Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3824: The fairy king

The Chaos Haitianjiao Grand Tournament officially ended and won applause from all parties.

Naturally, the rewards of the Chaos Sea Tianjiao Grand Tournament are also quite rich. Whether you are the first emperor or the first emperor, you are eligible to enter the Immortal King's Cave Mansion to practice for thousands of years.

The Immortal King’s Cave Mansion, it must be known that it is the place where the Supreme Immortal King sits during the daytime. Not only is it full of all kinds of rare Dao Essences and artifacts that are hard to find in the world, but the heavens and all the ways are condensed into substantial manifestations. You can feel it easily.

Moreover, every Immortal King’s Cave Mansion must be located in the core of the most central source of the Immortal Kingdom, and it is also the center of the Immortal Realm. It is close to the source of the Immortal Realm. It can gather the great fortunes of the Primordial Immortal Realm and greatly enhance the perception. The speed of the Supreme Avenue.

At the same time, on the other hand, there is also a strong and powerful Immortal King Dao Qi in the air.

Cultivating in the Immortal King’s Cave Mansion not only has an incomparable beauty for the Supreme Demonstration of Dao, at least it can increase the success rate of the emperor’s proving Dao Supreme by more than 30%, and even be able to spy on the secrets of the Supreme Immortal King’s domain. Tian Zhizun is very eager for this kind of supreme fate.

The supreme of all parties are all amazed, the prehistoric immortal world is really a great handwriting, and he was willing to give up the two immortal kings cave mansion to provide the chaotic sea Tianjiao grand competition. The first person of the two realms to enter the cave mansion, even the fairy king easily Reluctant to let it out, even if it's only a thousand years.

Of course, the two Immortal Kings Cave Mansion that was let out were not the Immortal King Cave Mansion of the current Immortal King, but the Immortal King Cave Mansion of the two Great Immortal Kings that had fallen in the past years.

Although the primordial realm is known as the first chaotic ancient universe in the sea of ​​chaos, it has not been lost to the immortal king in the endless years.

The Chaos Sea has existed one era after another, and since the long era, there have been many terrible battles that have broken the era.

For example, the chaotic burial ground is an era of era.

In the past, the Primordial Immortal Realm was not as powerful as it is currently, and the title is the first. It has been spied by foreign enemies on the ancient chaotic universe of the Primordial Immortal Realm, a terrifying chaotic ancient universe no less than the chaotic burial ground to conquer the Primordial Realm, and many eternal giants were born , Invaded the prehistoric immortal world, and broke out a big battle.

Naturally, the primordial immortal realm could not sit and wait for death. That battle awakened the sleeping fairy king, and even the first generation giants of the immortal were born, and the cosmic war broke out.

In the end, the primordial immortal world won, and killed several foreign enemies of the eternal giants, and cut down many supreme, but also paid a heavy price. The supreme immortal fell more than the number of hands, and even three immortal kings were unfortunately lost, sprinkling blood endlessly. The land of the fairy world.

Today, the emperor and the first emperor who won the Chaos Haitianjiao Grand Competition are eligible to enter the Immortal King's Cave Mansion, which belongs to the fallen Immortal King's cave mansion.

Of course, the Immortal King Cave Mansion is only one of the rewards, and there are many other rewards, such as rewarding an immortal realm, rewarding a supreme fairy world, rewarding chaos immortal gold, etc. The rewards are so rich that it is unprecedented, enough to make the supreme even more excited.

But of course, because the fierce competition of this session of the Chaos Haitianjiao event is beyond imagination, it is extremely difficult for an eternal emperor to peak, and five eternal emperors want to stand out.

It's just a pity that whether it is Qianxun or God Emperor Son, there are eternal giants behind them. This makes the fairy kings of all parties helpless sigh and sigh, regretting that they have not been able to accept the two as disciples.

Of course, there are four eternal emperors to choose from, they are also valued by the immortal king, hoping to be accepted as direct disciples.

However, it is a pity that among the remaining four eternal emperors, two also have eternal giants to become their masters, and the remaining two are contested by several immortal kings, hoping to become direct disciples.

In the end, Immortal King Tai'a and Immortal Dao Jie Xu made a generous promise to accept an eternal emperor as his disciple.

The Immortal King Pandao and other immortal kings sighed, regretting that they had not been able to accept an eternal emperor as a direct disciple.

Zong Yan Xianzun did not speak, and always seemed very calm.

Otherwise, accepting disciples as his, other immortal kings may not be able to compete.

At this point, the Chaos Haitianjiao Grand Competition is completely over.

Next, all parties leave.

However, at this time, the atmosphere in the Immortal King's Martial Arts Field was suddenly tense.

I saw Immortal King Zixiao, who was standing high on the upper celestial throne, spoke abruptly, and his stern eyes swept down to the Temple of Heaven, which represents the Pangu universe, penetrated the palace, fell on Ye Chen, and said coldly: "Okay. , Now the Chaos Haitianjiao Grand Tournament is over, and now, I have to hold you accountable for the crimes committed by the juniors."

In an instant, all parties focused attention.

Immortal King Zixiao, sure enough, he still needs to be held accountable afterwards.

Fighting the Saint King, it is difficult.

"Zi Xiao, let this be revealed." Pandao Immortal King's expression sank, this place is also his site anyway, it is his Immortal King City, not to mention Ye Chen and other people in Pangu Universe, but his close friend Yandi personally asked himself Taking care of it on his behalf, he couldn't let Ye Chen and the others have an accident.

Especially Ye Chen, even Yan Emperor's close friend.

Immortal King Zixiao said coldly: "Tang Dao, Chaos Haitianjiao Grand Tournament, as the host, this seat is already very good, not accountable at the Grand Tournament. Now that the Grand Tournament is over, he committed the following crimes. If you don’t immediately kneel down and apologize to this seat, this seat will never let it go easily.”

Immediately, looking at Ye Chen, with a cold shout, the immortal king's majestic prestige smashed into the sky and shattered the ten heavenly sky: "Fighting with the holy king, can you confess?"

The majesty of the glory shatters the heavens, and the supreme all parties must also tremble.

That is the immeasurable power of the immortal king, and under the blessing of Dao Yin, the supreme is unstoppable.

All the attention was drawn, but the alien side sneered.

Fighting Saint King, no matter how strong you are, you will be humiliated in public today.

"Friend Daoist Ye is in trouble."

The three quasi-immortal kings of Haotian, Nangong, and Beiming slightly frowned The situation is not optimistic.

The Immortal King Zixiao, but the overbearing immortal king who is well-known in the prehistoric immortal world, in the years when he ruled the predominant immortal world, a supreme immortal was killed by a slap in the face because he offended his disciple of the monarch realm. Now, its extreme dominance is evident.

Now, he wants to target Ye Chen, but few people can stop it.

"What's wrong with me?"

Ye Chen lifted his eyes and stared at Immortal King Zixiao indifferently, even if the latter was Immortal King Gaidai, he couldn't be so humiliated.

Big deal!

"What a guilty one, until now, I am still so bold not to plead guilty." Immortal King Zixiao said coldly, "Since this is the case, I have to see how you have the courage to not confess."


The fairy king shot!

He shot himself from the Celestial Throne, and shot at the Temple of Heaven, which is not far away.

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