Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3831: Stealing the Immortal King Cave House

"What a junior, he is indeed outstanding. Today, I accept it and go!"

The look of Immortal King Zixiao was very ugly. Not only was he unable to make Ye Chen confess his guilt today, on the contrary, the Immortal King's seat was destroyed, the ancient beast supreme who was pulling the cart was killed, and the Azure Yuxian was also lost. Great Supreme, this kind of price is not so huge.

But he was so helpless to Ye Chen, with the protection of the Immortal King Pan Dao, and finally Yan Xianzun and others also spoke out to discourage the Immortal King from fighting, and were even forced to pay a world stone the size of a house. Not bad enough.

   With a flick of his big sleeve, he immediately turned and left with the tattered Immortal King's car and other supreme immortals under his command.

   The Avenue of the Immortal Kings turned across, and a group of people left.

   Shocked all over the world, the overbearing Immortal King Zixiao fell down on the Saint King of Fighting today, and suffered such a big loss.

   At the same time, there was a fairy light outside the sky, and it finally submerged into Ye Chen's body.

   He looked at the leaving figure of Immortal King Zixiao, showing a sneer, and muttered to himself: "Immortal Zixiao, the price you paid is not that small."

   Fairy King City was relocated, and everyone once again returned to the Fairy King City. After witnessing the power of the Fairy King City, they also had a deep awe of the Fairy King City.

   Ye Chen came to the front of several immortal kings, composing and saluting, especially facing the immortal king of Pan Dao, and praying earnestly, saying: "Thank you Senior Pan Dao for your help."

  Pandao Immortal King, has a life-saving grace for him, if it weren't for him, this matter would not be so easy today.

The Immortal King Pan Dao laughed: "You don’t need to see things like this. This Zixiao has always been domineering, and I can’t understand him. I dare to make a shot in the Immortal King Realm. Besides, you are an irresistible friend of Emperor Yan. Please take good care of you."

   Several immortal kings were surprised that the fighting sage king actually has this relationship with the fighting sacred king. Is it possible that the Pandao fairy king would be willing to fight the fairy king at all costs.

   Final Yan Xianzun also took a deep look at Ye Chen, revealing a smile, and said: "Sure enough, the hero was born a boy, you are very good. After so many years, I finally saw a descendant of the Emperor of Heaven appear."

   "Heir to the Emperor of Heaven?"

   Several immortal kings were shocked, even Ye Chen was stunned, and immediately thought that he had inherited the Primordial Heaven Realm and the Purple Extreme Lingxiao Palace. Is it because of this?

   But strictly speaking, it should be his cotyledon Junlin who is the descendant of the Emperor of Heaven, he is not.

Finally Yan Xianzun did not say anything more on this topic, but just praised: "You are very good. It is amazing to be able to get to this point in just six thousand years. The future will definitely be another emperor. However, This seat hopes that you can go further, so that you will have the hope of fighting together in the future."

   Several immortal kings were shocked, and finally Yan Xianzun had such high expectations for the fighting saint king, that he could fight side by side in the future and even become another emperor of heaven.

   However, when he learned that Ye Chen had reached this level in just over 6,000 years, he fell silent and was shocked.

  Because they are too enchanting, even the old ones are far from able to do this step.

   Ye Chen frowned, and finally Yan Xianzun was referring to the future fighting side by side. What exactly did he mean?

   Is it a blood-stained future?

   The Chaos Haitianjiao event ended long ago. Ye Chen came to Galen and invited him to the Pangu Universe.

   Galen agreed that he had nowhere to go. Joining the Pangu universe is also the opposite of the alien ancient universe, and he will be able to take revenge in the future.

   Ye Chen also met with God Emperor Son.

   This newly promoted eternal emperor is very strong, but unfortunately there is a huge gap with him, the strongest eternal emperor in history.

  The God Emperor sighed quietly, did not say anything, and immediately turned and left.

   Ye Chen saw the five remaining ancient emperors of the alien race, especially the destiny emperor headed by them, and felt a sense of crisis.

   He can feel that the Emperor Destiny is really strong and really wants to fight, even if he is now, he can't necessarily suppress it.

   It’s just that he doesn’t understand why the Destiny Great didn’t take action before, otherwise it’s another matter whether he could kill the two alien great emperors.

   Qianxun stayed because he had to enter the Immortal King Cave Mansion to practice for a thousand years.

Naturally, Ye Chen is very happy. With the cultivation of the Immortal King’s Cave Mansion, he can understand the Supreme Dao to a large extent. With the aptitude of Qianxun, he will surely become the eternal emperor during the period, and even help deepen accumulation and reduce the time of preaching. This is a priceless fate that the supreme and even the quasi-giants cannot expect.

  Also, with the Yan Emperor's close friend, Immortal King Pan Dao, sitting in the prehistoric world and taking care of it, Ye Chen was naturally quite relieved.

   What's more, the Immortal King Pan Dao also values ​​Qianxun very much, and Chihiro and his descendants are extremely close because of this chaotic sea Tianjiao event, they have become close friends. Under this relationship, they are not afraid of accidents.

  Especially, the Immortal King Pan Dao did not hesitate to sacrifice the great weapon of the Immortal King in Immortal King City this time, which was enough to shock many people.

   Qianxun said: "Father, why don't you, Ya Ya, and them enter the Immortal King Cave Mansion with me to practice."

   He has obtained the right to use the Immortal King’s Cave for a thousand years, and he is naturally qualified to lead others into the Immortal King’s Cave, but most people will not do this, because in this way, he will share the essence of the Immortal King’s Cave.

"Yaya, Dawn, Jing'er, Yanshen, Wild Ancient Demon God, they are all okay." Ye Chen said, as for others, let him not bring them, because they would share the essence of the Immortal King's Cave Mansion to a large extent, and He is also selfish. The Immortal King Dongfu is the eldest son Qianxun who has struggled to win over himself, and he can bring other family members, but the other strongest talents in the Pangu universe, forgive him for not being so great.

   As for himself, he shook his head and said, "No need."

   Ye Chen showed a ray of smile, looking mysteriously and unpredictably to the east, the quasi-immortal king Dao body in his body, hidden in the original small universe, isolated from the outside world.

At this moment, the quasi-immortal king's body opened, and there was also a dazzling fairy king's This fairy king's cave was as magnificent as the palace of the immortal king, like a chaotic ancient universe, containing impossibility The quintessence of the estimated fairy king, the infinite rules of the fairy king are intertwined, the mystery and magic of the unclear way.

  Even if it is only exuding the wisps of aura, it gives Ye Chen a sense of ascendance. The quasi-immortal king's body is full of radiant light, as if it is about to transform into a supreme immortal king at any time.

  Especially the ninety-nine fairy veins, it is even more expensive than the fairy king's cave.

Immortal veins, if they are ancestral veins, dragon veins, or even more advanced, the energy source continuously provides the top immortal energy and essence, which is also of great help to the cultivation of the supreme immortal, not to mention the 99 items , It can be said that the cultivation of the fairy king is more than enough.

   These ninety-nine immortal veins are connected with the Immortal King Zixiao’s Immortal King Cave Mansion, making this Immortal King Cave Mansion extraordinary, more precious than ordinary Immortal King Cave Mansion.

   What's more, there are also a huge amount of fairy king gods, and the overall value of them is superimposed, which can be said to make other quasi-immortal kings jealous and crazy, and the immortal king will give birth to greed.

   It's just that Ye Chen sighed, it's a pity that Immortal King Zixiao also carried half of the Immortal King's Divine Treasure with him, otherwise it would definitely be far more than the present.

   However, with an Immortal King Cave Mansion, he will be able to cultivate better from now on, and he may not be far away when he steps into the eternal giant level in the future.

   At the same time, in the Eastern Land, a terrifying roar of the Immortal King exploded out of thin air, and immediately resounded through the primordial immortal world, making it impossible to know how many stars were annihilated into ashes.

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