Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3861: Origin Relics Gathering

"Open the universe!"

As soon as the strongest taboo magical powers are released, especially when they are used by the extreme quasi-giant Ye Chen, those great powers directly reach the level of the eternal giants, falling on the rule projection of the eternal giants road, as if the real chaotic ancient universe has fallen. , Crush the past.

"Chaos ancient universe?"

"No, the evolution of the chaotic ancient universe, but it is very real, no less than the "Eternal Universe Ball" of the City Lord Eternal."

"Very strong, even if I waited, I felt a sense of crisis."

The venerables exclaimed, and the eternal giants were also amazed, because it was as strong as they felt a sense of crisis, which could truly threaten their immortal existence.

The Eternal City Lord looked at it for an instant, and only felt that this move was very similar to his Eternal Universe Ball, but in comparison, he clearly felt that Ye Chen’s Open Sky Universe seemed more perfect and more complete. True, once it reaches the level of an eternal giant, it will inevitably be even more terrifying to perform.


The Eternal Giant Avenue rule projection is very strong, but it will eventually be far less defensive than the real Eternal Giant. Under this move, the universe is completely exploded and broken.

Ye Chen suddenly opened the tenth heaven divine aperture and swallowed it completely.

Accompanied by it, there is the vast and endless power of the great power, surging in his body wantonly.

At this time, the Supreme Sage Emperor appeared again, directly suppressed him, frowned and said: "You are very dangerous like this."

Ye Chen said helplessly: "Teacher, I can't help it. If I don't swallow it like this, it will recover again and again. Moreover, a projection of the rules of the Great Avenue of the Ancients cannot support me to break through the shackles of the extreme realm. Only a few more can achieve it."

Taishenghuang was silent for a moment and said: "Well, in that case, I will kill a few more for you as a teacher."


This eternal giant showed unparalleled power, hitting a rule projection on the Avenue of the eternal giant, and in just a few rounds, it was suppressed, showing a supreme power.

Ye Chen took the opportunity to swallow it again.

And the fighting ancestors, the warlord against the sky also shot.

Half a day later, Ye Chen swallowed a total of four Eternal Giant Avenue Rule Projections, all of which were suppressed.

The three eternal giants set a strong seal in his body.

With the passage of time, in the deepest part of the ancient road, rounds of the sun exploded, the bright moon fell, and the stars perished.

A projection of the most powerful avenue rules gradually collapsed.

The tenth Grand Xiongguan completely collapsed.

The moment when Xiongguan was broken, it was never restored, but the last rule projection of the Great Avenue of the Ancients was suddenly filled with endless aura, as if it had opened up spiritual wisdom. After looking at Xiongguan, he suddenly sighed: "You are all wrong, no You should do this, and you will regret it after all."

All the respects changed.

The giants also condensed their expressions, what does this mean.

The Emperor of Longevity frowned: "What do you mean?"


The rule projection of Eternal Giant Avenue was exploded.

Immortal King Zixiao said coldly: "Something that pretends to be a ghost."

The cultivation base reached his level, known as the highest peak of the Chaos Sea, but gave up a handful of people such as the Emperor of Heaven, the First Generation, the Immortal Ancestor, and the Great Universe, and who else could surpass them.

No fear at all.

The giants led the opening of the last heavyweight.

All beings pay attention, and all parties in the Chaos Sea pay attention.

The last barrier was finally broken. After Xiongguan, is it really the place of origin?

After waiting for the Era, waiting for endless years, have you finally waited until this moment?

At this moment, at the end of the "Forty-Nine Immortal Pass" in the prehistoric immortal world, an eternally invincible existence suddenly sighed: "Is this day coming after all?"

In the depths of the Chaos Sea, known as the most powerful and invincible cosmic emperor standing in the Chaos Sea in ancient and modern times, an absolute master of the ancient chaotic universe, at this moment, looking at the deepest part of the ancient road of origin, the light is deep and complicated.

In the long river of years, a separated tributary, a majestic existence carrying a huge sky stele stained with emperor blood, in front of him, there are supreme existences of all ages, all blocked by him, unable to go down the river.

He looked back suddenly and said, "After all, it's here."

At this time, located in an ancestral temple at the origin of the alien universe, the origin of the universe, the first generation, known as the biggest black hand in ancient and modern times, suddenly said: "Waiting for the Eternal Era, this day is finally here!"

"My, I've been looking forward to it!"


The phantom of the universe in the chaotic burial ground is silent, approaching the deepest part of the ancient road of origin.

Several great Emperor Taikoo are looking behind Xiongguan in the distance.

Without the continued obstruction of Xiongguan, it was pitch black, with a mysterious atmosphere rippling.

The giants and the respected stand tall, they have broken through all the male barriers and saw behind them.

After the Tenth Grand Pass, there is no legendary place of origin, on the contrary, there is only endless darkness.

However, the giants are not surprised.

Rumor has it that if you want to truly penetrate the place of origin, it is one thing to open up, and you also need the correct guide-the holy thing of origin!

Only by collecting all the holy relics of origin can we truly penetrate the holy land of origin.

The host of Wangu City said: "Everyone, please sacrifice the holy artifacts of origin."

"It should be."

Zong Yan Xianzun took the lead, and saw his hand flick, a chaotic origin orb appeared, carrying an infinite aura of gold, which was indeed the chaotic golden bead among the eight origins of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and thunder.

The Lord of the Ancient City also sacrificed the original holy artifact he had mastered-Chaos Earth Bead.

Emperor Yan sacrificed his origin holy-Chaos Fire Ball.

Taishenghuang sacrificed his original holy objects-Chaos Yin Pearl and Chaos Yang Pearl, and he alone mastered the two original holy objects.


The Emperor of Longevity shot, the Chaos Wooden Bead flicked.

Seeing this, the giants from all sides couldn't help but be nodded. It is no wonder that he is known as the emperor of longevity and has always been immortal. It turned out to be the most vital chaotic wood bead.

Fighting Saint Ancestor looked at Ye Chen, and said, "You also sacrifice it, it's okay."

All parties concerned Ye Chen nodded, and stepped forward. Chaos Thunderball and Chaos Water Drops flew out of his eyebrows, and the Crown of Eternity also appeared, three holy artifacts of origin.

It was only at this moment that Ye Chen was surprised that the mark of the moon was trembling, faintly resonating with the sacred objects of origin.

This seems to be the sacred object of origin, but it does not seem to be the case. It never flew out.

All parties were surprised that the Saint King of Fighting had three holy artifacts of origin alone, and he was indeed a man of luck!

At this moment, the eight Primordial Pearls of Chaos were gathered together, and there was also the Crown of Eternity, a holy artifact of the origin made from golden sacrifices of the Nine Immortals of Chaos.

Nine artifacts of origin.

But not enough. There are forty-nine holy artifacts of origin scattered in the Chaos Sea in the legend.

It is consistent with the number of the Chaos Ancient Universe.

But Ye Chen knew that even if the giants wanted to develop the last stage, they must have met the corresponding conditions.

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