Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3851: Eternal City Lord shot

The warlord against the sky made a move and waved the battle, the absolute power that was indescribable without shaking the earth, as if it was just a mortal wielding a long battle, simple and natural.

However, it is precisely this that demonstrates the true essence of the avenue.

The most terrifying invincible power was completely concentrated on the battle, so that no trace of power has ever escaped, making everyone discolored.

"A strong one, meticulous, and the macro is concentrated in the micro."

"It is worthy of being a warlord against the sky, a peerless fierce who dared to venture into the ancient universe alone in the past, but now he is back, he is still terrifying and cannot be underestimated."

"After all, he is also the previous life of the fighting ancestor."

"This is not easy."

The big eternal giants present also looked solemnly.

They are far more thorough than supreme or even quasi-giant.

This is because of the realm. Only the same eternal giant level can truly know how terrifying the attack of the Defying Warlord is.

The control of the power against the sky is already terrifying and meticulous.

It is not impossible for the giants of the ages to take their power into the smallest detail. On the contrary, all giants of the ages can do it.

But taking such a terrifying power into the smallest detail without letting out a single trace of it, in this way, it is far more difficult than imagined.

This is like a person who has only 10,000 catties of strength, who wants to control his power to 109 catties, not much, not much, not even one gram.

Very difficult.

This smashing, the primitive world of chaos will be shattered, the supreme will die, and the quasi-giant will also be destroyed.

Even if the eternal giant was hit, it might not be able to bear it.

This is the Heaven-defying Warlord, known as the super fighting giant with the top attack power in the Chaos Sea.

The holy devil emperor's face changed, as strong as him, and he also felt a real crisis of life and death.

I have to admit that the Heaven-defying Warlord is indeed an appalling level, and he is definitely a terrifying figure among the eternal giants.

However, as a giant of the ages, how could he be frightened and coldly snorted: "Warlord against the sky, although you are strong, this is not your era anymore!"

A shield appeared in the hands of the Saint Demon Emperor. It was the strongest shield of the eternal magnate class. It was made from a variety of chaotic immortal golds, showing the power of the eternal magnate, as well as a series of eternal magnate-level road patterns. , Intertwined with each other, imprinted on it.

It can be said to be immortal and timeless.

"Warlord against the sky, this seat needs to see if your attack can break the strongest shield of this seat-the holy demon immortal shield!" The holy demon emperor coldly snorted, this holy demon immortal shield belongs to him. The natal Dao soldiers are also the strongest Dao soldiers of the eternal giant level.

Of course, he has another Taoist soldier, an attacking soldier.

This shield is the soldier of defense.

Holy Demon Immortal Shield, known as the strongest shield.

The Saint Demon Emperor is not necessarily at the top level among the eternal giants, but with one attack and one defensive two strong Dao soldiers, he is not afraid of the first generation giants.


Fighting against the sky fell, crashing on the Immortal Shield of the Holy Demon.

The terrifying loud noise suddenly exploded.

Fortunately, this is the battle world evolved from the warlord against the sky, and the war world is built with unparalleled fighting spirit. It contains the giant rules of the warlord against the sky, and also has his battle domain, which is unbreakable.

It is even more magnificent like a chaotic primitive world.

The terrifying collision wave suddenly exploded in the war world, as powerful as the war world, but also violently quake, the sky and the earth cracked, the rules shattered, and almost shattered.

An embarrassed figure broke through the barriers of the battle world and flew upside down. Accompanied by extremely terrifying waves of destruction, it spread out one after another.


The Lord of the Ancient City gave a soft sigh, showing the supreme giant's means, and resolved the waves of destruction, never really spreading.

Otherwise, just the aftermath of the battle of these eternal giants can easily severely damage the supreme and even the quasi giants present.

The most powerful people looked at it, and the person flying upside down was indeed the Holy Demon Emperor.

However, the Holy Demon Emperor was quite embarrassed at this time. Although he stabilized his figure, he did not lose his previous majesty, messy hair, bleeding from the corners of his mouth, blood stains from the tiger’s mouth, and a little messy energy.

Obviously, it was hit.

What is even more amazing is that on the Immortal Shield of the Holy Demon, a deep battle scar is visible, obliterating many eternal giant-level Dao patterns.

The world of war disintegrated and disappeared silently, and the heaven-defying warlord walked out of it, as always, with his hair scattered, and looking at the Holy Demon Emperor coldly, saying: "Shield, not bad."

The holy demon emperor was angry, and the heaven-defying warlord praised the holy demon immortal shield like this. It was not just indirectly saying that he was not strong and needed the holy demon immortal shield to block the blow.

"Your Holy Demon Immortal Shield is indeed good, but your strength is a lot worse. Without the resistance of this Holy Demon Immortal Shield, just a blow, at least it will seriously hurt you, and even hurt your origin." He spoke indifferently, stepped forward again, swiping the battle against the sky, and swiped it with a restrained blow to the extreme: "However, this time you won't be so lucky."

The Holy Demon Emperor changed color and raised the Holy Demon Immortal Shield again, just about to stop him.

At this time, Wan Gu Cheng took the initiative, just slightly raised his head.


Time and space warped!

The figure of the warlord against the sky returned to the original place, and the Holy Demon Emperor was also safe and sound.

Unclear how to make the move, the two giants of the ages are staggered.

The war world also disappeared.

As if all this has never happened.

The supreme beings were shocked, the quasi-giants were discolored, and many eternal giants also looked deeply at the eternal city lord.

Such a method can be described as deep learning and terrifying.

Eternal City Lord said peacefully: "The two are Eternal Giants, and they can change too much in every move, and they are here to discuss important events. If you give me a face today and stop, how about resolving grievances afterwards?"

City Lord Wangu spoke in person, he was majestic, and few people would not give him face.

Not only is he at the level of the first generation giants, but also because he holds the first city of the ages, the absolute killer that can kill the giants ~ has enough deterrent strength.

The Heaven-defying Warlord didn't change his expression, he just smiled: "Well, today I will give the Wangu City Lord a face, and I won't do anything for the time being."

Ye Chen looked at Eternal City Master deeply, and was shocked. This Eternal City Master was so powerful that he could instantly stop the Heaven-defying Warlord and resolve the attack.

Changing to other giants of the ages, I am afraid that I can't do it, and it seems so innocent.

Of course, perhaps because of the Wangu City, the increase at home.

The Eternal Palace was quiet again.

Other giants, quasi giants, and supreme have also come one after another. Soon, the number of supreme surpasses a hundred, the number of quasi giants has reached 20, and the number of magnates has already exceeded ten.

It can be said that the number of eternal giants gathered in Eternal City this time is far beyond the imagination of the supreme.

That is because it will soon penetrate the place of origin, otherwise it would be impossible to do so.

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