Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3868: Blood stained the future, come!


Ye Chen let out a loud roar, the original universe in his body was erupting, and immediately an immense cosmic force was surging. Together with the chaos divine power, he suppressed these dark forces in turn.

Soon, the dark power was suppressed.

Ye Chen was overjoyed, and as expected, the power of the universe was too strong and too special. Throughout the ages, he has given up on the emperor of the universe, and only he can master the power of the most powerful world origin.

The power of the universe is combined with the power of chaos, and the power of darkness cannot turn him into darkness.

Of course, these dark beams are nothing but insignificant compared to the original burial master.

The power of a head of the origin burial master, a breath of death, is comparable to the strongest blow of the original giants, which can be seen.

Once the breath of death is spit out to Ye Chen, it is afraid that Ye Chen has the original universe, and there is only one way to perish!

"These dark blood are—"

Ye Chen was immersed in his mind and discovered the extraordinary place of these dark blood. Although it was full of absolute darkness, it was different from the evil spirits of foreign races, and it was also completely different from the ordinary dark road, which was purer and more special.

And he could sense that these dark blood was reacting with the chaotic holy blood in his body.

Zi Zi Zi-

A drop of dark blood was fusing with the chaotic holy blood, and then a drop of red blood was smelted out of thin air.

Originally, Ye Chen's chaotic sacred blood had returned to its original nature, showing its original blood red color, but it still contained a faint chaotic color.

But the drops of blood that were smelted, did not have that chaotic color, returned to the basics, and formed an absolute red, pure and flawless.

The other chaotic sacred blood produced a tremor, as if the subjects met the emperor.

how is this possible?

His chaos holy blood, the blood of all origins, is actually trembling?

Could it be that this is the real chaotic blood?

Inexplicably, such a thought flashed through Ye Chen's mind.

He didn't wait for him to think more, suddenly, he felt a deep sense of crisis in his heart.

Death strikes!

Silently, a figure appeared behind him and shot him.

Ye Chen was terrified. If he weren't for the most enchanting Tianjiao of the ages, and even the owner of the Origin Universe, he would definitely not be able to perceive it in the case of a full explosion, because the opponent was not only an eternal giant, but also an extraordinary giant.

After a glimpse of his pupils, it was obvious that the attacker was actually the Emperor of Longevity.

He didn't know when it started, and came behind him.

The Emperor of Longevity seemed surprised that Ye Chen was able to detect his existence, showing a strange color, but the cold voice resounded: "Die, fight the Saint King."

The most terrifying blow was behind him.


The first-generation giant's blow was also unbearable for the extreme quasi giants, half of the body exploded, and the whole person flew upside down.

At the same time, at this moment, the tenth head of Origin Burial Lord suddenly opened his eyes, in the purest darkness, glanced at Ye Chen, opened his mouth and vomited, and a black beam of light directly sank into his body.

First, the emperor of longevity, the burial master of the later generations, no matter who it is, Ye Chen is not the current Ye Chen can contend, but at the same time shot him.

The most terrifying thing is that the tenth head of the origin burial owner is mysterious and unknown. Such a dark beam of light gushes out, and I don't know what kind of power it contains.

Ye Chen was covered in blood, and what was even more frightening was that the terrifying dark power was raging crazily in him.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

At this moment, the power that was sealed in his body was cracked, and the power of the rule projection of an eternal giant's road broke out violently at this moment!

Suddenly, the dark power of absolute terror and the projection power of the Eternal Giant Avenue Rules erupted simultaneously.

Ye Chen's consciousness directly fell into a faint.

Half of the body fell down.

The emperor of longevity flickered, and he was about to continue his action. At this time, the sky-against warlord waved the sky-defying halberd and slashed down, separating the boundless sea of ​​chaos, cutting time and space, making the emperor of longevity stay away and looked deeply. With a glance at Ye Chen, he turned and left.

"Xiao Chenzi."

Emperor Yan's discoloration changed. He felt that Ye Chen's condition was very uncomfortable. At this moment, he and the Supreme Sage Emperor pulled Ye Chen over, and their expressions were unprecedentedly dignified, because he felt that Ye Chen was infiltrated by massive dark power. Chaos divine power is actually not good, it is corroded.

Almost uncontrollable, all the chaotic divine power in Ye Chen's body has exploded, and these dark forces are colliding frantically, and a wave of destructive power is exploding wanton.

Originally only half of the body was left, it was exploding continuously at this moment, and the blood was gushing out and rising into the sky.

"No, this dark force is very special. I sensed the chaos attribute." Taishenghuang said in a deep voice, he is the strongest person on the Chaos Avenue since the ages, and is most qualified to speak.

He felt that this dark power that originated from the burial master seemed to be the other side of chaos.

If the chaos controlled by the Supreme Sage Emperor and Ye Chen belonged to the chaos of light, then the power of the chaos of the origin burial master was darkness.

But for now, it's just a guess.

The fighting ancestor said in amazement: "But it is not necessarily a bad thing. I can feel that a special kind of blood is deriving from his body, which seems to be the supreme true blood in the legend."

Taishenghuangdao: "Perhaps, this is the true chaotic true blood, the original true blood."

"Anyway, apply the seal first."

The three giants of the Pangu universe, Fighting Saint Ancestor, Heaven Defying Battle Lord, and Tai Sage Emperor, took action and placed heavy seals on Ye Chen's body to suppress them. However, feeling the danger in Ye Chen's body, I was afraid that they could not be suppressed for long Up.

At the same time, even more terrifying situations emerged.

The dark universe shattered and exploded completely.

The terrifying destructive power spread to all directions, overwhelming the sky, causing the Chaos Sea to tremble greatly, much more terrifying than the collapse of the ancient road of origin.

The ancient road of origin was only disintegrating, but the dark universe was completely exploded.

A chaotic ancient universe explosion, the power of destruction contained in it, is enough to make all the giants of the ancients fall.

In the endless flames of destruction, the body of the burial owner with ten heads and ten tails is visible to the naked eye. It is not enough to cover the sky and the sun. Ten huge heads roared, shaking the ancient and modern future.

The Chaos Sea is in riots, the heavens are shaken, and sentient beings are terrified.

The most terrifying existence of all ages is officially born!

The body of the Lord of Eternal City was covered with blood, and even half of it exploded. Eternal City was also torn apart for more than half, and he was seriously injured, because when the dark universe exploded, he was the first to bear the brunt and suffered the most terrible impact.

If it weren't for him to be a giant of the first generation, with the resistance of the Eternal City, as strong as him, there is only one way to perish, but now he has also fallen into a situation that will hit the source.

The giants also have varying degrees of injuries.

Finally Yan Xianzun coughed up blood at the corner of his mouth, but stared at the center of the destruction flame without blinking, looking at the ten-headed and ten-tailed origin burial master, and said in a deep voice, "Could it be that this is the source of the blood-stained future?" "

The source of the blood-stained future has never been able to see clearly, only a corner of the blood-stained future.

Today, the birth of the Burial of Origin, everything proves that it is the source of the blood-stained future.

The Immortal King Pandao, the Immortal King Hunshi, the Immortal King Taishi and other great immortal kings have solemn expressions, while the Sage King of Fighting, the Warlord Against Heaven, Emperor Taisheng, Emperor Yan, Emperor Dan and others also have gloomy faces.

They also believe that this is the source of the blood-stained future.

The birth of the Burial Lord of Origin, the half-step eternal invincible existence, heralds the blood-stained future, and officially comes.

The most terrifying era of eternal age, the blood-stained era that eternal giants cannot escape, is here!

"Come on, little guy, the blood-stained future has officially arrived. You will be much safer in the depths of the Chaos Sea."

The four giants of the Pangu Universe looked solemn, and the Supreme Sage Emperor controlled the chaos, penetrated the chaos, opened a chaos channel, and drove Ye Chen, who was wrapped like a cocoon, into the chaos channel.

At this moment, Ye Chen could not participate in the war, and could only send him away from this battlefield.

Moreover, Ye Chen is the key person in Pangu universe, so there must be no accident.

"Look forward to your return!"

"One day, I need your return to reverse all this!"

Taishenghuang said, closing the chaos channel and obliterating all traces.

Ye Chen will be transported to a relatively safe place.

There, he will be very safe, and here, more terrible things will eventually erupt.

"Everyone, make all preparations. It's up to you whether this battle is life or death."

Finally Yan Xianzun spoke, his whole body bloomed with infinite fairy light, standing in the forefront.

The half-step eternal origin burial master was born, if it is not prevented, everything in the Chaos Sea may be completely destroyed.

Blood stains the future, maybe that is the case.

In this battle, even the giants of the ages cannot escape, otherwise the origin burial master will really be dispatched, and no one can escape. The giants of the ages are afraid that they will only perish.

"Guard all beings, fight!"

In the end, Yan Xianzun shouted, and the lord of the ancient city roared, and the two giants of the first generation bear the brunt, and the ancient giants of all parties were killed.

Behind him, there is a supreme and quasi-giant following, rushing to the past.


Chaos Sea, the deepest origin of the ancient road.

The real place of origin did not run through. On the contrary, it attracted a dark universe, and even led to an extremely terrifying existence-the Burial Lord of Origin!

The sky is falling apart, the years are dying!

The sea of ​​chaos changed drastically, and the most terrifying darkness in eternity fell.

Visible to the naked eye, a series of monstrous blood bursts, dyeing the Chaos Sea red.

On this day, endless visions appeared in the Chaos Sea again and again.

Some people say that it is the fall of the supreme Some people say that it is the fall of the quasi-giant.

Some people even said that it was the death of the eternal giant.

There is nothing wrong, because it is all right.

Endless darkness descends on the Chaos Sea, the dark universe is torn apart, endless horror is emerging, the darkness is rippling, overwhelming, and flooding the Chaos Sea.

Every supreme was lost, and their supreme blood stained the endless chaotic sea.

A magnate who is a quasi-level magnate has disappeared, they have left a deep footprint in the chaotic sea forever.

Moreover, the supreme giant overlooking the Era of the Ages was also broken. The endless body exploded in the Chaos Sea, its blood stained the Chaos Sea, its bones shattered one after another in the Chaos World, and its soul burned and illuminated the past and present... …

All this is foreshadowing that the blood-stained future will officially come.

The most terrible change in eternity has begun!

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