Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3819: overbearing

The Immortal King Zixiao was aloft, looking down at Ye Chen, the invisible Immortal King's prestige directly crushed the giant palace of the heavenly palace, almost exploding.

I can only hear the supreme fairy king coldly say: "Dare to kill the subordinates of this seat, if you wait to provoke the majesty of this seat, and now you dare to commit the following crimes and look at each other, you think this seat dare not Do you take a shot? Now give you a chance to kneel down to admit your mistakes, kowtow to Qingyuxian, and hand over your Supreme Palace, and the woman Ye Jing who caused Piaoyu to die in the first place, to cut you off. Tibet, you have to become the protector of the Azure Feather Clan for two eras, and you must not leave during this period, otherwise, even if the Chaos Sea Tianjiao Grand Competition begins immediately, this seat will kill you!"

   Really, Immortal King Zixiao is really overbearing!

  Also, the lion speaks loudly, asking for prices!

Asking Ye Chen to apologize to him, but also to apologize to Qing Yuxian, and even hand over the Supreme Palace, the youngest daughter Ye Jing, to cede her 80% of the emperor, and to become the guardian of the Qingyu fairy clan for two eras , Must not leave.

   In the fairy king performance field, the supreme all parties are also in an uproar.

   The words of the Immortal King Zixiao were too much.

   is also only the foreign race happy to see it.

   The more you target the Fighting Saint King, the better, and it's even better to kill him. In this way, the alien race will be less of a huge threat.

   The look of the strongest Tianjiao in the Pangu universe changed drastically, and the immortal king Zixiao was too much.

   Ye Chen stood up. At this moment, his expression was extremely indifferent. The chaotic light all over his body instantly filled, and the terrifying power was slowly spreading.

   The giant hall of the Heavenly Palace is falling apart.

   and even the spirit of the whole body, are gathering together, to climb to the extreme in a short time.

   Such a request, he could not agree.

   is really going to fight, even if he is dead, he will not give in.

   Besides, even if Immortal King Zixiao really wants to attack him, he will pay an unimaginable price.

   The Immortal King Zixiao looked at Ye Chen coldly, revealing a wisp of murderous intent of the Immortal King, and instantly shattered the vast sky above the Immortal King City, and all the fairy roads were retreating.

   That is the power of the fairy king, in a rage, hundreds of millions of corpses!

At this time, Immortal King Pan Dao burst into immeasurable light, wrapped in monstrous Dao runes, to isolate the murderous intent of Immortal King Zixiao, and said: "Zixiao, both sides are wrong in this matter, why not stop here? Resolve it."

   Immortal King Zixiao said indifferently: "Wang Dao, I can step back and deal with this matter about Qingyuxian, but just now, this junior dared to look at my seat, it is the following crime, and I must not take it lightly."

   There was an uproar from all sides, the Immortal King Zixiao was not an ordinary domineering, and he actually used this as an excuse to deal with the Saint King.

   Pan Dao Immortal King frowned slightly and said: "Zi Xiao, from the face of this seat, don't continue to care about it."

   Nodded slightly, glanced at Ye Chen indifferently, and said: "Well, as long as he bows to this seat and apologizes for his guilt, this seat can spare him once."

   Qing Yuxian sneered, and the five supreme immortals who guarded the immortal gate, such as Moyang Guxian, and the strong immortal realms of their corresponding factions, also spit out a sigh of evil, and the wicked have their own wickedness!

   Fighting the Saint King this time, but it's going to stumble!

   The foreigner laughed, and was pleased to see it.

   Over the years, with the rise of the fighting king, especially the quasi-giant, they have suffered heavy losses. Even when they came to the prehistoric immortal world, they were actually overwhelmed, which was very uncomfortable.

   Now, the immortal king Zixiao stepped forward to suppress the fighting king, which made them feel very happy.

   Ye Chen's eyes were cold, and this Immortal King Zixiao really had an inch, staring at him.

   wants him to confess his guilt and apologize. This is to humiliate his dignity in public and trample on his personality in public.


   I didn't expect that just a trip to the prehistoric immortal world would cause so many troubles one after another.

   Really want to do this, he would rather fight!

   Behind the Pangu universe, the strongest Tianjiao also clenched his fists, really domineering.

  Pandao Immortal King's voice also cooled slightly: "Zixiao, enough, this is the Immortal King City here, and the Chaos Sea Tianjiao Grand Contest will be held soon, this matter will be revealed for the time being."

   "Okay, today I will give you a face in Pandao, but the Chaos Haitianjiao grand competition is over, let's talk slowly."

   Zixiao Immortal King is not better than offending Pandao Immortal King, he is indeed very strong, but he will not underestimate Pandao Immortal King, a peerless immortal king who has been famous for the same multiple eras.

   The Void Good Fortune Fairy Throne, on which the Zixiao Fairy King sits.

On the side of Pangu Universe, Yanshen frowned and said through the sound transmission: "This Immortal King Zixiao is really domineering, but Brother Ye don’t need to worry. Immortal King Pandao is Master’s best friend. I believe that when you come to the world, Master is already worshipping Immortal King Paldao. Haosheng takes care of you, no need to worry. What's more, if you really want to stand on the opposite side, you will invite Master, as well as the eternal giants of the Pangu universe, such as the Supreme Sage Emperor, the Fighting Saint Ancestor, and the Heaven-against Warlord. See who is in the end. go."

The Immortal King Zixiao is powerful, but in the same way, the Supreme Sage Emperor, the Saint Ancestor of Fighting against the Heavens of the Pangu Universe are all eternal giants who have become famous for multiple epochs, and they are even more domineering and more powerful. The character of the guardian is really going to be a battle, can the Immortal King Zixiao please?

   Ha ha, is it true that the eternal giant with the highest attack power of Chao Zhan Saint Ancestor is a vegetarian?

   Ye Chen nodded, but he was unwilling to bother a few eternal giants too much unless it was a last resort.

   After all, he knows that the few eternal giants in front of him must have important events busy with them.


Looking up, you can see that there is also the immortal king coming from the fairy beast. The style is infinite. The mount is the strongest and supreme ancient beast. It is a unicorn at the supreme level of the immortal road. The king is extraordinary.

  The supreme beings of all parties were amazed, the immortal king is really different, that is, the mount is also the fairy beast of the supreme realm, and the realm is the same as theirs.

   It’s just that I saw this fairy king, but it made several of the immortal kings present a little condensed.

   Finally Yan Xianzun!

The first generation of giants, the first generation of immortal kings, has proved the existence of the immortal king's fruit status earlier than any immortal kings even, he personally took the lead in the covenant of the giants after the myth of the last era was destroyed. customized.

   In the realm of the prehistoric immortal world, the final Yan Xianzun has a pivotal position.

   "I have seen your Majesty the End Yan Xianzun!"

   All parties are supreme, all salutes.

   Ye Chen also bowed slightly to salute, because thousands of years ago, the eternal tycoon of the alien race, led by the ancestor of the early Yuan Dynasty, was making a shot at the Pangu Universe, which was prevented by the appearance of Xianzun.

   "Final Yan Xianzun!"

   is that Immortal King Zixiao never neglected, and he whispered, and it was his full name, which shows the status of the final immortal.

Ultimate Yan Xianzun also settled down on the Immortal Throne Seat, and said with a faint smile: "I didn’t expect that five Taoists would come together with this seat to watch this Chaos Sea Tianjiao Grand Contest. It’s not like I’ve seen it in many years. Such an event."

   present here, a total of six immortal kings, including the ultimate immortal king, the immortal king of Zixiao, and the immortal king of Tai A, came, including the host's Pandao immortal king, and a total of seven immortal kings.

  There are so many immortal king giants gathering, often not two or three times in an era.

   A few great immortal kings nodded, the eternal giants are often not born once or twice in an era, not to mention the gathering of so many eternal giants at the same time.

   "Since everyone is here, then this Chaos Haitianjiao Grand Competition will officially begin."

   As the host, the Immortal King Pan Dao speaks, and the Tianjiao Grand Tournament officially kicked off!

  :. :

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