Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3816: Goodbye Galen

"This is the martial arts field of the Pandao Immortal Royal Family, finally here!"

   "The Chaos Haitianjiao Grand Tournament is finally about to begin, let's enter."

In the Palace of the Immortal King, on the immortal halls headed by the word "pan", there are ancient emperors walking up one after another, and there are also supreme immortals, one after another supreme auras rushing into the sky, evolving the supreme supreme pillar of light, standing between the heavens and the earth, as if connecting the prehistoric The highest point of the fairy world.

   Supreme walked out, leading the strongest arrogance of the ancient Chaos universe, erected the Supreme Avenue, soared into the sky, and entered the super-large martial arts field above.

  Exercising the martial arts field, contains the fairy king aura, immortal.

   The supreme of the chaotic ancient universe from all sides entered the arena one after another. The Immortal Royal Family of Pan Dao had already prepared, and the temples of the heavens, second only to the immortal hall of the word ‘Pan’, were suspended. The supreme of the heavens could enter the battle and wait for VIP seats.

Ye Chen also led a group of the strongest Tianjiao of the Pangu universe into one of the heavenly palaces, where there were many extraordinary fairy beauties as maids, and there were also the rarest fairy wines in the ancient world, and even many ancient kings wanted The jealous Peerless Xian Guo Chen placed the Xianyu on the stage.

   There are countless delicacies of delicacies, showing the stunning handwork of the fairy royal family and serving all visitors.

   Then, the fairy light soared, and the supreme immortals came one after another and entered the huge palaces of heaven.

   The supreme sacreds of all parties are in their respective heavenly palaces, bowing hands to each other.

   It's just that no one gave Ye Chen a gift.

Ye Chen didn’t mind. After all, there were not many supreme princes who knew that he was a quasi-giant-level. What’s more, the news about the frontier of the fairy world was consciously suppressed by the fairy world and could not reach the center of the fairy world. Dare to neglect.

   "Fighting Saint King."

   The Haotian quasi-immortal king is here, and the Nangong quasi-immortal king and Beiming quasi-immortal king are also here. They are one of the few who know that Ye Chen is a quasi-giant. They are very respectful and bow their hands.

   "Friends of Haotian, Daoists of Nangong, Daoists of Beiming!"

   Ye Chen saw that the three quasi-immortal kings of Haotian, Nangong, and Beiming came, and led the clansmen of their respective immortal clan to come and entered the giant hall of the heavenly palace. He glanced at him from a distance, and bowed his hands in return.

  Honghuangxianjie, as the organizer of the Chaos Sea Tianjiao Grand Competition, the number of the strongest Tianjiao who played is not only 30 people, but each fairy king domain can have twelve people, and each quasi fairy king domain can have three participants.

   As for the Supreme Immortal, the strongest Tianjiao in the clan can be recommended to fight with the strongest Tianjiao of the Immortal Royal Family who follows the Immortal King.

   The supreme expressions of all parties were surprised. Not only the Haotian quasi-immortal king respected the fighting and fighting holy kings like this, but also the Nangong quasi-immortal king and Beiming quasi-immortal king who suddenly returned from the secret realm of "Forty-nine Immortals" last night.

   What is the origin of this flawless person?

   Suddenly, Ye Chen saw a familiar figure, it was Galen, the emperor of the Eight Desolation Ancient Universe, he also appeared.

   Haven't seen him for thousands of years, Galen has also become an emperor-level existence.

   But seeing that Galen, under the leadership of the fairy royal family, actually flew to a huge palace of heaven.

   Obviously, he also came to represent the Eight Desolate Ancient Universe, but unfortunately, the huge chaotic ancient universe had long been shattered, leaving him alone.

   "Brother Ye!"

   Galen bowed his hand to Ye Chenyao, and was not surprised, obviously he had known his arrival a long time ago.

   "Brother Galen."

   Ye Chen surrendered his hand and said, "I will talk together when I have time."

   After all, he has the friendship that he used to fight alongside Galen.

   Galen nodded, naturally a little pleased: "Okay."

   Now, the Eight Desolate Ancient Universes have shattered, leaving him alone. Other people in the Primal Chaos Universe are either disdainful or unwilling to get too close. This is also the reason for fear of the alien ancient universe.

   Ye Chen was still so close, which made him quite moved.

   "The deceased of the Eight Desolate Ancient Universe!"

   The Supreme Master of all parties was slightly startled, and he also recognized Galen's identity.

  The Eight Desolate Ancient Universes were once glorious and prosperous in the past. The eternal giants such as Emperor Hantian were born. Unfortunately, they were arrogant. They carried the entire prehistoric ancient universe and attacked the desolate immortal world at all costs. In the end, the entire chaotic ancient universe perished.

   However, the supreme of all parties present are all wise people, and they naturally understand enough chaos and sea secrets.

   In the old days, the Eight Desolate Ancient Universe was provoked and separated by the strongest of the alien ancient universe, the original generation, before attacking the prehistoric immortal realm.

Galen can be said to be the survivor of the Eight Desolate Ancient Universes. Although he is an emperor, he has also become a generation of emperors. Looking at the world, he is definitely regarded as the strongest existence. In the era of peace, the supremacy cannot be seen, but can become a one. The master of the ancient universe of chaos.

   Unfortunately, in the eyes of the supreme of all parties, it is still not enough.

   Unexpectedly, he was also invited to participate in the Chaos Haitianjiao Grand Competition.

   It's just that the Primordial Realm actually wants Galen to come and participate, but there is something interesting behind it.


   Galen looked deeply at a group of foreign emperors headed by the Destiny Great in the direction of the foreign race and the thirty strongest arrogances of foreign races, and his murderous intent of blood and blood was not concealed.

   In the old days, if it were not for the sake of a foreign race, how could the ancient universe of the Eight Desolations perish?

  Perhaps now, it is still in its continuous heyday. With the eternal giant, Emperor Hantian sitting in the Eight Desolate Ancient Universe, the enemies from all sides dare not easily invade.

   It's a pity that Galen can only do this. If you really want to do it, he can't be an opponent.

  Don't say that he is just a trivial emperor. Even if one day proves that Dao Cheng is an ancient emperor, it is impossible to cause much threat to the ancient alien universe.

   Even if I become a giant of the ages, I am afraid.

   The ancient universe of the alien race is too strong, there is no shortage of supreme, how many eras have changed, the background of the supreme realm is unfathomable, it is impossible to know.

   Not to mention the eternal giants, according to the understanding of all parties, the eternal giants owned by alien races have long since exceeded the number of two hands, which is terrifying.

   Today's Chaos Sea can only be compared to the Primordial Realm.

   "Huh, the last remnant of the ancient universe, without holding the tail between them, dare to show murderous eyes at this emperor. Do you want the last person to be completely extinct? This emperor will make you perfect today!"

Alien races have never been friendly. Throughout the ages, they have been proving their dominance and ruthlessness. At this moment, under Galen’s murderous gaze, an alien emperor immediately snorted and slapped him in the air~www.wuxiaspot .com~Boom——

   After a while, the situation changed, and Dili was majestic. Through the martial arts field, hundreds of millions of creatures in the Immortal King City could feel it, and they were extremely frightened.

   The Great Emperor contains a killing blow, even if Galen is the emperor, it is impossible to withstand it.

   At this moment, his hair is horrified, and he stands up against his face with a huge killing intent, and his whole body seems to explode.

   Inside, the blood of the emperor is boiling, and the power of the emperor is at the limit, and he wants to resist.

   But Galen knew that even so, it was impossible to stop him. The difference between the emperor and the great emperor, one word, was the immeasurable difference between the cloud and the mud.

At this moment, a peaceful force appeared quickly, covering Galen, preventing him from being hit by the foreign emperor's killing intent. Looking back, it was Ye Chen who was making the shot, and said in surprise, "Brother Ye, be careful. Point." Although he knows that Ye Chen, the fighting king, whether it is the ultimate ancient road or the supreme ancient road, has always been an irresistible absolute hegemon. The gods block and kill the gods, and the Buddha blocks and kills the Buddha. No one can fight.

   But it should be noted that it is the ancient emperor who is facing, Ye Chen is just the emperor, no matter how defying the sky, he cannot be the opponent of the emperor.


   How did you know, Ye Chen pointed out, the power was shocking, isolated from the sky, and directly fell on the hands of the alien emperor.


   The emperor's blood splashed down!

   It can be seen to the naked eye that the alien emperor's supreme emperor body is comparable to the supreme emperor's soldier, and the palm of the hand that is enough to suppress the emperor, fly the fairy and destroy the vast star field, this moment is penetrated.

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