Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3858: Swallow

However, as a quasi-giant in the extreme realm, Ye Chen is really too strong to attack the eternal giant, but at this moment, he deliberately suppresses his full strength in order to prevent others from seeing his specialness.

Originally, he was extremely special, comparable to the emperor of the emperor, the eternal quasi-monarch of the first generation, the quasi-giant-level combat power of six thousand years of cultivation, and the two quasi-giants of the chaos burial ground, which is already shocking the world.

It would be even more frightening if it were known to be an extreme quasi-giant.

Even so, he still showed a fighting power that surpassed the general quasi-giant. He stepped forward to suppress the quasi-giant who evolved from the rules of the road. He swept the past and attacked with the strongest magical powers. The ruled quasi-giant was penetrated. His chest, his arms torn apart, was terribly severely injured and suppressed.

Of course, this is just the evolution of the rules of the Great Dao. The Dao is ruthless, just like the incarnation of the sky evolved from the Tribulation of Heaven, knowing no pain but only attacking.

What's more, the resilience is amazing. Basically, the injury showed up, but he recovered immediately.

However, there are a few people who can reach the quasi-giant who are simple people, let alone Ye Chen, who can suppress the recovery of the opponent's injury.

Without a hundred tricks, Ye Chen solved this quasi-giant avenue rule projection, completely torn apart and torn apart.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

However, what is strange is that this quasi-giant avenue rule projection is recovering, and it has unpredictable power to pass it through and reorganize it.

Ye Chen's eyes condensed slightly, he knew it was not simple behind.

"Ten heaven divine aperture, heaven projection!"

Behind him appeared a ten-fold divine aperture, which was a projection of the heavens, and transformed into a circle of incomparably deep black holes. It directly pulled the quasi-giant avenue regular projection and entered the black hole, isolating the recovery from the outside world.


At this time, he felt that the projection of the Quasi-Giant Avenue rules turned into a ball of light and was swallowed by him.

Ye Chen clearly felt that the divine power, rules and other powers in his body had increased dramatically.

The space of Mao is gushing with the beams of the strongest and most prosperous roads, like a real dragon roaring, the terrifying power is overflowing, and the world that is endless for hundreds of thousands of miles is broken, terrifying.

"What a powerful force, it was swallowed by me and integrated into my body."

Ye Chen was astonished, it was as if he had swallowed a quasi-giant directly. Although in reality, it was far from such an exaggeration, a stronger force than swallowing the supreme was surging in his body.

He clearly felt that the shackles of the extreme realm were looser.

The look was overjoyed, but I didn't expect these avenue rule projections to have such an effect.

Immediately, Ye Chen had other ideas.

He may be able to use these avenue rules projections to break the shackles of the extreme realm and become the supreme existence of the eternal giant.


In the distance, Nangong Quasi-Xiangwang is being attacked by two quasi-giant Dao rule projections. Although he is stronger and has a longer breath, he is obviously suppressed to a large extent and is not a true opponent.

At this moment, the Nangong quasi-immortal king was already coughing up blood.


Suddenly, the sky broke and the earth cracked, and a heroic figure appeared in front of him.

Ye Chen!

He carried the boundless power of chaos, straddled the sky, dropped a punch, and crashed on one of the quasi-giant avenue rule projections.


The quasi-giant’s avenue rule projection was killed by surprise, and was pierced by a fist. Before and after, the avenue blood that had been transformed by the avenue rules was splashing, creating a world of worlds, and then shattering, creating a terrifying destruction. fluctuation.

"Battle Saint King!" While the Nangong quasi-immortal king breathed a sigh of relief, he was also shocked. This fellow Daoist who used to make friends in the'Forty-Nine Immortal Pass' secret realm is obviously stronger now, just a blow. It was a heavy blow to a quasi-giant avenue rule projection.

Although he could also see that Ye Chen condensed dozens of hundreds of moves in a single punch, but he had to admit that even he did not necessarily injure the quasi-giant road rule projection so easily.

Ye Chen ignored the Nangong Quasi Immortal King, he locked the heavily damaged Quasi Giant Avenue Rule Projection, rushed up, and suddenly multiple attacks fell.

Not long after, the projection of the quasi-giant avenue rule was blown up, and then swallowed and refined by the tenth heaven divine aperture.


Ye Chen felt that the divine power in his body had surged again, and it was more and more powerful.

"The shackles of the extreme realm are even looser. I am afraid that after a while, I will be able to directly break through and become the supreme giant."

At this moment, Ye Chen attacked frantically, actively looking for a projection of the rules of the quasi-giant avenue, and crushing it.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

With his shot, the pressure on other quasi-giants was immediately reduced, and they were secretly shocked. The fighting king is so strong that it can crush other quasi-giant’s projections. Even if they do, it will take quite a while to do it. To.

At the same time, the last Xiongguan was completely exposed to the Chaos Sea. The waves of horror had crossed the barriers of Eternal City and acted on the Chaos Sea, setting off endless waves of terror.

The Primordial Chaos World and the Pure Land of Chaos, which were a little closer, suffered devastating disasters. I don't know how many have been destroyed.

Fortunately, the sea of ​​chaos is boundless, and other ancient chaotic universes are also separated by a considerable distance, otherwise just these waves will have a huge impact on many ancient chaotic universes.

Foremost, on the side of the Chaos Sea, 21 giants of the ages fought together. They showed the power of shocking the past and the present. Throughout the ages, no one has been able to resist their combined attacks.

The Chaos Ancient Universe has to explode.

The deepest part of the ancient road of origin, the turbulent power of the avenue, constantly tore and shattered the Xiongguan, and spread to the left and right sides, opening up the deepest part of the entire ancient road of origin horizontally.

The diameter of the ancient chaotic universe is even greater.

As a result, it finally penetrated the chaos completely and penetrated the chaotic sea outside.

Xiongguan has long been shattered, but it has been restored time and time again, because the twenty-seven eternal giants smelt the rules of the heavens to complement it.

More inexplicable power is emerging, so that all the rule projections of the avenue are immortal again and again, and it is difficult to completely break this heavy barrier.

"Is the projection of the rules of the avenue a supplement from the power of the sun, moon and stars?"

Finally Yan Xianzun spoke. He was the first generation giant, extremely powerful, and claimed to be able to end everything. He lifted his eyes to see above Xiongguan, and there were 27 shining days and the thirty-three rounds looming. Haoyue, one hundred and eight stars.

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