Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3883: 1 Cut the cause, the crown of eternity

Although Shenrong and Ye Cangqiong admired the luck of the angel emperor, they were only envious, not jealous.

The Pangu universe is also in the blood-stained era. They can't wait for the stronger the angel emperor, the better, this is better for the Pangu universe.

After some conversation, they also learned what happened to the Angel Emperor.

It turned out that not long after the emperors and daughters of the human emperors and the Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao separated from each other, the angel emperor was in the chaotic sea travels and encountered the battle of the supreme beings and killing the quasi-giants of the heaven and human race.

In that battle, a total of eight Dzogchen Emperor Realm Supremes led many emperors and primordial kings to jointly attack the quasi-giants of the Celestial Race, launching the most terrible siege.

Moreover, the Eight Great Sovereigns were obviously prepared, offering a quasi-giant-level killing array, as well as quasi-giant-level Taoist soldiers.

The generation of quasi-giants who are as strong as the Celestial Race indeed surpasses the supreme, but after all, they are not true eternal giants, and cannot withstand the siege of the eight supreme ones. As time goes by, they gradually get injured.

Of course, the quasi-giant of the Celestial Race also made the Eight Supremes pay a terrible price. After all, this is a genuine quasi-giant, extremely powerful. Two Supremes were killed during the battle and eventually fell.

But in the end, the quasi-giant of the Celestial Race also encountered the most terrible crisis. There was an extremely terrifying quasi-giant that attacked instantly and performed the most terrible fatal blow. It penetrated the center of the eyebrows, shattered the soul of the quasi-giant, and annihilated the most fundamental The true spirit of the Celestial Clan quasi-giant finally fell helplessly!

Although the quasi-giant of the Celestial Race was dead, the most terrifying imperial curse in his life was launched when he was dying. Unless he is a member of the homologous clan, other people who dare to approach him will be attacked by the most terrifying imperial curse.

You know, this is a quasi-giant-level existence, Xeon is incomparable, and the emperor curse he issued when he is dying is even more terrifying and amazing, beyond the current situation, who dares to easily bear this emperor curse.

The quasi-giant can only endure the danger of fear.

Therefore, the six supreme survivors at the beginning can only stare at the fallen and backward quasi-giants of the Celestial Race.

In addition, the quasi-giant-level Emperor Curse will attack nearby people and even the surviving Six Supremes and others because of grievances during his lifetime.

In desperation, the Six Supremes had to leave with all the strongest.

The angel emperor who witnessed this battle, with the help of his identity as an angel clan and the emperor of the angel clan, flowing with his original blood, was able to smoothly enter the scope of the imperial curse of the celestial quasi-giant, and obtained the celestial standard. A ray of true spirit of the giant lingered in the world learned of his identity.

It turns out that the angel **** emperor of the Pangu universe was once a heavenly supreme who walked away from the heavens and humans in the past. After entering the Pangu universe, he became a new angel clan, but it was still a branch of the ancient and powerful heaven and human race.

Moreover, the Angel God Emperor is the most beloved descendant of the quasi-giant of the Celestial Race, with the pure and powerful Celestial Bloodline of the Celestial Race.

The quasi-giant of the Celestial Race is the ancestor of the Angel Emperor and one of the seven main lines of the Celestial Race in the depths of the Chaos Sea.

Speaking of this, the angel emperor revealed a ray of sadness, after all, this is his ancestor.

Endless years, I have never seen it before, but seeing each other again is a life and death separation.

In this regard, Ye Chen was also unable to recover.

The eternal giant is omnipotent, but not omnipotent.

When a person is exhausted, even if the ordinary primordial kings and emperors fall away and the true spirit is annihilated, he cannot be saved, because the most fundamental true spirit is involved.

What's more, it's a quasi-giant. Once these existences are lost, unless the true spirit is dependent on bits and pieces and there is still a slight possibility of resurrection, the true spirit will be completely annihilated. No one in the world can truly reverse life and death, unless it is the legendary'eternal' !

"In the beginning, why did the Eight Supremes and the quasi-giant attack your ancestor?" Ye Cangqiong suddenly said.

Although the blood-stained era, there will not be a life and death battle for no reason.

What's more, the quasi-giant level is involved. The quasi-giant is an ancient and powerful celestial race. There are real supreme giants behind it. The Eight Supremes should not dare to easily start a life and death battle against the celestial race.

The angel emperor sighed: "Everything is because of it."

When he flipped his palm, a nine-color splendid emperor crown appeared, shining brightly.

"Crown of Eternity?" Ye Chen was slightly startled.

One hundred thousand years ago, the deities pulled out the dark universe with the sacred object of origin. After the burial master of the origin was released, the sacred object of origin did not come back to everyone in the first time.

Naturally, the holy relics of origin such as the Crown of Eternity, the Chaos Thunder Orb, and the Chaos Water Drop were also lost.

Unexpectedly, one hundred thousand years later, he would return to his hands like this.

Ye Chen took the crown of eternity, but the angel emperor didn't stop it, because he knew that the crown of eternity originally belonged to the former, and now it was just returning to the original master.

Looking at the Crown of Eternity, Ye Chen raised his eyebrows slightly, and said, "You mean, the past quasi-giant-level battle was because of the Crown of Eternity?"

The angel emperor said: "Yes, according to the last words left by the ancestors, it is true."

Upon hearing this, Ye Chen frowned.

The Crown of Eternity does not have much special function except to open the place of origin.

At the very least, he had held it for tens of thousands of years, and he had never discovered it.

Moreover, the direction of the place of origin was wrong. It was not the place of origin that had been pioneered in the past, but the burial owner of the origin, which triggered the source of the blood-stained era.

It should be said that the crown of eternity has lost its use.

However, the quasi-giant of the Celestial Race and the Eight Supremes went to war, and even triggered the participation of the extreme quasi-giant the Fate Great Emperor. In the end, he fell, the two Supremes fell, and the Supremes suffered countless deaths and injuries.

All the source is because of the crown of eternity.

Could it be that the Crown of Eternity, there are other secrets that Ye Chen didn't know?

He was convinced that the quasi giants of the Celestial Race would not do useless work, let alone joke for their lives.

The strongest imperial curse that was launched before dying, except for the Celestial Race, anyone who approaches will be attacked.

Obviously, this is to enable the clansmen of the Celestial Race to get this eternal crown.

I am afraid that the Celestial Race knows the secrets of the Eternal Crown.

"It seems that it is getting more and more interesting. The dignified Celestial and Human Clan quasi-giants are not hesitating to fight for it. I am afraid that the origin of the holy relic is not known for its important use. Not to mention, I will know all this sooner or later." Ye Chen smiled. He was no longer a minor repairer.

In the past, his cultivation base was still shallow, even if he became a mighty, a god, a quasi-giant, or even a primordial king, he still had many secrets to know the truth behind.

This is the former sage protecting him, the more he knows, the more dangerous.

Nor does it have enough strength to explore.

But now everything is different. He is already a giant, and Chaos Sea is so big that he can go away.

In the blood-stained era, the eternal giant is still the highest-level chess player, who can control everything and control the situation.

These unknown secrets, he should also know and understand thoroughly.

The angel emperor is a strong person. After a brief period of sadness, he recovered. He looked at Shenrong, Ye Cangqiong, and Ye Chen, and said: "You three, two of you profess the supremacy, and one has become a cover The eternal supreme giant, my cultivation speed is already slow enough, I must prove Dao becoming emperor faster, otherwise, the realm of emperor will not be able to fight side by side with you."

He hopes to break through the border faster and become the Supreme Emperor.

Ye Chen said, "You don't need to be too haste about this. First, you can absorb everything that your ancestors have left behind. In the future, you have the opportunity to become a quasi-giant. You must not pull the seedlings to encourage you. You must come steadily, otherwise it will make your foundation unstable. It will be more difficult to become a quasi-giant in the future."

"Okay." The angel emperor understood himself, but stopped the great inheritance. Because of the arrival of Ye Chen and others, he decided to return to Pangu Universe.

"Let's find someone else." Shenrong said.

Soon after, they came to a battlefield in the Chaos Sea.

On this battlefield, there are a lot of blood spilling on all sides, there are also infinite skeletal remains, and it is also a chaotic primitive world that has been destroyed.

Of course, this is just a battlefield ten thousand years ago, and the wars of the past have long ended.

Ye Chen and the others suddenly shuddered when they saw golden blood everywhere.

This is the golden holy blood of the fighting saints, spilling here.

In the end, several people found a remains of only half, buried in the star space.

It belongs to Qin Wushuang.

Qin Wushuang, a new fighting sage in the family of the First Emperor, and a direct disciple of the Emperor Wushi, is also the supreme talent of Dzogchen. He also left with the emperor of the human race 20,000 years ago to find an opportunity to prove that he became an emperor.

But he did not expect that he suffered a catastrophe, never proclaimed the Supreme Being, and eventually fell here.

Everyone feels sad. Although they don't have much contact during the day, they are all the strongest in the Pangu universe.

Ye Chen sighed slightly. It was hard to cultivate to the Emperor Realm. He had the opportunity to enter the Emperor Realm, but he fell on the road to success. What a pity.

But this is building roads.

One way of cultivating the Tao is to act against the sky. If you don't live or die.

What's more, the line of Fighting Saints is one of the powerful veins of the Pangu universe. It is targeted by foreign races and is even more dangerous in the Chaos Sea.

Ye Chen silently put away Qin Wushuang's remains, and wanted to take it back to the Pangu universe, and personally buried it in the ancestral land of the First Emperor.

Afterwards, according to the directions given by Ye Chen, several people successively found other human emperors and daughters.

For example, the Emperor Nanhuang and Huang Yao, the emperor sisters of the two Nanhuang Emperor clan, also have great luck. They found a nest of the immortal phoenix in the ancient era in the sea of ​​chaos, and the immortal phoenix was here. Nirvana left behind the blood of the immortal phoenix and the ancient phoenix trees that reached the sky, allowing the two emperors to see the ancient phoenix road, turning them into two fairy phoenix eggs, and they are undergoing super evolution just like the old Ye Chen.

One day, once the broken egg comes out, it will be the day when the Supreme Emperor's way will be glimpsed, and the phoenix will be transformed into a phoenix once.

Ye Chen took them away. Even though the Phoenix lair was very stable and there was an immortal king-level formation, the original owner of this lair, the Immortal Phoenix, was a great immortal king-level giant.

But now the Chaos Sea has long been no longer stable, and the eternal giants are born one by one, and this place is not safe.

It can be said that basically no place is safer than the chaotic ancient universe.

Emperor Wuming and Emperor Wushuang are missing.

But Ye Chen pushed the show, and they were covered with a layer of chaos and mist, shielding everything.

He knew that most of the two came to the side of Taishenghuang, and there would be great opportunities.

Later I found other human emperors and princes, some of whom chose to be born later. They have never been to the ten-day realm, and naturally they have never fought side by side with Ye Chen. They just met several times in the past. , Need the help of Shenrong, Ye Cangqiong and others to provide some things that contain these popular breaths to be able to deduce the accurate coordinates.

There is happiness and sadness.

There were emperors and emperors who succeeded in proving the Supreme Dao, but some unfortunately perished.

Not everyone is so lucky, the Chaos Sea now is not what it used to be, it is extremely dangerous, and the supreme dare not say that it must be safe.

"Let's go, without further ado, let's go back to Pangu Universe."

Ye Chen said, and the others nodded.

Ye Cangqiong, Shen Rong and other human emperors have left the Pangu universe for more than 20,000 years, and 20,000 years are enough to change a lot.

Ye Chen didn't want to see an accident in Pangu universe, who gave birth to him.

The Avenue of Chaos runs across the Pangu universe.

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