the towering chariot that looked like an emperor's palace in the middle, there was a boundless celestial Qi machine gushing out, interacting with the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, ten thousand tremblings, and ten starry sky overlord-level beast kings in front as a cart beast.

   faintly, in the huge chariot like the emperor's palace, a supreme figure appeared, and it was a supreme immortal.

   "The Supreme Immortal from the Primordial Realm of the Primordial Realm of Chaos Ancient Universe of Chaos Sea came to Pangu Universe. Is this going to tour the world?"

   The heavens and domains, all parties shake.

   Even the supreme all parties in the Pangu universe were also alarmed.

   A supreme immortal is in the Pangu universe, why?

   The supreme immortal chariot left the gate of the immortal road and descended over the heavens and ten thousand domains. A group of followers of the immortal world circled the immortal hall chariot.

Next to him, in a noble car, a young man with purple hair has a refined temperament, standing up, carrying his hands on his back, scanning the heavens and domains, lightly and arrogantly, saying: "Although I heard that this ancient universe has recovered to its fullness, enter In the golden age, compared with my journey into the prehistoric world, it is still a far cry."

   The Great Desolate Immortal World is the first chaotic ancient universe in the Chaos Sea. People in the Immortal World are born with a kind of pride.

   Even if the Pangu Universe and Heaven's Path are completed and perfect, the golden age is coming, but compared with the prehistoric immortal world, it is still far away.

   What's more, the primordial immortal realm is so vast, far better than the heavens and domains, and there are many immortals. One after another, the giant immortal king overlooks the world. This is the invincible background and the first capital of the sea of ​​chaos.

   The messenger of the human palace appeared long ago. Although the Chaos Tianfu is now the number one power in the Pangu universe, the human palace is always the ruling power of the Pangu universe on the bright surface and dominates the world. Chaos Tianfu never interferes.

The emissary from the Palace of Humanity came to the front and said politely: "Your Majesty the Supreme Immortal from the prehistoric world, as well as your distinguished guests, Your Majesty Human Emperor is in retreat, unable to notify the first time. It is indeed a loss to welcome, please go to The palace."

"it is good!"

   The people from the prehistoric fairy world were not too arrogant, the Supreme Immortal Chariot took everyone across the sky and descended into the palace.

   The heavens and domains are all speculating, the supreme immortal from the prehistoric immortal world descended on the Pangu universe, why?

   That night, a message came from the palace of the people, shaking the world!

   Honghuangxianjie, the Chaos Sea Tianjiao Grand Competition is about to be held. At that time, the strongest Tianjiao of the Chaos and Ancient Universe will be gathered and invited to participate.

The winner of the    Tianjiao event will receive extremely rich rewards, personally bestowed by the immortal king giant, so that the supreme immortal will be moved by it.

   It is rumored that the winner in the end can enter the prehistoric realm, become the master of a fairyland, and be given the supreme fate of immortality.

  Even, if you meet someone with extraordinary talents, there will be an immortal king who will accept him as a closed disciple, and personally give pointers.

   I have to say that this is an incomparable huge fairy fate. The immortal king is an eternal giant, and even a giant in the first chaotic ancient universe, and his status is higher than the general eternal giant.

   can become the closed disciple of the immortal king giant, even the supreme dare not easily offend.

   This time, a Supreme Immortal came here just for this matter.

   "The Chaos Haitianjiao Grand Competition?"

   In the Chaos Tianfu, Ye Chen whispered softly, slightly surprised.

   He also learned that the prehistoric immortal realm has indeed held such a grand competition of Tianjiao, which belongs to three times in one era, and the scale is extremely large.

  Because the Primordial Realm is the first chaotic ancient universe in the Chaos Sea, all parties including the alien ancient universe will be called to participate.

   This time, it is the last time in this era, and it is also the largest one. The immortal king will appear in person.

   The first two times, Pangu Universe was not eligible to participate because of its weakness.

   Now that the Pangu universe is in its heyday, it is naturally eligible to participate.

   Chaos Haitianjiao Grand Competition, every chaotic ancient universe, God King Realm under 20,000 years old and above Tianjiao, are eligible to participate, with a quota of 30 people!

   The final winner, Chaos Ancient Universe, will receive a generous reward from the prehistoric world.

   Naturally, an outstanding person may be able to get the attention of the immortal king giant, and it is not impossible to become a closed disciple.

   The news came out, shaking the world, the heavens of the upper realm, the eight realms of the lower realm, and all were major earthquakes.

   Countless Tianjiao is crazy about it.

   At this time, the battle for hegemony on the ancient road of human beings is not over, and now the Chaos Haitianjiao grand competition in the prehistoric immortal world has begun.

  Many of them, the super Tianjiao of Renhuanggu Road, also intend to temporarily leave Renhuanggu Road to participate in this Chaos Sea Tianjiao grand competition.

   After all, if you can be accepted as a disciple by the immortal king giant, your life will be reversed, and even his daily proving to the supreme will not necessarily be a big problem.

   Originally, the heavenly arrogances of all parties went to the ancient road of human emperor to compete for the emperor of human beings, but they only wanted to obtain the emperor of human beings, and mastering the power of this kind of alternative supreme had great hope for the proving of the supreme in the future.

   Nowadays, there is a more hopeful way to truly prove the supreme success, even involving the fairy king, how can it not cause a great shock.

   Of course, in order to obtain the corresponding qualifications for the grand competition, the master of the Pangu universe must personally approve the qualifications.

   On the other hand, the Royal Palace also plans to hold the Pangu Universe Tianjiao event, selecting a group of super Tianjiao to participate in the prehistoric world.

   The wind is surging.

   At the same time, the supreme immortal from the prehistoric immortal world descended on the Pangu universe. The Palace of the People held a feast on its own, and on the other hand, it was also a gathering of the proud of the heavens.

  Because the Supreme Immortal also brought a part of Tianjiao from the Primordial Immortal Realm, I hope to have a good discussion with Tianjiao from Pangu Universe before the Chaos Sea Tianjiao Grand Competition.

  The reason is I want to see how powerful the Tianjiao born in the prosperous age of the Pangu universe is.

   This has made many Tianjiao gearing up, and they also want to see how extraordinary the Tianjiao from the prehistoric world is.

   After all, as the Primordial Chaos Ancient Universe in the Chaos Sea, Tianjiao is born in large numbers, and can be led by the Supreme Immortal to the Pangu Universe. Most of them are the best among the Tianjiao, and even the Supreme Tianjiao.

   However, just as the Pangu Universe Tianjiao was eager to learn about the young Tianjiao from the prehistoric immortal world at the feast, another rumor came out from the Palace of Humans, not sure whether it was true or false.

According to reports, the Tianjiao from the prehistoric immortal realm talked about this discussion very lightly. He did not put all the Tianjiao in the Pangu universe in his eyes. During the conversation, he said that a chaotic ancient who was defeated and lacked in the heavens. Even if the universe is complemented by the heavens and returns to the prosperous world, the born tianjiao is just a bunch of **** after all, and cannot be seen by them.

  I came here just to combat the so-called arrogance of the so-called Tianjiao in the Pangu universe, and let them see the transcendence of the Tianjiao in the prehistoric world, nothing more.

   As for the so-called competition, in the end it must be one-sided abuse.

   The truth of the news, although there is no evidence to confirm, but once it was spread, it immediately caused the world to anger.

   What a prehistoric immortal world, such a contempt for the Tianjiao of Pangu universe.

   Just as many people believed that people from the Primordial Realm should come out to dispel the rumors, however, everyone in the Primordial Realm was silent, as if tacitly agreeing, it even aroused the anger of the whole world.

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