Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3866: Originator

"Friends of Taoism."

The seven eternal giants of the origin holy race did not dare to neglect, and it was also called.

In the past, the origin holy clan ruled the entire Chaos Sea, how arrogant, how peerless, watching the heavens, honoring the past and present, who dares not to follow.

However, I don't know how many epochs before, after the emperor and the first generation turned out to be strong and broken, the epochs of the origin of the holy race have gradually disappeared.

Immortal King Zixiao frowned. These tycoons of the Origin Saint Clan didn't come out when they opened the last section of the ancient road, but now they are all anxiously showing up. Do you want to take the opportunity to pick the fruits?

Missing so far, his eyes also looked very bad.

The final Yanxian clan said indifferently: "Dear fellow Taoists of the Origin Saint Clan, why are you here now?"

If he wanted to pick the final results at this critical moment, even if it was the origin holy race, he would not be afraid, it would be a big fight.

This is not the beginning of the Chaos Sea. The Primordial Immortal World, the first Chaos Ancient Universe in the Chaos Sea, will not be afraid of the holy race of origin.

"Coming for it." The seven great eternal giants of the Origin Saints did not hide it, pointing to the ten heads and ten tails of the horrible existence in the dark universe. !"

After hearing what they said, it was obvious that they knew what the indescribable creatures in the dark universe were.

Finally Yan Xianzun raised his eyebrows: "Friends, do you know its origin?"

The seven giants of the Origin Saints nodded, just about to speak.

Suddenly, the ten heads and ten tails in the dark universe were mysteriously present, suddenly opened a pair of eyes, and the cold and merciless light of the eyes fell through the dark universe and fell on the giants.

At this moment, everyone feels a tingling scalp, including the eternal giants.


All beings are terrified!

It seems even more terrifying than the eternal giant!

"Oh, it's awake!" A giant of the origin holy clan surprised.


Suddenly, the entire dark universe was shaking greatly, and only ten mysterious existences with ten heads and ten tails were swaying heads and tails, and the thick and boundless chains were swaying frantically, clattering, resounding through the chaotic sea.

Even more boundless dark power is overflowing, turbulent outside.

A force that was stronger than the eternal giants suddenly emerged.

The entire dark universe was trembling greatly, and the deepest part of the ancient road of origin suddenly exploded, the power of breaking the sky and the earth was emerging, and the endless darkness emerged, impacting in all directions, unimaginable.

"Everyone, please take action and suppress it. It must not be successfully born, otherwise the entire world will perish!" An eternal giant from the holy race hurriedly said. As eternal giants, they are all wise men, and they are always in trouble. Shocked and calm, but at this moment, the eternal giants of the origin holy race are so disfigured, it is conceivable that the existence in the dark universe may have quite a lot of origin, and it has a shocking background.

The giants did not dare to neglect, because perceiving the horror of this mysterious existence is indeed outrageous.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

The giants joined forces to suppress it, and no one can stop it.

The dark universe was suppressed, and the ten heads and ten tails in it were gradually suppressed by power.


Suddenly, a mysterious light, eternal in shape, came from nowhere and could not be studied. It penetrated this dark universe in an instant, shattering the chains of sealing.

"who is it?"

An eternal giant from the holy race roared, extremely furious.

This appeared too suddenly, and directly and subtly broke the endless seal shackles.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

I'm afraid that the people who had been heavily suppressed existed, and they suddenly broke away from the shackles on their bodies, and suddenly recovered.

Unparalleled power burst out, overwhelming the sky, and drowning everything. In an instant, it tore open the barriers of the dark universe, and protruded a half terrifying body that was only slightly smaller than the ancient chaotic universe.

Along with it, the dark power that is peerless horror is turbulent, shaking the Chaos Sea, and immediately set off hundreds of thousands of turbulent waves in the Chaos Sea, and each heavy wave is enough to drown the world.

The scariest existence in history is born!

The Chaos Sea shook, and the seven eternal giants of the Origin Saint Clan also changed.

It's terrible, terrible, how can there be such a terrifying creature in the world.

The chaotic ancient universe was torn apart, and that power, even the giants of the ancients never possessed it, surpassing it.

The seven eternal giants of the Origin Saint Clan said in a deep voice: "Oops, I didn't expect it to recover, and to be forced out of the world. It is absolutely a great disaster for the entire Chaos Sea."

The Lord Eternal City looked extremely solemn at this moment, and said, "Friends, where is it sacred?"

The giants also looked towards the saints of origin.

It penetrated the last level of the ancient road of origin, attracted the holy artifacts of the origin from all sides, penetrated the darkness, pulled out a dark universe, and finally led to such a terrifying existence.

What the **** is that?

At the scene, I am afraid that only the holy tribes who guard the place of origin, such as the holy tribe of origin, can know its truth.

"I will answer one or two for you." One of the seven giants of the Origin Saint Clan, the leader of which bears 33 layers of the sky, like the ruler of the heavens, his shadowy figure, extremely powerful, no less than the ancient city lord , Final Yan Xianzun, the Lord of Origin Celestial Clan, said in a deep voice: "It is the Burial Lord of Origin!"

"Origin Burial Lord?"

Obviously, even the giants were surprised at the scene, because it was not clear where the so-called origin burial master existed.

Even if it is the oldest stone monument that records eternal mystery, there is no relevant record.

The main way of the Origin Celestial Clan: "The Burial Lord of the Origin was not born by the Chaos Sea. Its true origin actually came from the place of origin. It belongs to a generation of heroes, an invincible existence in ancient and modern times. More importantly, the ancestors It has been mentioned that the original burial master was strong in the past, but it is almost eternal existence, surpassing the existence of the eternal giant."

The ancestor is the ancestor of the origin holy tribe, and the ancestor of the eight great holy tribes is the existence of the emperor, the first generation, the immortal ancestor, and the emperor of the universe.

All beings are shocked, eternal, and really exist.

In front of him, the existence of this statue with ten heads and ten tails was actually the origin burial owner from the place of origin in the legend.

It is an invincible existence that is infinitely close to eternity.

Said to be slow, in fact, the communication between the giants and the esteemed is only a short time less than a short time. Seeing the mysterious and half-step eternal origin burial owner broke the prison of the universe and was born, how dare the giants take care of it and act immediately to suppress .

Even in the Chaos Sea, there were other supreme giants who were also alarmed and came one after another.

"Everyone, take action to suppress it together. I and the giants are vast in the world, and there is nothing that can't be suppressed." The City Lord of Wangu said in a deep voice, yelling, and taking the brunt of the suppression.

The eternal city has been summoned. This first city of eternity, at this moment, has come across the sky. Although it is not as huge as the dark universe, it is even more insignificant than dust, but under the full recovery at this moment, its power Unparalleled, enough to shake the real ancient universe of chaos.

The Eternal City descended from the sky, and hundreds of millions of mighty powers hung down, and the Chaos Sea was boiling. The unparalleled ancient Chaos Qi was swallowed and started to burn, making the power of the Eternal City even more terrifying.

In such a fully recovered state, Wangu Town was suppressed, and the Wangu giants had to be killed.


The dark universe shook, and the vast dark body of the origin burial master was also beaten back a little.

At the same time, the Final Yan Xian Zun, Fighting Saint Ancestor, Taisheng Emperor and others did not dare to neglect, and immediately shot, unparalleled power surged, bombarding the origin burial master.

The seven eternal giants of the Origin Saint Clan have also taken action.

All the quasi-giants and all the supreme have naturally shot one after another.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

The deities joined forces and fought together. I don’t know how terrible it is. It is unstoppable. There is no one in the world. The burial owner of the origin is also bleeding. The skin of the vast and endless body like the chaotic ancient universe is open, and the naked eye can see a drop of darkness. The blood fell, and every drop of dark blood exuded infinite darkness.

Even if a drop falls, it can make a world fall into darkness.

When these dark blood fell, it was clearly visible that the Chaos Sea was gradually being soaked by darkness, and even more dark storms were created out of thin air.

Every dark storm is boundless, with boundless road runes, containing the most terrifying destructive power.

"Friends of Taoism, continue to take action and suppress it." The Lord of the Ancient City shouted, he was the first to bear the brunt, and crushed by the ancient towns, bursting dark storms, otherwise it would blow into the Chaos Sea, which is really endless.

Because he could see that these dark storms are not simple, they can continue to swallow the chaos and grow stronger. Once they are recognized, it is not said that it is the Primordial Chaos World, even the ancient Chaos universe will be in crisis.

Naturally, other giants of the ages would not sit idly by. Under the action of the giants, these dark storms were naturally annihilated, never blowing into the Chaos Sea.

At the same time, even more terrifying attacks bloomed, constantly falling on the burial master of Origin.

The origin of the Burial Lord is naturally not simple, half-step eternal existence, extremely powerful, even the most powerful in all ages, only the suspected true eternal Pangu is stronger than him.

But it can be seen that the unparalleled huge body of the origin burial master is gradually breaking free from the prison of the dark universe bit by bit ~ causing terrible waves in the Chaos Sea.

The ten heads are extremely huge, and when they open their mouths, they are breath of anger and flames, containing the most terrifying power in the world, full of the power of the eight sources of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and thunder. Each blow is equivalent to the level of the first generation giant. It's terrifying.

The Chaos Sea exploded, shaking the earth.

The rays of the original light are extremely large, attacking the direction of the giants and the respected.

Fighting ancestors, warlords against the sky, Taishenghuang, Zhuanyanxianzun, Eternal City Lord, and Longevity God Emperor and other early-generation giants confronted and resisted, but there was still aftermath, hitting all the lords.




Five Supremes couldn't evade, and they exploded in a blast, and their form and spirit were destroyed.

The vision of fall has come to this boundless place!

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