Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3889: The key to the Great Perfection of Chaos

"Origin Burial Lord?"

Ye Chen was slightly stunned. He remembered that the dark beam bursting out by the Burial of Origin 100,000 years ago did contain chaotic attributes, so that the chaotic divine power in his body could not be assimilated. After receiving the help of several human giants, after refining , And indeed made his Chaos Divine Power surge.

Moreover, the reason why he fell asleep and metamorphosed was not because of the attack and killing of the Emperor of Longevity, but the dark beam of light sprayed from the tenth most mysterious head of the origin burial owner.

In the end, he transformed into a butterfly and became a giant of chaos.

Continuing to trace back, for example, at the beginning of the last path of opening the ancient road of origin, the chaotic light contained chaotic profound meanings that the Supreme Sage Emperor had never grasped, and it was very likely that it was missing one ten thousandth.

These chaotic lights are related to the original burial master, and are the ten-fold majestic pass that suppressed it. It may be the chaotic power drawn from the original burial body.

But if it is true, it is not difficult to understand the last ten-thousandth of the etheric holy emperor's control of the chaos. It should be true that the chaos is perfect and the eternal achievement is.

But in the 100,000 years of Bloodstained Era, there was still no news.

Of course, it is possible that the Supreme Sage Emperor did not completely obtain the last one ten thousandth of the Chaos Profound meaning, but was missing.

The other is that the Emperor Taisheng couldn't achieve Dzogchen.

It is rumored that only by relying on oneself to walk on the Chaos Avenue, and have not proven the Dao Supreme, can you truly achieve the Chaos Great Perfection.

At that time, Taishenghuang only embarked on the road of Chaos Avenue after he became the Supreme Emperor, so he was unable to take the final crucial step.

The Avenue of Chaos contains too many unknown factors. After all, in the final analysis, no one has ever proven the Great Perfection of Chaos.

"Senior, please tell me the reason!" Ye Chen clasped his fists. The above conjectures were just his thoughts. Perhaps Qingtian the Great had a different understanding.

Emperor Qingtian said: "The origin of the Burial Lord is a half-step eternal existence. To be honest, half-step eternity should contain the mystery of'eternity'."

"I believe you should also know that it is rumored that the burial owner of Origin came from the land of origin."

"However, no one has actually visited the place of origin so far. Since the burial owner of the origin came from the place of origin, he should also have the secrets of the place of origin. The place of origin is also believed to contain the secret of achieving'eternity'. "

"Whether the origin burial owner itself is half-step eternal, or it comes from the place of origin, it all involves'eternity'."

"So when the burial owner of the Origin died, it was the real beginning of the blood-stained era."

"In order to fight for the original burial owner, the giants of the heavens and the eternal giants are born at all costs, life and death battles, and even the eternal giants are perished, the chaotic ancient universe collapses, the supreme and the quasi-giant are even more perished during the 100,000 years. a few."

Ye Chen deeply agrees that only these two points are enough to prove the relationship between the origin burial master and'eternal'.

Moreover, there was a feeling back then.

It seemed that the chaotic power he and the Supreme Sage Emperor master belonged to the bright chaos.

And the chaotic power that the origin burial master masters is dark chaos.

Ye Chen said again: "Perhaps it is possible. If the original burial master is not there, is there any other possibility of achieving Chaos Dzogchen?"

"Become the controller of the fiftieth chaotic ancient universe." Qingtian said, "You should also know that throughout the ages, only forty-nine chaotic ancient universes have existed in the sea of ​​chaos, and the existence of chaotic ancient universes, some also exist. Special meaning. For example, the Primordial Realm is the first chaotic ancient universe of the Chaos Sea in ancient and modern times. It is the largest and contains infinite luck, so many fairy kings can be born. The alien ancient universe is the tenth chaotic ancient universe, which represents the'ten'. Consummate and flawless, and thus no weaker than the prehistoric immortal world."

"The Pangu universe is even more special. It is the only eternal ‘Pangu’ in the legend’s exhausted and integrated chaotic ancient universe, and it is also believed to contain the key to transcendence."

"Of course, I think that the truly detached ancient Chaos universe should be the fiftieth."

"There are nine or fifty of the forty avenues, representing the'one' of escape and detachment."

"Therefore, I suspect that as long as you become the master of the fiftieth ancient chaotic universe, you do not need to achieve the Great Perfection of Chaos, you will directly transcend and achieve eternity."

Hearing this, Ye Chen looked straight.

He had also heard of this statement in the prehistoric fairy world.

There are forty-nine ancient Chaos universes in Chaos Sea.

The secret "Forty-nine Fairy Pass" that fell from the place of origin has only forty-nine levels, and the forty-ninth level represents the ultimate of giants, such as the emperor of heaven, the first generation, the emperor of the universe, the ancestor of the origin, the ancestor of the origin holy family, etc. .

All of these seem to illustrate the importance of the fiftieth.

And he owns the fiftieth Chaos Universe. Although he is still in the growth stage, once he grows to the extreme, does it mean that he can become the one who escapes, transcend the Chaos Sea and become the ultimate eternity?

Chaos controls nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine.

The detached One, the fiftieth master of the ancient chaos universe.

Inexplicably, he thinks all this is possible.

Become Chaos Consummation, and then Chaos Small Universe becomes the fiftieth complete Chaos Ancient Universe.

Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine, plus ‘one’.

Ten thousandths!

Chaos Dzogchen!


Suddenly, Ye Chen felt a sense of enlightenment. He felt that this was most likely a way to achieve Chaos Dzogchen, so he had to try.

Moreover, he hopes to do it.

Because he owns a small chaotic universe, and in the future, it will become the ancient chaotic universe, that is, the fiftieth chaotic ancient universe that is detached and escaped in the legend.

Ye Chen suddenly said, "Senior, how strong is Shidai?"

Shidai is the biggest black hand in the ages, and is the worthy first person in the alien ancient universe. Even if it is other foreign giants, they are quite obedient to Shidai, showing the strength and status of Shidai.

He suspected that Shidai was one of the rulers of the blood-stained future.

And the Pangu universe myth was shattered because of the beginning.

When there is a chance, Ye Chen naturally wanted to kill the first generation.

Emperor Qingtian showed a solemn color, with deep fear, and said: "I can only say that it is unfathomable."


Simple four words describe the power of the original era.

Strong as Emperor Qingtian, a generation of Heavenly Dao, who has smelted the two most powerful chaotic ancient universe heavenly Daoists, still has such a taboo about the first generation.

"Really?" Ye Chen murmured, but his eyes were extremely flaming, and his fighting spirit was boiling. If one day meets Shidai, he will fight without fear.

Although Shidai is strong, he is not a weak one.

After more than two hundred thousand years of cultivation, at this point, what fear he has, even the ancient giants can suppress it.

He has an invincible will!

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