Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3801: To oppress the immortal world

A plain word is a threat like a taboo thunder.

From all sides to the fairy world, all colors have changed!

Nowadays, the primordial immortal realm has been shaken. Who didn’t know that the Qingyuxian clan descended into the Pangu universe, but the entire army was wiped out. The incarnation of the Qingyuxian's supreme immortal is no exception, and even the supreme celestial armor that accompanied it for endless years of war In this ancient universe.

The strength and dominance of the rising star of Fighting Saint King is fully demonstrated.

For this, the prehistoric world launched a big dispute.

Whenever envoys from the Primordial Immortal Realm go to other chaotic ancient universes, they have always been respected by all parties and enjoyed supreme treatment.

What's more, it is a supreme immortal who personally descended on the incarnation of immortal.

Today, all the members of this immortal clan were wiped out, the immortal sons of the immortal monarch level were killed, the car was destroyed, the celestial arrogance of the clan was wiped out, and even the immortal incarnation of Qing Yuxian himself was also killed.

How did you suffer such humiliation!

A few days ago, there were many supreme immortals who were furious and shook the primordial immortal world, claiming that they must teach the fighting saint king a lifelong lesson, even the Pangu universe behind it.

Even the Zixiao Immortal King behind Qingyu Immortal was also angry, and almost issued the Immortal King Order, leading the infinite immortal world army to attack Pangu universe.

If it hadn't been for several immortal kings who were alarmed that day and personally interrupted them, they would not only come here today, but the vast and endless army of the immortal world.

According to reports, the Immortal King Zixiao was angry that day, and visions almost spread throughout the entire prehistoric fairyland.

Not only the current fairy king was alarmed, but also the eternal giants on the other side of the ancient road of origin were also alarmed, and an unknown secret episode occurred.

In the end, the matter was over.

Immortal King Zixiao gave up, as if it had never happened before.

After the incident, it was rumored that Qing Yuxian was extremely angry, and the vision of Immortal Dao once swept across the entire Qingyu Immortal Realm, causing the fall of infinite stars, and it was heard that even the vast fairy palace became a ruin.

Although this matter has become a pending case, no one knows the episode of the fairy king level, and even once again invited Pangu Universe to participate in the Chaos Haitianjiao Grand Competition, but in order to comfort the anger of Qing Yuxian, the purple fairy king also closed his eyes. One eye acquiesced to Qing Yuxian secretly blocking the Pangu universe's strongest Tianjiao from entering the prehistoric immortal realm.

Now if it weren't for the immortal king's strict order, they must invite the strongest Tianjiao of the Pangu universe to participate, and they would never go.

However, when Qing Yuxian told the Immortal King Zixiao, the relevant inside story was unclear.

The world only knows that the Saint King of Fighting Fights, but no one knows that it is the Provocation of the Fairy Clan of Qingyu first, especially the son of Fairy Qingyu, Piaoyu Fairy wants to marry the youngest daughter of the King of Fighting Fighting. , I want to take the Chaos Tianfu and win its "Ultimate Supreme" fairy fate.

What's more, few people in the Primordial Immortal Realm know what is really important.

The Fighting Saint King is the supreme existence of the quasi-giant rank, above the supreme, the supreme immortal also worships the invincible.

A fairy monarch is so arrogant, a supreme fairy wants to seek justice for his heirs, openly provoking a quasi-giant, and dying away from home, who would regret it.

It's a pity that Immortal King Qingfu and the immortal world are not clear at all, otherwise they would not dare to have such a dialogue today if they were given ten courage.

Xianjun Qingfu looked cold and angry, and he was a fighting saint, but the emperor was so powerful that he would not put them in his eyes.

In fact, they all wanted to leave angrily, but the immortal king's order had to be obeyed, so he had to suppress the anger in his heart and said: "A few fellow daoists, please let me know. See the fighting king."

Several emperors are not getting better, one of them looked a little slow and said: "You wait a moment, I will tell the Lord Palace Master."

Lord Palace?

The immortal world is surprised, the emperor is so respected as the fighting king?

Seeing one emperor leaving, and three other emperors standing by, Qing Fu Xianjun couldn't help but said: "Three fellow Taoists, are you willing to join this Chaos Tianfu?"

Glancing at him, the three emperors said: "Nature, is there a problem?"

Immortal Qing Fu frowned and said: "Some doubts, you are waiting for the three of you to be emperors, and you can prove Dao supreme in just one step. Why do you want to lower your status and respect a younger generation?"

Other immortal envoys were also very puzzled, and even looked at these three emperors with a bit of contempt. As emperors, they should have their own arrogance. Even the supreme can't condescend, let alone be just one emperor.

Hearing that, the three emperors of Chaos Tianfu understood the minds of these immortal world emissaries, misunderstood them, and smiled coldly: "Respect a younger generation? You are really sitting on the well to watch the sky, fighting the greatness of the holy king, how can you wait to know of."

The immortal realms made their faces astonished, but they couldn’t help but contempt. These people in the Pangu universe were truly sitting on the well and watching the sky. They did not leave this chaotic ancient universe, and actually respected a junior as an adult. No matter how good they are, they are just the same. Order only.

It's just that the three Emperors of Tianfu looked indifferent and didn't even bother to answer.

Soon after, the emperor of Tianfu who had left earlier came back and said lightly: "Palace Master is sitting in the customs, and can't leave immediately. Please leave."

Seeing that he went to the door in person and ate closed doors, Immortal Qingfu and other immortal envoys were not temperless, all of them looked gloomy, and said, "Okay, since the fighting king is not there, then it means that Pangu Universe will not participate in the Chaos Haitianjiao event. Dabi, this fairy king will personally report this matter to His Majesty the fairy king."

After that, turned and left.

His voice was very loud and spread throughout the Chaos Heaven Continent, and he believed that the Fighting Saint King would definitely hear it.

The Immortal Realm was convinced that if he knew about this, the Fighting Saint King would be very anxious and would come out immediately.

However, after they turned and left for a long time, Chaos Tianfu remained silent and unmoved.

Of course, the immortal world came to think that the fighting holy king was patient.

They are also waiting, even thinking that the fighting king is just trying to obtain higher dignity.

But in the end, in order to enter the immortal realm, whether it is the strongest arrogant of the other Pangu universe, or the fighting saint king, who is known as the first arrogant of the Chaos Sea, they will inevitably bend down, begging to lead them to leave.

"Wait, this immortal monarch doesn't believe that they will be indifferent, to see when they can control it?" another immortal snorted coldly.

It's just that one day passed soon.

Ye Chen didn't pay attention to them at all, calmly and calmly, never leaving the customs, the immortal world never got any relevant news.

At this time, there were only two days left before the Chaos Haitianjiao Grand Competition, and it was already in a hurry.

As a last resort, they had to bite the bullet and visit Chaos Tianfu again.

"Hey, it's you again, why are you here again?"

It was still the guard of the great power level, and when he saw the immortal world, he ridiculed a bit.

Qingfu Immortal Realm's heart is not too bad. Once, as a generation of immortal monarchs, he was ridiculed by the district power, but now he has no choice but to lower his posture and say: "Please also fight against the holy king."

The powerful guard did not bother him and said, "Please wait a moment."

Soon after, the powerful guard replied, "Palace Master is still in retreat."

Immortal King Qingfu asked with patience: "Dare to ask how long it will take the Fighting Saint King to get out?"

The powerful guard waved his hand: "I don't know."

"Well, we will come back later."

The immortal world came to leave.

In the evening of the same day, come again, wanting to visit.

Still got the news that he never left customs.

At this time, there was only more than a day left before the Chaos Haitianjiao Grand Tournament.

I have to say that the immortal King Qingfu and other immortals wanted to turn their faces, but didn't dare, thinking of the experience of the Qingyuxian clan, thinking of the appearance of several emperors at every turn, and even the supreme supporting him.

The so-called distant water cannot save a nearby fire, even if the Supreme Immortal asks to go out, it is impossible to come in a short time.

On the morning of the last day, the immortal world came again and asked for a visit.

Seeing that everyone came to the door for the first time to visit and ate their doors, this time, the great energy-level guard informed that the lord of the palace had just left the pass, and everyone could enter the hall.

The Immortal Realm's ambassador came, not the main hall of Chaos Tianfu, but a slightly larger giant hall, and a maid brought tea to him.

Xianjun Qingfu waited for the immortal world to see that the reception hall was actually just a partial hall, and his expression was a little unhappy. This was clearly aimed at them.

But the business matters at this moment. You must invite Douzhan Shengwang and other Pangu universe’s strongest arrogances to participate in the Chaos Haitianjiao Grand After half an hour has passed, Ye Chen appeared, but his figure was illusory. Everyone can tell that this is not the deity, but an incarnation.

What a fighting saint king, how dare to be so negligent!

The immortal world made everyone angry.

Ye Chen's avatar appeared, and he came to the top of the Partial Hall, higher than the Immortal Realm's ambassador, condescendingly, and said lightly: "Come here, what's the important thing?"

Forcibly suppressing the impatience in his heart, an envoy from the fairy world straightforwardly opened the door and pointed the theme, saying: "Battle Saint King, this time I am here to invite the strongest Tianjiao of the Pangu Universe to participate in the Chaos Haitianjiao Grand Competition. There is not much time, please leave now."

"Oh?" Ye Chen glanced at them and said, "I haven't said that the strongest Tianjiao of Pangu universe will definitely participate."

"Battle Saint King, you--"

A fairy became angry. They visited several times and ate many times behind closed doors. Now that they have finally seen it, they actually told them that they might not participate.

Xianjun Qingfu was also furious, but he also knew that the strong dragon would not suppress the local snake, forcibly suppress the anger, calm down his tone, still with a bit of coldness, said: "Battle Saint King, you have to know that the Chaos Haitian Pride Festival is great. I personally held the Tianjiao event in the Primordial Realm, and it is known as the grandest Tianjiao event in the Chaos Sea.

Ye Chen said lightly: "It's nothing, I just don't want to participate."

Xianjun Qingfu was angry: "Battle Saint King, do you know how much loss it will bring to Pangu Universe if you don't participate in the Chaos Haitianjiao Grand Competition."

Ye Chen raised his eyes: "Didn't you also not attend the first two times?"

"That was the first two times that you were not eligible to participate in the Pangu Universe. Now that you are finally eligible to participate, you actually refused?"

"Yes, just refuse, how?"

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