Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3826: Go to war

"Want to go?"

At this time, many figures appeared in front of Ye Chen, all of them at the supreme level. There were eleven people in total, and the lineup was extremely terrifying.

There are immortals, and there are ancient emperors.

The Qingyuxian under the command of Immortal King Zixiao is the top five supreme immortals, and the six ancient emperors of the alien ancient universe. Only the emperor of Destiny has never intercepted him, but he is also watching himself on the sky. Obviously, he will take action if he has the opportunity. .

Qing Yuxian looked at Ye Chen's eyes full of infinite killing thoughts, and rebuked: "Fighting Saint King, it's not that easy to leave. Let's save my life today."

The parties were awe-inspiring. Obviously, all the immortals under the imperial King Zixiao had to join forces with the emperors of the ancient universe of foreign races to fight against the holy king.


Behind him, Chihiro and others are there, such a lineup, it can be said to be quite strong, gathering a full eleven Dzogchen Supreme.

"Everyone, no war here!"

The three supreme immortals under Pandao Immortal King spoke. This place is still in the Immortal King City. Once the supreme lords go to war, the Immortal King City will also be affected, which will have a great impact.

Qing Yuxian said: "Three fellow daoists, as long as the Fighting Saint King is willing to follow me and wait to leave, they will never go to war easily."

After all, this place is still the territory of the Immortal King Pan Dao, even if the Immortal King Pan Dao is fighting against the Immortal King Zixiao at the moment, they still dare not offend.

Ye Chen obviously did not want to spread to the Immortal King City of Pan Dao. After all, the Immortal King Pan Dao had already helped him to block the Immortal King Zixiao. Now he naturally can't affect him, and he doesn't want to harm the innocent. Everyone moved away in an instant, including the eleven hostile Supremes on the opposite side, and instantly moved away from the Pandao Immortal King City and entered the land of the immortal stardom.

"Father!" Qianxun and the others were anxious and were about to rush to the sky of the star, because their father Ye Chen did not bring them into the sky of the star.

Pan Jinji stepped forward to stop, saying: "You can't go, the fighting king is very strong, he is a quasi-giant, and the reason for such a transfer is that he is not willing to hurt you, otherwise you can keep up with your strength. It won’t help, on the contrary it may become a burden.”

The children of Qianxun, Yaya, Chen Xi, Ye Jing and others clenched their fists. At this moment, they only hated their lack of strength. They could only watch their father deal with so many Supreme Emperors alone, but they were powerless.

The land of the sky of stars is actually the starry sky of the prehistoric immortal world, which is much more vast and magnificent than other ancient chaotic universes.

At this moment, Ye Chen alone was facing the five supreme immortals of the Zixiao Immortal King Realm and the six ancient emperors of different races.

"You dare to stop me just by waiting? Get out!"

Ye Chen is a person, but there is a generation of peerless quasi-giant-level existence, brave and invincible, how can it be frightened, and it is to take a step forward, with endless fighting spirit, and also with infinite power.

Directly greeted him, rolling out from his body, it was billions of chaotic brilliance, spreading across the infinite star dome, shaking the infinite star field, pulling the infinite starlight down, and adding it to the body.

With one step, the star fields exploded in an instant.

The immeasurable quasi-giant of chaos rushed over, and the eleven supreme lords felt like a great enemy, feeling the huge pressure of Mount Tai. Only feeling the power of Ye Chen, there was a feeling of breathlessness.

"Everyone, please take action together, he is a quasi-giant, don't be careless!"

Qing Yuxian yelled, and was the first one to take the shot, stepping forward and directly performing his forbidden magic, and struck across.


This is his exclusive taboo fairy technique, the immortal light is infinite, and it contains the strong power of Taoism, which he comprehended in the stage of Taoism during the period of Xianjun, and then created the supreme fairy technique, which can make everything Huadao soars.

"It should be." An ancient great emperor of a foreign race said. At this moment, a total of eleven supreme lords made a joint action, and together with the supreme emperor soldiers and immortal soldiers, they also showed up.

Under such a violent offensive, even if the quasi-giant is facing it, they must avoid their sharp edges and do not insist on it.

Otherwise, the quasi-giant will definitely not be safe and sound.

Of course, Ye Chen is not an ordinary quasi-giant at all. His strength is so powerful, but he has broken through thirty-nine levels of immortality, and belongs to the top existence among the quasi-giants.

The first thing to bear the brunt is Qing Yuxian's forbidden fairy technique of Eclosion Flying Immortal. The chaotic energy on his body is spreading, colliding with the power of Huadao, and it is burning violently.

The power of Huadao at the immortal Dao level is really terrifying, and the Supreme will fall into the edge of Huadao.

However, Ye Chen is at the level of a quasi-giant, and the power of the chaotic body makes the power of the Taoist that can make the supreme fall into the edge of the Taoist, almost ineffective.

"How can you stop the technique of'Feathering Flying Fairy'?" Qing Yuxian was horrified. He couldn't believe all this. He had to know that the taboo fairy technique of'Feathering Flying Fairy' created by him swept across the sky and was praised by the fairy king as a good The strong magic that hurt the quasi-immortal king.

"It's a little tricky."

Ye Chen sneered, and made no secret of his contempt for the "Feathering Flying Fairy" taboo fairy technique. He just glanced at it, and he penetrated into the essence of the "Feathering Flying Fairy" taboo fairy technique. Chaos Dao Fa was reversed. Evolution.

The chaotic light full of vitality rushed past and collided with the power of the Tao.

There is no earth-shattering collision, and some just disappear silently.

Qing Yuxian regressed for the first time. He didn't have any fairy soldiers. He faced the existence of quasi-giants and suffered a lot.

And, at the same time, the attacks of other Supreme Immortals and Ancient Great Emperors also attacked and killed them, extremely violent.


Ye Chen opened the ten-fold divine aperture of the heavenly path projection, as if the heavenly path ruled, either resisting or dissolving the numerous supreme offensives.

Of course, he did not choose to bear the offensive of a supreme one at the same time, and then selectively bear a part, and then shot a part to destroy it.

I saw it attacked and collided with the Supreme Imperial Soldiers and Immortal Soldiers, clanging loudly, dissolving all attacks.

However, these Supreme Imperial Soldiers, Immortal Soldiers, etc., were slapped out by Ye Chen one by one, turned into clusters of meteor-like beams, and crashed into the star dome, causing the stars to explode one after another, even hitting them. Many star fields were sunk.

The sentient beings were amazed that the fighting saint king was too strong, and the strength of the flesh was overwhelming the supreme imperial soldiers, and the supreme Taoist soldiers were also shot flying when they fully recovered.

Ye Chenxin walked leisurely, facing the eleven Supremes, and killed them.

There are not many fancy magical spells, and when it comes to his level, it is often a force to break ten thousand magic!

He rushed forward in an instant, across the endless sky in an instant, and came to an alien emperor. Without a word, he handed over and collided with the alien emperor.



In the blink of an eye, the emperor soldier was beaten with dim light, and after the second attack, there were signs of fragmentation. The third attack broke directly, and then the offensive fell on the alien emperor.

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