Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3849: All parties

Nowadays, on the outermost throne of the supreme, there are many figures sitting cross-legged, showing the supreme doctrine of the most powerful and prosperous all over the body, all of them are supreme.

  Naturally, these ancient emperors or supreme immortals, who are sufficient to command dominance in all the chaotic ancient universes and chaotic primitive worlds in the Chaos Sea, are quite quiet at this moment, without arrogance.

   In the end, on the throne of the innermost giant, a stalwart figure hidden in the endless avenue was suddenly visible, with a restrained aura, but it made Ye Chen, a quasi giant of the extreme realm, also feel terrified.

  Eternal giants, and not ordinary giants.

   gave him the feeling that he was facing the entire eternal city, and the invisible sense of oppression was as strong as the last Yan Xianzun of the past.

"Fighting saint ancestor, warlord against the sky, Tai Sage Emperor, Immortal King Pandao, Emperor Yan, you all come here, have not been welcomed far away, please be surprised." At this time, the mysterious eternal giant opened his mouth suddenly, unable to see his true body. , Only the voice came out, very peaceful and upright, and it was hard to tell whether it was a male or a female.

   "The Lord of the Ancient City!"

   Fighting Saint Ancestor and several eternal giants nodded.

   This person is the lord of the city, the giant of the city guarding the city.

Before entering the Hall of the Ancients, Ye Chen had already learned that the Lord of the Ancients was an early giant who had survived for many epochs. It is said that he was a giant of the ages rising in the chaotic primitive world. He has always had a great reputation. Power, but extremely strong, the cultivation base is thorough.

  After the successful construction of the ancient city, it was vacant for half an era, and the giants of all parties were vying for the position of the lord of the ancient city.

  The strength of the Eternal City, Era of Era is among the top five strongest soldiers. Once mastered, the increase in strength is unknown. Even if the general eternal giants master it, they can ignore the gap and directly fear the first generation giants.

  Naturally, the Eternal City belongs to the deepest part of the ancient road of origin that the giants of all parties jointly suppressed. It belongs to the holy city that runs through the land of origin and cannot be obtained by anyone with a heart.

   also cannot be mastered by the eternal giants that came out of the Chaos Ancient Universe, especially the three strongest ancient universes, the Primordial Immortal Realm, the Alien Ancient Universe, and the Pangu Universe. Even if the Pangu Universe is now declining, there are many eternal giants.

  The suppressed Eternal City can only be controlled by the eternal giants rising from the Chaos Sea.

   In the end, the Eternal City Lord was unanimously considered by all the giants to be qualified to control the Eternal City. As for the past name, it has long been unknown. The world only knows the name of the Eternal City Lord.

  The ancient city lord guards the deepest part of the ancient origin road, suppresses chaos and avoids erosion of the ancient origin road.

   was originally a giant of the first generation, and his strength was extremely powerful, but now he controls the Eternal City and is so powerful that no one knows.

  Of course, the Eternal City was forged by the giants of all parties. Even the Lord of the Eternal City cannot truly control all the powers of the Eternal City, which is subject to certain restrictions from the giants of all parties.

   "Taishenghuang, fighting saint ancestor, warlord against the sky, Yandi, immortal king Pandao, you are here!"

  On the throne of the giants, several of the eternal giants who came first said with a smile.

   "Here, Jian Ancestor, you guys came very quickly." Taishenghuang smiled.

   are all eternal giants on the ancient road of origin, and naturally they are relatively familiar with each other.

   Tai Sheng Huang and other great giants directly entered the throne of the top giants.

   Under the throne of giants, there is the throne of quasi-giants, and Ye Chen is also in charge.

   "Could this be the fighting king?"

   Several eternal giants looked at Ye Chen. In the past few years, Ye Chen has gained a reputation in the Chaos Sea. The two quasi giants in the Chaos Burial Ground were almost killed. They are already extraordinary quasi giants.

   In fact, many eternal giants have learned about Ye Chen's information. It has only been about 30,000 years of cultivation and has already stood on the top of the road. It is conceivable that it is definitely the strongest evil in eternity.

   And they all know that Ye Chen is the rise of the eternal quasi-king from the young age of the emperor.

   It just made them feel a pity that even though Ye Chen was known as the strongest evildoer in the ages, he was cultivating the Chaos Dao. This path could not be successful. No one can practice successfully in the past.

   What a pity such a strongest evildoer.

   Ye Chen arched his hands and said, "Junior Ye Chen, I have seen all the seniors."

   The eternal giants of all parties nodded slightly, and did not feel much ill-will towards Ye Chen.

   Many quasi-giant and supreme gazes fell on him.

  There is no him, all because of Ye Chen's prestige over the years, and even let many supreme slumbers know his reputation.

   And that's it for the supreme. Many quasi-giants at the scene were slightly awe-inspiring, because they could feel the oppression from Ye Chen's body.

   Taishenghuang and other five eternal giants are the most powerful giants, and Ye Chen is on the second-ranking quasi-giant.

   There are not a few people in the Ten Thousand Ancient Hall in the daytime. Only when factors such as the place of origin and eternity are involved, can the giants of all parties come and form the most prosperous meeting in the Chaos Sea.

"Unexpectedly, when I waited to sit in the barrier, apart from such the most amazing evildoer in the world, he has become a quasi-giant in just tens of thousands of years. It is true that the new generation is better than the old..." Many supreme positions are light. Sigh, as the supreme, the years have long been useless to them, and the years are immortal.

   often retreat once, the world may be hundreds of millions of years, and I don’t know how many generations have changed...

   was seated in Ye Chen. Soon after, the city of Eternal tremor shook, and at the gate of Eternal Hall, many strong figures appeared one after another.

The leaders are all eternal giants, and naturally there is the most majestic and infinite Dao Qi which is the immortal ancient hall of the giant Taoist soldiers like the eternal hall, and it is impossible to replace it with other supreme halls. Suffering will inevitably collapse and annihilate directly.

   "Zhou Tian Xian Wang, Tai Shi Xian Wang, Hun Shi Xian Wang..."

   A series of exclamations sounded in the Eternal Palace, and a series of three Supreme Immortal Kings appeared at the same time.

   "Hahaha, you old guys are here too."

   Yandi laughed loudly, causing the three immortal kings Zhou Tian, ​​Taishi, and Hunshi to roll their eyes, but they were not angry because several of them, including Immortal King Pandao, were close friends.

   In the past, Emperor Yan was revived, and it was the four immortal kings who came forward, allowing Emperor Yan to leave the ancient alien universe smoothly.

   At the same time, Immortal King Zixiao also entered.

   Zixiao Immortal King is extremely domineering, with infinite flaming purple light rising from his body, and he has independently derived a world of billions of purple light, surrounding himself, and the end is extraordinary.

   He immediately noticed Ye Chen and snorted coldly.

   Behind him, the quasi-immortal king Ziyang looked at Ye Chen deeply. Three years ago, Ye Chen entered the prehistoric world. He was in retreat and didn't see it. Today, this is the first time that Ye Chen has been seen.

   Originally, he still had a passion for Ye Chen, but when I saw him today, he knew that he was not Ye Chen's opponent.

  Because, he felt a terrible sense of oppression.

   The sense of oppression from top to bottom, as if facing a real supreme king, shocked him.

   Did the fighting saint king become the fairy king?

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