Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3821: Immortal King Fighting Apprentice

After learning that Ye Chen is a quasi-giant, many supreme princes secretly investigated Ye Chen's related information for the first time, and then discovered to their horror that this fighting holy king has only been in cultivation for more than six thousand years, but the quasi-king period He became a legendary eternal quasi-king who was equal to the emperor of heaven and the first generation, and even now he became a quasi-giant unparalleled in the world.

   Such a rapid growth rate and the eternal unparalleled enchanting aptitude, is even better than the unphased king of the year.

   It can even be said that he is definitely the most enchanting Tianjiao since the ages, and few people can compare it.

Today, Chihiro, the son of the Chaos Haitianjiao Grand Tournament, is also an eternal emperor. The strength demonstrated is so powerful that he can directly sweep three alien emperors as a king, and in just ten rounds. It was a powerful blow to an alien emperor. The strength was so powerful that only the eternal emperor in general could be compared.

It’s hard to imagine that once Qianxun becomes the eternal emperor, how powerful it should be, I am afraid that even if it is not as good as his father’s fight against the holy king, it will definitely not be much different. Perhaps by that time, it is no longer simple and supreme. But maybe the peak showdown might be.

   "It is hateful that such a powerful eternal king was born in the ruined Pangu universe."

   "Did it have been ruined for nearly an epoch, until the end of the epoch, all the luck is accumulated in this era, so that one after another will be born one after another on the path of eternity?"

   On the alien side, no one knows how the Fate Great Emperor looked, but the six alien great emperors behind him looked gloomy.

  As the ancient emperor, they are naturally among the rulers of the alien ancient universe. They cannot allow the Pangu universe to give birth to too many powerful arrogances.

   The birth of a fighting sage is already hoping to kill directly, and it cannot be allowed to exist. If a super arrogant who is comparable to the incomparable king is born, it is also unacceptable.

   For them, any eternal path Tianjiao born in the Pangu universe is a terrible variable in the future.

   Therefore, at this moment, their eyes towards Chihiro were filled with endless killing intent.

  If conditions permit, they will absolutely kill the eternal king at all costs.

   Naturally, I even wanted to kill Ye Chen, the strongest evildoer in the ages, and never allowed to stay.

   "Among the strongest arrogance of the ancient universe, there is an eternal king who has reached the peak state, not far from the emperor state."

   "Awesome, only the peak of the eternal emperor is so powerful. The Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao at the emperor level is not his opponent. It is hard to imagine how powerful this son will be once he becomes the emperor."

   "Well, this son has the hope of becoming a giant of the ages. Isn't it a Daoist friend of my generation in the future."

  Don't say it's other people, even the few immortal kings above them, they also showed a look of wonder.

"Haha, you guys, we can make a decision here. This is the best place for this seat to become a direct disciple of this seat." An immortal king laughed and said, obviously he values ​​the Eternal King's Peak Realm Qianhiro very seriously. The Tianjiao Grand Tournament is just the beginning, and I want to be a direct disciple.

   Tai Axian Wang said: "Innocent, this child wants to be here, it is not your turn, such a jade, it is more appropriate to leave it to this seat for guidance."

   "No, it should be given to this seat."

   Several immortal kings rushed to accept Qianxun as a direct disciple, which caused the supreme of all parties to be envied.

  Instructions, in the young Tianjiao period, they were also peerless, peerless, but they were not appreciated by the eternal giants, let alone become direct disciples.

Only the Immortal King Zixiao snorted coldly, and his killing intent was revealed: "It's just a primeval king, even if it is an eternal king, it has the potential to become an eternal giant, but not everyone can get to that point. Died young."

   Obviously, for Ye Chen's parents, the strongest arrogant Chihiro in the Pangu universe, Immortal King Zixiao didn't have that desire to be a direct disciple, instead he hoped to kill him.

   He has always been domineering and accustomed to it, not to mention the geniuses, they are just juniors who have never really grown up. When they are truly like him, there is no genius at all.

  Instructions, anyone who can become a fairy king is the most outstanding evildoer in the ages, even if it is not comparable to the strongest evildoer like Ye Chen, it is not much worse.

  Pan Dao Immortal King said indifferently: "Whether he can get to that point is two things, but he does have such potential, Zi Xiao, none of your heirs can be compared in the king's period."

As a close friend of Emperor Yan, before holding this Chaos Haitianjiao event, he was confessed by Emperor Yan to take good care of the people in Pangu Universe, and Immortal King Zixiao ignored himself in his own territory and almost made a move. The Dao Immortal King was rather cold and angry, so he didn't face him when he spoke.

   Immortal King Zixiao glanced at Immortal King Pandao coldly, but didn't say much.

  It is true, not to mention that several of his biological children, even when he was young, are not necessarily better than Chihiro.

The other immortal kings are all eternal giants, and naturally they are not afraid of the immortal king Zixiao. If Qianxun can be accepted as a personal disciple, there will be a great chance of becoming an eternal giant in the future. There is a story about the mentor and apprentice giants.

   At this time, Zun Yan Xianzun, who had been calm, suddenly smiled and said, "Don't fight for it. In fact, this son has a master long ago, and you know this person."

"Master?" The great immortal kings were slightly startled, and the immortal king Tai Ah took a closer look. With the eyes of the immortal king, he could understand a lot of mysteries in an instant, and he couldn't help but smile and said: "It is true, there is fighting on this child. The breath of the saint line is the descendant of the line of fighting saints."

   The other immortal kings couldn't help but smile, secretly sighing that the line of the fighting saints is indeed violent. First there was a Wuxiang King, then Ye Chen, and now Qianxun.

   Tai Axian King was a little unwilling to say: "It's just a descendant of the fighting sage, not a direct disciple of the fighting ancestor. This son has a lineage of cultivating fighting sages, and this seat can also give pointers."

   After all, I still don't want to let go of such a rare and top-notch evildoer like Chihiro.

   Finally Yan Xianzun said with a faint smile: "This sentence, you'd better have a good talk with the fellow Douzhan Saint Ancestor."

   Too Immortal King smiled helplessly, the fighting ancestor was famously powerful and domineering, so there is no need to say more.

   It is precisely because of him that the line of fighting saints is so powerful and domineering.

   Speaking of the fighting ancestor, Immortal King Zixiao snorted coldly.

   Obviously, he has grievances with the fighting ancestors.

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