Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3864: Which is stronger and weaker?

Ye Chen mouthed an old dog, shouting very smoothly, but the people present were dumbfounded. They were also secretly shocked to fight the saint king's courage, and did not respect the alien side at all.

The emperor of longevity, the emperor's ancestor of the early Yuan Dynasty, etc., looked very ugly, and the immortal ancient emperor was even more embarrassed.

He is an alien generation Xeon quasi-giant, and he has the hope of becoming a giant-level existence.

In the past years, when the myth was shattered, he personally participated, and even slaughtered the ancient emperor of the Pangu universe, swallowed flesh and blood, and stained his hands with blood.

Although the testimony claims that the Royal Football Team has been in five epochs, it is still a quasi-giant, but it is largely due to the existence of his father, the Emperor Changsheng, and because of his blood, he has always been suppressed by the Supreme Way, which prevents him from becoming an eternal giant. .

Being able to become the ancient emperor is already very powerful, let alone becoming a quasi-giant.

In fact, I don't know how many Supremes in the field. The years of the Dao Supremes are longer than him, and he still has not become a quasi-giant, which shows that.

Five epochs have passed, and he is also wiping out the shackles of the giant bloodline of the Emperor of Longevity bit by bit. Unsurprisingly, in the past two or three epochs, he is enough to truly break and stand, set foot on the eternal giants, and overlook the ancient and modern future. Detached from above.

However, compared to the fighting sage king who had become an extreme quasi-giant in just over 20,000 years, he did look like a waste.

The Holy Demon Emperor coldly snorted: "Fighting the Holy King, enough, the supreme of the ancient universe in our world cannot be killed."

"No, it is you old foreign dogs who are killed!"

The voice fell.


Suddenly, Ye Chen rioted.

No warning!

To the extreme!

In the next instant, he had already arrived in front of the Undead Ancient Emperor.

The long river of years seemed to have reversed, and none of the venerables could react. To a certain extent, Ye Chen attacked, waiting for the eternal giant to attack across the sky.

The undead ancient emperor was horrified: "Battle Saint King, you--"

"Die, executioner."

Ye Chen's ruthless and icy voice suddenly resounded in the mind of the Undead Ancient Emperor. At the same time, the extreme quasi-giant's combat power exploded, almost no less than a real eternal giant, and punched it.


This punch directly landed on the head of the Undead Ancient Emperor.

Overwhelmed by the terrifying absolute power, the undead ancient emperor was killed by surprise, his entire head exploded, and the emperor's blood splashed.

A face-to-face room was directly and completely hit.

All of this happened between lightning and thunder.

There are sixty births and deaths in an instant.

And this is not even a birth and death.

too fast!

Being too haggard to guard against, the deities could not react at all.

When everyone came back to their senses, the ancient immortal king of the alien quasi-giant had already been completely hit.

"Junior, dare you!"

The Emperor of Longevity, the Emperor of Saint Devil, the Emperor of Saint, and the ancestors of Yuan Dynasty were furious. It seemed that the Saint King of Fighting would erupt so suddenly and was about to do something, but the Emperor Taisheng and others intercepted it and smiled, saying: "The fellow Taoists of the foreign race need a sacrifice now. For the place of origin, you won't refuse it. I believe that taking the belly of the foreign race is just a trivial waste quasi-giant. It shouldn't be surprising."

All parties were stunned. Obviously, the Pangu universe wanted to preemptively.

"Pangu Universe, I can't stop waiting with you!"

The Emperor of Longevity roared, that is his parent and child, it is very likely to become a new eternal giant, otherwise, how could he be allowed to be named "immortal".

But today, he encountered disaster, was attacked and killed by the King of Fighting, and he was hit hard in the blink of an eye.

It's just that the fighting saint ancestor is taking a step forward, and his body is blooming with the most flaming warfare, and the court resists, blocked, and indifferently said: "Even if you don't say it, our Pangu Universe has long been immortal with you."

The Lord of the Guards held Di Ge in his hand and said lightly: "Little guy, continue."

Taishenghuang carried the Universe and Gossip Mirror on his back and sneered: "It's just an inadequate trash. The foreign race is so deep that it shouldn't care about it. For the sake of justice, the foreign race should be side by side."

Use his own way to treat his body!

The venerables and tycoons sighed, Pangu Universe was too proficient with this trick, and the aliens also fell fiercely.

Ye Chen naturally understood that the extreme power of the quasi-giant had exploded, and the undead ancient emperor was completely suppressed, and the power that was almost comparable to the real eternal giant level was constantly falling, destroying everything, and then continuously annihilating, madly obliterating the immortal ancient The emperor’s vitality, and even the most original true spirit.

The emperor of longevity roars and reveals his true body. He is a middle-aged man, wearing an imperial robe, wearing an immortal crown, and respecting all things. At this moment, the power of the first generation of giants is exploding, the ancient and modern, summoning the long river of time, I do not know how many terror.

But the fighting ancestor stepped forward and sneered: "Are you really the first person in my Chaos Sea's attack power to be Langde's name?"


Fighting the holy law casts, slams across the heavens, and under the power of terrifying attack, it is stronger than the emperor of longevity and is not an opponent. It regresses and is suppressed.

As for the other three giants of the alien race, they could only watch this scene angrily.

The Supreme Sage Emperor and the Heaven-defying Warlord are here, and they cannot tolerate them.

As for the other alien quasi-giants and supreme, it's not that they don't want to help, but Yandi's cold eyes swept over, directly making their scalp numb, and they couldn't do much.

They are not extreme quasi giants like Ye Chen, and they can't really contend with the eternal giants at all, otherwise they would really be looking for death.

As for the others, they watched all this with cold eyes, and naturally would not easily intervene in the grievances between the two sides. No matter who they helped, it was an unpleasant thing.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

Ye Chen attacked the undead ancient emperor frantically, preventing his quasi-giant body from being reorganized, and also preventing his quasi-giant Taoist soldiers from being able to effectively summon and block.

A chaotic holy fist is a full shot, frantically obliterating its emperor soul, and attacking the most original true spirit.

Even though the immortal ancient emperor is the parent and child of the emperor of longevity, his title is immortal, his vitality is amazing, but he can't hold it anymore. With a loud sound that shook the past and the present, his true spirit was completely annihilated.

The infinite vision suddenly appeared, and could not be faked.

The Emperor of Longevity is really going to roar, roaring the Chaos Sea, endless visions emerge, that is the wrath of the giants, derived from it.

"What's so angry? Isn't it just that a quasi-giant died?" Fighting Saint Ancestor is strong, and directly slapped all the visions and further provoked.

At this time, the deities have a sense of weirdness.

Obviously, in the last era, the Pangu universe was the one that was greatly shattered by mythology. It was clear that the Pangu universe was weak. Why has the alien race been strongly suppressed by the Pangu universe time and time again over the years.

This is completely the opposite situation.

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