Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 3896: The fairy king comes forward

"Little friend, you are finally willing to come back."

The Emperor Profound God was frightened, and the scenes just now made him, the ancient emperor who lived for two or three epochs, also frightened.

When Pangu is closed, the strongest people are even more respectful.

This fighting saint king is really invincible!

Finally, Jianmang was shattered, and the three giants rushed out, but they could only watch helplessly.

An alien giant roared: "Fighting the Saint King, hand over the Jieyuan Emperor, otherwise it will inevitably break your Pangu universe today."

Pangu Guanzhong's strongest man was frightened.

Emperor Jiyuan?

Isn't it one of the eternal giants of the alien race?

Now he was suppressed and captured by the Saint King of Fighting?

Human Emperor and Cang Yan Datianzun looked at him in surprise.

Ye Chen's black hair was draped, and he looked like a Chaos Demon God, and his body was surging with incomparable Chaos Qi, unparalleled, and coldly said: "Get out!"

He had just suppressed an eternal tycoon and fought **** battles with the three eternal tycoons. Ye Chen's blood was boiling, and his fighting spirit was at its peak. He was unparalleled and fearless.

Even if the switch continues to fight, he is still fearless and can continue to fight.

"Battle Saint King, you really want to die, and let the entire Pangu universe pull down for your funeral!" The ancestor of the early Yuan Dynasty said, one of the foreign giants was him. When he first fought with Ye Chen, he also felt that the latter was Terrible, not seen in 100,000 years, not only survived the attack of the Emperor of Longevity in the past, but also became such a terrifying chaotic giant, it is incredible.

However, the Emperor Ji Yuan must not have an accident.

The supreme emperor and even the quasi-giant can have troubles, but the eternal giants can’t. This is the ultimate foundation for a chaotic ancient universe to truly suppress everything. No other race can tolerate the fall of an eternal giant, and it will hurt the entire alien ancient universe. It's huge.

Emperor Qingtian said solemnly: "Fight against the Saint King, hand over the Emperor Jiyuan."

Ye Chen didn't say a word, but his power was terrifying. It appeared in all time and space in ancient and modern times, explaining everything with his actions.

Want to hand it over?

Big deal!

When Pangu Pass was closed, Emperor Profound God looked at Emperor Qingtian angrily and said, "Emperor Qingtian, why are you still stubborn at this time? You must stand on the side of the alien race."

Countless people on this side of the Pangu universe are angry.

In the past, if it had not been for the sudden rebellion of the Great Emperor Qingtian, Pangu Universe would not have been defeated so miserably.

His departure caused the death of several ancient great emperors in the Pangu universe, and the massacre of one hundred thousand tribes, and even caused the great collapse of the heavens of the entire universe. The heavens of almost an entire epoch were incomplete, and they could not become the tenth heaven supreme arrogant.

Later, it was Ye Chen who turned out to break the shackles.

Regarding Emperor Qingtian's defection, the infinite creatures in the entire Pangu universe felt deeply disgusted and wished to slash them.

Ye Chen looked at Emperor Qingtian, with endless sadness in his heart, but on the surface he couldn't reveal the slightest.

This great emperor is the real great man, he will not hesitate to bear the eternal infamy and curse for the Pangu universe.

Emperor Qingtian looked calm, and said lightly: "The winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit. Pangu universe is destined to perish, and this seat will naturally not follow it."

"You traitor!" Profound God the Great roared.

At this time, the Emperor of the Swordsman said: "Everyone, please retreat, the Pangu universe must not be deceived. Once a war breaks out, you can only invite Daoists from the prehistoric immortal realm to come. I believe that you foreign races can't get the slightest benefit.

After the blood-stained era, the terrible shock of the alien races, the prehistoric immortal world that relied on the first to suppress the Chaos Sea could not sit still. Many supreme immortal kings were born in shock, and they have a past alliance with Pangu Universe, so Pangu Universe can invite us. Reinforcement of the prehistoric fairy world.

In the final analysis, this is also the most fundamental reason why the alien race has not dared to really break out a full-scale war against the Pangu universe for 100,000 years. Otherwise, the alien race has a supreme giant with more than two hands, which is simply not what the current Pangu universe can do. Contending.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the emperor said coldly: "The Great Emperor of Samsara, don’t think that the ancient universe of our world is afraid with the prehistoric immortal world as a backer. If you don’t release the emperor of the abyss, even if you launch a full-scale war, the ancient universe of our world will not hesitate. ."

The Emperor Jiyuan is very important to the ancient alien universe.

But how could Ye Chen let go? Once let go, Emperor Qingtian would be in danger.

Emperor Qingtian, but Pangu Universe is an important back-hand of Alien Ancient Universe, it is very important and should not be lost.

The myth was greatly shattered, and the Great Emperor Qingtian was burdened with eternal infamy and endured endless grief. Only then did he successfully dormant the ancient universe of foreign races.

The emperor obviously understands one thing, and said: "In this case, I will invite fellow Taoists from the prehistoric immortal realm to come, or, by the way, count as a **** enmity that has shattered myths!"

A majestic emperor light rushed from his Tianling Gai, and a huge portal supporting the heaven and the earth evolved on Pangu Pass. The fairy light overflowed through the prehistoric fairy world.

But after seeing the majestic fairy gate, there is a magnificent and infinite immortal world, and a supreme immortal king is looming, looking at this place, and it seems to be surprised.

Human Emperor said: "You fellow daoists, foreign races open up a full-scale battle to start a full-scale battle, and you have no choice but to ask fellow daoists to come forward and frighten you."

"Emperor Samsara, is the foreign race going to attack the Pangu universe?"

In the immortal gate, there is an immortal king who opens his mouth, the figure is misty like a smoke, and the real form is not visible. The fairy light curls up and is very mysterious.

His eyes pierced through the endless sky and saw all kinds of things in this world.

Another immortal king's eye light penetrated through Pangu Pass and landed on the three eternal giants of foreign races outside the pass, saying: "Emperor Qingtian, Emperor Yuan ancestor, Emperor Yuanding, do you want to ignore the covenant of the giants and insist on starting war?"


A supreme immortal king said indifferently: "The blood-stained era was the first to set off the ancient universe of your world. The seal of the original burial master was broken, and it has a great relationship with you, but now there is still a big battle to invade the Pangu universe. You know, I will never sit idly by."

The three supreme immortal kings spoke in a cold tone, completely fearless of foreign races.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

At the immortal gate, a series of unparalleled Immortal King's light pillars are soaring into the sky, revealing a stalwart figure of the Supreme Immortal King, looking at this place in the distance.

Obviously, foreign races dared to invade the Pangu universe, and the immortal kings of the prehistoric immortal world would not be able to sit idly by, and would definitely take action.

Outside Pangu Pass, the three giants of foreign races looked gloomy, and the intervention of the prehistoric immortal world was as powerful as the ancient universe of foreign races.

In the final analysis, the Primordial Realm is recognized as the first Chaos Ancient Universe in the Chaos Sea. There are many immortal kings, and how stunning the world is. Even if the alien race has many eternal giants, they are extremely afraid.

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