Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3836: The road to death and life

Taishenghuang said solemnly: "The sea of ​​chaos contains too much mystery, and there are some things that even I may not understand clearly."

Whether it is him, or the ancestor of fighting, the warlord against the sky, and the immortal king of Pandao, they can all be said to be the supreme giants who have achieved the status of the eternal giants in multiple eras. They are omnipotent in the eternal era, but they dare not say that they must know. Everything about Chaos Sea.

   The Sea of ​​Chaos is too big, and the era is changing. Through the ages, I don’t know how many epochs have passed.

   Even if it is an eternal tycoon, it is not immortal. Many epochs have passed, and many eternal tycoons have fallen.

   The only thing that can be assured is that the mysterious origin of the holy family in the sea of ​​chaos is not counted. Perhaps the three who have lived the longest are the emperor, the first generation, and the immortal ancestor.

The immortal ancestor is the first creature born after the primordial immortal realm opened up. It is reported that the immortal ancestor may be a supreme existence born from part of Pangu’s essence and spirit combined with the atmospheric fortune of the primordial immortal realm. The most extreme position in the Chaos Sea.

  The Emperor of Heaven and the First Generation are unidentified. According to legend, they existed in the world before Pangu and the ancient alien universe were actually born.

   They are recognized as the longest and most powerful people in the world.

   The giants of all parties are also convinced that the ones who know the most secret of the Chaos Sea, that is, a few of them, are either the holy clan of origin.

   The Sea of ​​Chaos is too big, boundless, immeasurable, and the eternal giants dare not say anywhere.

  Naturally, it is very likely that there are some mysterious things that even the eternal giants dare not say they must know.

   Taishenghuang condensed his eyebrows: "I don't know if it is right or wrong to continue to develop."

   In fact, the giants of the Pangu universe once deduced the approximate time when the blood-stained future would come.

  Because it was too taboo, even the giants of the ages did not dare to deduce it rashly. Worried about being extremely backlashed, so many giants of the ages worked together to determine that even the most terrible backlash could be withstood by multiple giants of the ages.

   In the end, they came to the show, roughly within this period of time, and it was exactly 30,000 years later that the Emperor Time and Space once mentioned to Ye Chen.

   When the Emperor Time and Space said that Ye Chen was only two or three hundred years old, but now it is nearly thirty thousand years old, and it is quite close in time.

   Therefore, Taishenghuang and other eternal giants also suspect that if the ancient road of origin continues to be opened up, it may not be the place of origin, but the most terrible disaster in history, **** the future!

   But at this point, they can't deduce whether it's true or not. That is the most terrible taboo, and it can't be deduced at all.

   Ye Chen finally understood the move of the Immortal King Pan Dao, and specially brought the Immortal King City, probably because of this.

   Inexplicably, he also lost his mind. Once so, he probably couldn't avoid it.

"Don't worry too much, even if the blood-stained future comes, I will not be afraid." The warlord said, this is derived from the confidence of the eternal giants. fear.

   Next, is to wait for the last time.

  The giants of all parties have agreed that three years later, they will come together unanimously to open up the last section of the ancient path of origin and see if the back is the place of origin.

  The giants from all sides have come one after another. It is conceivable that it is definitely not a consequence that any eternal giant can bear.

  The place of origin has too much influence.

   The Supreme Sovereign sits down, for a flash and billions of years.

   Three years, just a blink of an eye.

   During this period of time, Ye Chen stayed here all the time, sitting and talking with the great magnates.

   Especially, he has reached the extreme, hoping to break the shackles of the extreme, and truly possess the fighting power of an eternal giant, not just as simple as a raid.

   "Little guy, your ambition is quite big."

   Hearing the words, Emperor Yan laughed.

   Tai Sage Emperor, Fighting Saint Ancestor, Defying Warlord, Pandao Immortal King and other eternal giants also looked at Ye Chen suspiciously, but did not expect the latter to be so ambitious.

  Note that his true realm is nothing more than an eternal emperor, and being able to possess extreme quasi-giant-level combat power is already quite invincible, but now he wants to go further and reach the supreme realm of eternal giants.

   Ye Chen smiled bitterly: "The blood-stained future is coming soon, and the extreme quasi-giant-level combat power is not necessarily feasible. Without the eternal giant-level combat power, it will not work at all."

Fighting Saint Ancestor said: "You are right, blood stains the future, and the eternal giants cannot avoid it and will wither. The extreme quasi giants seem to be very strong, but they are still a little weak in the blood stained future. But yours The realm is too special. It is impossible to break through the shackles by ordinary methods, but there is a way!"

   "What way?" Ye Chen's eyes lit up suddenly.

   It is the Taishenghuang, the warlord against the sky, the immortal king of Pandao, and the Yandi. The other four giants also looked at the fighting ancestors, and were surprised, and said: "Do you want to say that way?"

   Tai Sheng Huang frowned: "That method is too dangerous."

  The warlord against the sky also said: "Not everyone is suitable to follow that path. A life of nine deaths is also a It is very likely that a life of ten thousand deaths!"

  Pan Dao Immortal King said solemnly: "Fighting Saint Ancestor, Fighting Saint King's potential is too great, even if you don't take that path, you still have the opportunity to become an eternal giant-level combat power, but the time will be delayed and it is not worth such a risk."

Ye Chen frowned. Although he didn't know what the method was, he heard that several eternal giants looked so solemn, and even the world-defying warlord, the world-defying giant, is known as a life-long death. It can be imagined that it is absolutely incomparable. The dangerous road.

   But he still wants to know what the method is, so he said: "Please tell me."

Fighting Saint Ancestor nodded slightly, with a serious expression on his face, and said: "From ancient times to the present, in the field of quasi-giant, a total of nine people have reached the extreme. Of course, these are the number of people before you. Now adding you, there are a total of ten people. . But you should also know that in these nine extreme quasi-giants, except for the success of Samsara, the other eight will either perish or remain confined to the quasi-giants.”

   Ye Chen nodded, he knew all this.

   In fact, it proves that the Samsara Emperor successfully broke through the limits of the extreme realm and became the ranks of giants like the first generation giants.

   Could it be that the path taken by the Samsara emperor in the past was the path of a lifetime, and finally he became a giant of the ages?

Fighting Saint Ancestor continued: "The Great Samsara, he reached the extreme quasi-giant years and was unable to break through, but he was able to break through in the end because he did not hesitate to burn Xing Shen at the cost of the previous World War. A true alien eternal tycoon, almost all died together."

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