Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3876: Invincible


With a soft drink, the time and space emperor skill of the time and space emperor was displayed, especially in the palm of the chaos giant Ye Chen, far better than the countless past, and no less than the real time and space emperor.

The five Dzogchen emperor realm supreme, the figures who were fleeing extremely quickly stopped for an instant. Under the gaze of horror and despair, their figures returned instantly along the original trajectory, returning to the position they had not escaped before.

Not bad at all!

Shen Rong marveled, and only Ye Chen could apply the Time and Space Emperor's Art of Time and Space to this step.

The moment the time-space emperor art'Yuanshi' disappeared, the five supreme alien emperors roared: "Flee again."

Now that I know that the hope of a second escape is very slim, I still choose to escape.


With the faint word of Ye Chen falling, in this boundless sea of ​​chaos, an infinite power of chaos came out of nowhere, confining time and space, and blocking all paths.

Here, even the supreme can't do it, the emperor's way is also terribly suppressed, it is difficult to use the previous one-tenth of the power.

The speed of the Five Supremes has been directly slowed down by countless, although the speed is still very fast, but compared to before, it is as slow as a turtle.


Ye Chen slapped it out, and immediately formed an extremely huge chaotic palm, which was like a primitive world of chaos, with an unparalleled power of chaos, descending from the sky.

Boom boom boom boom--

The five supreme members of the alien race immediately disintegrated, their bodies and spirits cracked, and the emperor's blood was constantly splashing, making it difficult to withstand the crushing of the chaotic hand.

The big chaotic hands continued to squeeze down, and after only half a sound, the five supreme lords could no longer bear it. They exploded with a crash, and their bodies were shattered with blood and blood, which dyed the chaotic sea red.

Shen Rong swallowed straight at the sight, his eyes widened and his mouth wide open.


He is so strong!

At this moment, Ye Chen really had the supreme power of his father in the mythical era.

In the past, the Great Emperor Zhuxian did the same, squeezing the epochs of the heavens, and the supreme also bowed his head and proclaimed his subjects.

Compared with Supreme, it is nothing more than that.

Ye Chen now is no less than Emperor Zhuxian!

In the endless blood, the five supreme beings are reorganizing.

But the big hand of Chaos, fell again, and once again patted them to pieces, tearing them apart.

"Ah--, my lord, please forgive me!"

"Supreme tycoon, please forgive me. I have to wait until I have been under the coercion of a foreign race."

"Please forgive me!"

Several Supreme yelled, begging Ye Chen to forgive his sins and forgive his life.

After all, they are not the real alien supreme, and they cannot truly stand on the side of the alien ancient universe. When their lives are threatened, they will still be afraid.

They know that if this continues, they will undoubtedly die.

"How many people are you waiting for, it is really the shame of me waiting for the supreme." The alien emperor is not afraid of life and death, and he also despises the other four supreme. As the supreme, to be able to come to this step, it is a hundred and ten thousand battles. , Can only be achieved, have long forgotten life and death.

These four supreme sages, but to survive, do not hesitate to spare their lives.

The four supreme beings roared: "Foreign race, you are naturally fearless. I can't wait for you to coerce and lure. All behind you are the chaotic and primitive world, and you need to protect the sentient beings in the big world. If not, I would rather fight to your death. How can you still be as dirty as you today."

They were all born in the Primordial Chaos World, closely related to their respective Primordial Chaos Worlds, with great righteousness and sentient beings in their hearts, and only then can they prove the supreme accomplishment in the Primitive Chaos World.

If it weren't for the intimidation of the alien race, how could they help the alien race, and they couldn't wait to take their chaotic primitive world how far they went.

Ye Chen looked cold and ruthless. Although he was in a pitiful situation of the Four Supremes and was threatened by aliens, since he dared to come together with the aliens and chase and kill the Human Supremes of the Pangu Universe, he could even almost perish Shenrong. Let it go.

Poor people must be hateful, probably so.


The great chaos hand continued to fall, and the five supreme sacred bodies were once again shattered. From the inside out, the emperor body and emperor soul were torn apart again and again.

Apart from the alien emperor, the other four supreme beings are begging for mercy.

Finally, after crushing and crushing the five supreme lords ten times, their origins were weakened, the emperor soul collapsed, and when they were almost destroyed, Ye Chen no longer shot, but grabbed it with a slap and placed it in front of him.

"Master Xie spared his life!"

The four supreme princes bow their heads and claim courtiers, with respectful expressions and dare not neglect.

Only the alien emperor still looked arrogant, looked straight at Ye Chen without fear, and said: "I am the supreme, but I want to die, but before I die, I hope to know your name. I can feel that you are the human race of the Pangu universe. A member, but in the human race, I never knew that there was still you, the supreme giant."

He was surprised at when such an eternal giant was born among the human races of the Pangu universe.

Throughout the ages, I have never seen it before.

Ye Chen said: "You don't know it's normal. I was promoted only after the Bloodstained Era, but with regard to me, many of your different races should know me."

The alien emperor was stunned, somewhat unclear.

"Dare to ask the adults!" The alien emperor clasped his fists. Although he is hostile, the strong is respected. The aliens have always been flattering and have to respect.

Ye Chen said lightly: "My name is Ye Chen. Of course, more people like to call me--"

"Battle Saint King!"

When the words fell, the alien emperor's face was full of shock.

He stared at Ye Chen tightly, his face full of disbelief.

It turned out to be him, the saint king of fighting back then.

At that time, the Emperor Komyo and the sage king of fighting in the young era did not mean that the last battle in the deepest part of the ancient road of origin was attacked by the emperor of longevity and almost perished and disappeared for 100,000 years.

They thought that the King of Fighting Battle would have been lost long ago, but they didn't expect that instead of being lost, they have gone further and become the supreme giant.

The Four Sovereigns were also taken aback. Obviously they also knew Ye Chen's The Great Alien showed a deep bitter smile: "Let you grow up in the past, I am afraid this is the last thing my ancient universe regrets."

This was only a few hundred thousand years ago. The sage king who appeared in battle at the beginning of the year had never imagined that he is now a supreme giant.

This most terrifying threat has really grown up completely, and it has grown to this point, surpassing the unphased king of the year.

The alien race faces the most terrible threat.

This alien emperor wanted to transmit all these messages to the ancient alien universe, but unfortunately, this chaotic sea area was shielded, and it was impossible to communicate. He could only take all these messages and step into silence.


Ye Chen said, the great Chaos hand fell. This time, he made an all-out effort to pinch the alien emperor in his hand, squeezing it again and again. After dozens of times, the true spirit completely collapsed, and a generation of ancient emperors finally fell completely. No longer exists in this world!

The sky is full of visions!

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